Halleluja and other offerings upwards - after a week on what is loosely called the internet here (not to belabour a point) I have a flight home and back from Perth and a connecting one back to Geralton booked more or less on the dates I wanted. Am flying Qantas as they were the easiest to navigate on line from here, NZ all full and could not connect with Virgin or Pacific Blue so ya boo sucks to them! (Small regression to childhood there LOL) I do not have to recycle the first born to get home so that is good too. Am thinking of booking from NZ for my Christmas flights when I get back so I do not have to go through the trauma of almost connecting multiple times before hitting the jackpot so to speak.
Today is warmer with a gentle breeze, more than a zepher, less than brisk! Got a lift into Morewa this morning for a shopping expedition - no fauna out because it was too cold (20o) I wore my boots,jeans, and a zip top over my shirt and have peeled all bar shirt and jeans as it has warmed up. Went to a stationery shop (bliss), the IGA and a bakery/cafe (I kid you not). Had a cappucino and feta and spinach pie (with pine nuts)with change from $10. Another brilliant cappucino so that is two in a row (previous one in Geraldton) that have been perfect. We doubled the population of Morewa by shopping today as I went with the workmate's husband, daughter and three of the girls. A good time was had by all and in my lightening twirl through IGA,(spent to long in the stationary shop) I spotted several things that will warrant a return.
Yr 10 are away on camp - very much like OPC - they raft and have to trek using a map, find their own camp, cook their own food etc. They are accompanied by some staff but they do not tell them they are going the wrong way or do anything in the way of preparing meals. Was not sorry to miss this one. As it was the bus broke down before they got too far, and they came back and took two mini vans instead.
Speaking of transport, battery is being charged for the ute and put in this weekend, being rego'd on Monday and a mechanical going over next week so it's getting nearer.
Had the carpets cleaned yesterday throughout the girls boarding, post the fire extinguisher covering the dorm floor. Got the whole lot done as it was not worth coming from Geraldton to do two rooms. We have some VIP's coming on Monday so have been lifting the game with cleaning - getting rid of things lying about like skirting board lengths, aluminium lengths of goodness knows what, clothing from over a year ago when the boys were here, broken chairs, plastic crates etc. Worked most of yesterday during time off but got the bug and am pleased with the results. More cleaning has ensued today with Saturday detentions - 4 hours of solid cleaning work outside around the grounds and anywhere else that is needed - great threat during the week as it is not fun and no one wants to be on it.
Have just been told by workmate that her boys have seen a snake downstairs hmmmmmmmm will have to go and ascertain where exactly and maybe put my boots on again.
Forgot to mention how I am getting to Perth to come home - I am catching a bus at Tardun (17k away) to Perth - it runs twice a week!!!! there and twice a week back. I will catch it around 7.30 -8 am and get into NZ 12.35pm next day. The plane in Perth is 12.15am - I will have got there at 8pm the previous day and can mooch about the airport for four hours, visiting duty free heh heh. This way I will get to see what it is like to go to Perth by road, albeit slower by bus than car. Am coming back on the 26th as I thought I would like to do ANZAC day in NZ. It's a month to go so will start counting the sleeps soon LOL.
Speaking of sleeps - in the big purge up here and the need to put beds in for more girls to come (up to 26 now with 10 on the waiting list) there was an old bed stead spare, got it delivered to mine and yesterday when I went home put it together again. This involved a little swearing (actually several well chosen words were used repeatedly!!) while I tried to drop the wirewove base into the frame. Was in Nana Dot mode so persisted until done (she who moved furniture about at the drop of a hat). I am noticing that many skills and attitudes of those no longer with us are coming to the fore for me and just how much I must have soaked from them as a child (2 world wars and a depression worths of coping LOL). I will give it the acid test tonight to see if it is any more comforatable than the rack I have been sleeping on.
Had better go home and check on my herbs, have given them time outside in the rain for pure rainwater to keep them going and do not want them to wilt in the wind.
Most of the girls have gone off for a mud fight with the boys (supervised - I kid you not!) so is very peaceful up here LOL.
Thanks for all the comments and I understand that some have printed my posts off for others to keep in the loop.
Catch you later.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
I am having several visuals of the maiden voyage of the new bed (Princess and the Pea?). I am expecting an hilarious next blog entry with key words including "collapsed", swearing", "bruises", "more swearing".
Also looking forward to more news about the snake.
How are the boots wearing in?
am also imagining beds colapsing in great heaps!! Sorry to be so dubious of your bed making skills Lynn. Great news about your journey home, am really looking forward to catching up - it's been a long wait!
By the way, you should sprinkle sand over the doorways if you have a snake inside - you can tell if it has gone out again - either that or another one has come in!!
You wanted adventure, and it looks like you have it every day. Rest assured that your blogs are being read by many not on computers. May and Les were so interested in your exploits that I fax them a copy.(not on email)You will be racking up air points at a rate on knots. We have had rain!! drought is broken to a degree.
love and hugs, Mum
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