Or be careful what you wish for!!! On Tuesday night I heard the sound of rain on my roof. I leapt out of bed (11pm) and lo and behold, there was precipitation - 1.4 mils to be exact. Wednesday morning I was off to Geraldton for the second week in a row with one of the Bros. He does a fruit and veg run for the staff plus heaps of other pick ups/drop offs for the school. Called into Mullewa library which I joined last week. Dropped off my 3 books and got 5 which is the limit for next week. The librarian greeted me, remembering me from last week and seeing my enthusiasm said she will order in any book I want from other libraries. I say library, it is the size of the average lounge in NZ with DVD's and videos. My aim is to read every book there LOL. It started raining just out of Mullewa and then rained and rained and rained all day. I could not believe I could get excited about rain after the webfoot and feathers weather of Waikato. I got to drive from Moonyooka (love that name) which is a garage/shop on the side of the road just past the airport to just past the Mullewa turnoff before we hit the dirt/gravel road again. As it was about 6pm I kept my eyes peeled for kangaroos as it is that time onward they are likely to leap out in front of cars. In fact I did see one as a FOX tryed to pull it away from the side of the road. And then further on the dirt road there was this round ball of a thing in the middle of the road. Brother said it was an echidna - a spiny anteater I think ( I need one for a pet as it could feast itself stupid at my place). Brother stopped the car so I could leap out and have a look close up after I had ascertained it would not leap, bite, sting or anything else. It had its pointy little snout (think slightly bigger than a hedgehog) going hell for leather drinking water out of a stream that was flowing in the middle of the road. The road was pretty hairy just after the Mullewa turnoff as water had started covering the road in several places. We got back to Tardun, it was still raining and there were kids everywhere jumping about playing in the rain. Channelling Dad, when I checked the next morning 39.6 mls had fallen that day. The last time it had rained like that was 2004 and before that 1999 though that was less. It has been two years since it has rained at Tardun so now you can understand the kids having a ball. And it still continued to rain. I saw a rainbow yesterday afternoon (have more photographic evidence - and everyone is laughing at the crazy kiwi taking photos of all the weather!) and this mornings count was 26mls. Of course the slight downside to the rain (very hard to find one out here) is that the building leaked in several places and drenched a brand new classroom, one of the water tanks sprouted leaks all the way round about 2 foot up from the bottom! and there were various other buildings that leaked. Most excitement of all that the boys at Wandalgu were completely cut off until after lunch today until a bedford type truck was able to ford the flooded roads. They were unable to get up here until 3.30pm today. I heard that one of the staff was driving along the road from Mullewa and drove into a hole and had to crawl out of the window to escape, the car being slowly swept up with all the water. One of the Brothers had to get the tractor out so the local primary school bus could be pulled out of the mire. I am going to take photos tomorrow because I swear the ground has greened over night. There are buds on the gum trees on my front "lawn" and one of the bushes outside my kitchen window has new tips 3/4"long.
Of course, the trick now is to have rain through "winter" again I believe which is the best time for the crops but this is certainly a good start. The temp dropped and for the last two nights I have had a blanket (cotton air cell) on and last night the air condtioning off! I even changed into a long sleeved shirt at dinner time. (One of the girls has just come along and says to say hello to everyone.)
I am off this weekend and am getting a lift into Geraldton again tomorrow (got to take the chances when you can) and there is a house warming tomorrow night for one of the staff if the roads are passable. I am going to see if I can get a lift to that. Sunday I may just blob but who knows what could happen next. Thanks for the comments. Had better go and see what everyone is up to as it is a bit quiet although most of the girls are watching a movie. We had Mass tonight (which we have every Friday night) so am up on the fact it is Lent, Wednesday having been Ash Wednesday.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
Hi Lynn,
Great to see your blog up and running again. Am really anjoying reading about your new adventure! Sounds like the rain was pretty momentous! Tim and I love Shameless - the dad reminds me of Ozzy Osbourne LOL. It's on UKTV here. Allthe best - looking forward to more.
OOOh , jealous about the rain. Still, better be careful what we ask for or we, too, could end up with a deluge.
There really hasn't been any rain since you left - I've drunk more coffee than there has been water going into the tank since Viv left on Dec 19. (And she's back. Off to tea tonight at Casa Lee)
You are sounding very David Attenborough in your encounters with the Australian flora and fauna.
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