Was on duty Sat and Sun so came up and slept here on Friday night. Sat is cleaning day, detentions for those who have them (severals hours of cleaning the school) and an outing after lunch. Our routines seem to be working because the entire house was sorted by 11am - a record. We decided to go back to Morewa pools for a swim and off we went on the bus. It was a relatively hot day 38o but cooler than last time. There was a lifeguard person on duty so did not bother to stand vigiliantly by the diving board this time, but sat on a chair under a shade awning and surveyed the pools from there. Did note a white cocatoo in a tree at the back of the pool who was nesting - have taken a photo but not sure it will be any good. Had some drama on the way home when the bus would not start after numerous tries. Usually a push start will do the trick however, with all of us off the bus and the boys pushing as well the bus was pushed up the road and around the corner still with no luck. Some fiddling around the battery area and another go at starting and joy of joys, it started and we were off. Biggest excitement of the day was sighting several wedge tailed eagles on the way home. I initally thought they were crows/ravens as they were black but they were much bigger and when they were in flight there was a wedge of red on their tail. They usually are seen in pairs but I saw several sitting on a tree before they flew off. Our driver said there was possibly something dead where they were sittting.
Sunday a very quiet day, the boys did not come up again after breakfast so had the place to ourselves. I cooked a BBq dinner for all the girls on one of the stoves in the kitchen and that was another sight to behold. Found a black apron, and was cooking on industrial sized hot plate, mounds of chops, steak and sausages in around 40o heat by then. All seemed to go down well though. Didn't know where the fans got turned on so a haze of smoke went through the kitchen and dining room. There was a Dolly Parton CD on the deck of the radio so cranked that up whilst weilding the tongs and avoiding the spitting fat off the chops.
Monday I scored a trip into Geraldton while on school business and managed a quick Nana shop at Best for Less, a Postie Plus/Warehouse type clothes shop. Got back to find parcel from home, post from Dec/Jan from Dio and some tapes from Mum. It was like Christmas/birthday all over again. While I was up at school to get my mail and to see if the email was back up, I was asked if I would like to play 'corporate bowls' with several other staff who were making up a couple of teams to play on Tuesday nights. My workmate was keen and said we could swap depending on when we worked - so, I got to play last night!!!!!!
I was picked up at 6.15pm in the borrowed car of our boss (it fitted 8 of us) and off we went to Mullewa bowling club. We got there early so I could be shown how to bowl LOL and to get some practice in. Somehow I got the short straw and was 1st bowler for our team! I got it that the markings on the balls meant the small design is on the inside as you bowl and that will curve it towards to kitty (small white ball at the other end of the green for those playing at home). Bowling involves a certain amount of bending as you bowl - I was told put left hand on left knee and almost kneel .... my response was Tui's (yeah right) which went somewhat over the aussi's heads. The only bowling I have done in the past years is 10 pin when speed and oomph may get the skittles down so the first practice shots I had scorched up the turf (I forgot to mention it is a turf green not grass or should I say lawn) and went into the back gutter. Coaching by one of the Bros who came with us, helped me get the line sorted and a few more goes helped me pull up on the speed and length I was bowling. I forgot one bowl to have the small design on the inside and after launching said bowl was mortified to see it shoot clear across the next teams pitch!! It got a few laughs though (once again spreading the joy!!) as well as the several times I had to launch the kitty to begin the next games when we had won the previous round. The first time the kitty went only half way down our stretch of ground and everyone had to bowl short and thereafter the kitty seemed to be only about a foot away from the end gutter. (I hope you are all impressed with some of the technical terms - kitty, line etc that I picked up last night). We were playing the Railway Hotel team, a team unbeaten, with members who play 'pennants' (competition bowls) and unbelievably we won, even with the handicap of the kiwi bowler ( as I was bowling one kitty down, I did make a small reference to underarm bowling, heh heh, which also got a good rise). I ended up by not disgracing myself with a few skillful bowls and thought maybe genes will out after all as I improved over the night (channelling the Great Grandfather and Ronald). It was lots of laughs with friendly rivalry between our teams, finished up with a supper reminescent of do's up at Kariaotahi School (sandwhiches, savouries and tom sauce, no cakes though) with plates of food at every table in the club rooms. Bumped into the librarian there who was playing for another team and now know a few more locals to say hello to. All this for $5. I was given heaps on the way home and ribbed that my workmate wouldn't get a look in next week, that I would get hooked (you do get ever so slightly competitive LOL) but will take my turn week about. What I have forgotten to tell you was that we were playing with winds gusting the entire game, these winds, part of the cyclone that has been doing the rounds in WA. The sky was black as the ace of spades all around us (we played in floodlights in the end) and it looked like it was raining somewhere. Most people were in jackets and vests (it was quite cold - about 26o) and now need to seriously think about some warmer clothes for days like this.
Ta da, today it was raining again and the temp has dropped to around 18o which equals winter around here. It has been raining steadily all day and got wet coming to and fro. Have resorted to wearing a chemise under a shirt and shoes and sox. Got wet on the way up to work and have since been lent an umbrella which I will be greatful to.
But wait there is more...... and on that note I will sign off and try and get some sleep. I have just put another load of washing on and changed dry clothes for wet in the driers. Its blowing outside and I have water dripping inside! while the rain continues to fall. Will relate today's high drama tomorrow so you'all come back, you hear!
Love Lynn
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
1 comment:
You win! Can't compete with wedge tail boidies and visions of you bending over competitively. Off to seek a therapist to help me cope with several recurring visions.
Glad the hamster (or is it a blue-tongued lizard over there) is back turning the wheel that drives the cyber -communications.
Got Matthew's email advising us of your temprorary techo-blackspot - and the timely departure of James' tooth. Was starting to wonder if you had gone "walkabout".
Looking forward to the email about your next gumboot-wearing adventure.........
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