Just when I thought the water titles were over, I opened the curtains after waking up the girls this morning and OMG its raining again!!!! So this could go down at any time and I may not get home today as I have no wet weather gear at all. I did think I had got most of the things I need but at this rate will have to invest in a dryazabone raincoat (very McLouds daughter's now LOL) and they dont have gumboots over here the girls tell me so will have to investigate what the appropriate footwear might be. If I have to walk through streams to ascertain depth at any time, it may be thigh high waders!!!!. The trick will be if the boys can get back up this morning so we are waiting with baited breath so to speak.
Yesterday I ended spending entirely at school therefore missing N0 2 son's birthday as was not able to use any phones to ring International as they have a toll bar type thing going on. Grrrr
Well I have seen my first snake (not in the grass)!! The girls killed one down by the horse yards on Sunday and put it in a coke bottle, filled with water and bought it up to show me. It was smaller than some eels I have seen but still poisonous and could have killed someone if it had bitten them! It's technical name is a King Brown. The scarey thing is it didnt look venomous - note to self to get book out on poisonous beasties of Australia next time I go to the library. Forwarned is forearmed. There was a 'mouse spider' down at the laundry last week that falls into the extremely unpleasant basket and my colleague said she stomped on it to kill it, it is big enough to have crunched when she did it. This is up there with iccky bits that I will not be doing - I would be running. Some flying bug with at least 6 legs flew at me last night while I was making toast and my first involuntary action was to scream and then freeze while one of my farming girls picked it off me. Need to go and get everyone to breakfast. Catch you later if the email stays up.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
Obviously continuing the David Attenborough thread here..... I'm definitely impressed with your extreme courage in the face of a dead snake... very pioneer spirit. And am truly impressed with the inference that you would be moving at a faster pace than a brisk stroll, (I had to check the quote "I would be running" several times to confirm you had actually used that phrase.) Deeply disturbing images.
A bit more rain today (1cm in the tank - had a celebratory reckless flush of the toilet) but, you definitely win in the comparative precipitation category.
Hey Lynn,
Did you put the flying beastie on toast?
Great to catch up on the news. All well here, Mum, Dad and Noelene coming ova for dinner, another fine day, washing flapping on the line...
Happy day-before-birthday.
Toying with the idea of giving you an early morning wake-up call before I go to work - which would make it 3am your time...... or you may have to wait 'til later on at night - when you could possibly be out partaying and I'll just lave a message on your answer phone.
Have a parcel here, collecting bits and pieces from other well-wishers and I'll send it over possibly early next week, after the last bits are added... just in case you thought we didn't care.
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