Or the effort one makes to get to a party!! More about that soon. Taking up where I left off yesterday in Geraldton, got dropped off at Coles mall and had three hours!! Decided I needed a hair trim as fringe had become annoying and was able to get an appointment. Grabbed some lunch - gluten free spinach and egg quiche (this for Laura - had rice all through it with the egg holding it together) very tasty and with cappucino $8.70 which I thought was pretty good. Of course, ran in to people from school straight away LOL so am feeling this mall is becoming my local! Got my hair cut and mentioned I was going to do an anti-hag treatment when I got home (colour to the uninitiated) when they said they could do it right then. Bliss - I didnt dare ask to start off with because being a Saturday I thought they would be raced off their feet. $93 later and felt like a new me and with soft hair (not bore water to wash with) and 1/2 hour to get the remaining groceries I forgot on Wednesday. Baking powder - does the whole world not use Edmonds!!! I realised when I had 4 brands to choose from and none of them Edmonds that possibly why I miss so many things when I am shopping is because in my speed I am looking for the familiar which may not be the brand carried. I found this out when looking for Bisto gravy mix - looked frantically last week up and down the shelf, bought beef cubes in desparation thinking I would go all pioneer and make from scratch and yesterday noticed that what they use here is Gravox!!! Managed to get the right size pyrex dish to fit the oven but again the baking trays are too big! Uneventful trip home, except I noticed that in the last week there were flowering shrubs here and there already since the rain. I think they are a sort of banksia with salmony pink bottom bits and lemony cream bits at the top. Yes, thank you to all those who have pointed out the David Attenborough theme to my journal, but it is noticing the differences that makes everything exciting and keeps me realising that I am somewhere completely different.
If I didnt need any more reminding, going to a party in the middle of nowhere last night continues to be an experience. Left here to be driven about 12k to our destination when hello, another stream to ford. Our driver turned all the lights and electrics off as this time we were in a normal car and not a 4WD vehicle and we got safely through and then hello again a quick swerve as we came out to miss a KANGAROO that leapt out in front of the car. I never saw it till the last minute (sitting in the back seat) but did see it's mate on the left hand side of the car as we passed by. Another stream, this time deep enough to warrent windscreen wipers on for the amount of water that got thrown up as we went through (this is the one that cut the boys off on Friday) and two more near misses with two more kangaroos and we were there. Have decided, outings at night are not for the faint hearted. The party was by way of a housewarming put on by our chef so had very nice nibbles that would not have gone amiss anyway and has set the bar way too high for the rest of us. Garlic prawns, and a eggplant around capscicum fill with cream cheese pinwheel were my two favourties. It was nice to have the chance to talk to folk out of the work setting even though we were all from work and even though I was only going to go for a short while, yes you guessed it, was one of the last to leave at around 1am. Got a lift back with two neighbours and nary a kangaroo was seen this time of the morning. Maybe will just have to arrive early and leave extremely late from any future gatherings LOL.
Only had my duty free Gin to take (with accompanying lime and lemonade - diet of course LOL) as they do not sell alcohol in supermarkets here. Did spot a wine/beer shop on the way home so will have to frequent that in the future.
Woke up finally and got up around 9.30am this morning because I could and proceeded to cook roast lamb and vegies for lunch. I had thawed the lamb out before I knew about the party and if I had waited any longer to cook it, it would have been able to rejoin the herd on its own foot! so to speak. My new pyrex dishes did the trick, but had moments with the gas oven. Had it on about 180o and it did not seem to be doing much so put it on 200o and things began to cook. Will have to do further investigation on how to get the best out of a gas oven! I have always preferred electric myself mainly because my recipies all fit with how they workLOL.
Thank you Kay for reminding me about ankles, I am happy to say the heat does not appear to effect them too much. I did actually notice they were reasonalbly slim the other day funnily enough in comparison to when I was in Europe but then I use the word slim in a relative sense (to what you might ask). I think it is because I am walking to and fro to my house at least two times a day and then up and down the stairs numerous times which is my current fitness program LOL.
Am waiting for the girls to come back from the pools in Geraldton and to go back on duty so will sign off for now. Brett, email me on hotmail so I can get yr address as I do not seem to have it. Mum will have mine if you don't.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
1 comment:
Sounds like you had fun at the party! Hope the whole settling in thing is going well. No Edmonds baking powder? "sigh" Take care, Laura XO
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