Forgot to mention in case you hadnt noticed, have changed the blog template from ancient to a bit more modern which I thought was in keeping with this adventure LOL
Breaking news to hand, have just received an invitation to another party this weekend!!!! Its a 60th which I will not be able to attend as I am on duty so my off sider will be able to go to this one. I have been promised a plate of goodies to be sent up though as the party is happening at a house I can look out at from the boarding house. Am having more of a social life in the outback than in the middle of the city... go figure.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
Hmmmm sounds like Tardun is greener than Otaua. How you have acclimatised ! Fancy finding 32 degrees cool comparatively cool.
Happy birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Ly - ynn, Happy birthday to you.....
Happy Happy Birthday Lyn. Keep on trucking! Can't wait to hear what you will be driving! Love Val xxx
Happy happy birthday, birthday, birthday, happy happy birthday, and best wishes. I wont do the next bit, counting out as we clap the years. Think one hand clapping!! Hope you have had a great day, Thinking of you, love and hugs, Mum
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