Boarders Weekend is coming to a close. Didn't get Friday off as we still had three girls and the WM and I had boys left behind as well to supervise most of the day. I then went to the WM's place after school and stayed with her boys, cooking dinner etc until she and H got back from picking up the girls in Gton.
Saturday and Sunday was spent riding a good amount of each day. On Saturday morning caught the horses from two paddocks away (would have walked a good at least out to the old haybarn on the farm at home). Chance was standing in a pond and as I walked up to it, I saw a fox run off into the undergrowth from the other side - mangey looking thing that it was. It's amazing what taking a bit of feed with you will do - Chance was very easy to catch when I gave him some heh, heh - bribery works with horses too!! The WM and husband were coming for a ride so while we were catching another horse we ended up by all going for a walk through the dump to look at the wild flowers which were amazing. OMG, seeing the dump up close - it reminds me of farm practice in days of yore - the Health and Safety alone with old washing machines that kids could get locked in, broken computers, wire, every sort of rusting vehicle, wire, etc would also have the ecological people having a collective stroke. What was more amazing, is that I came away with collecting nothing to take home LOL. There was even a dead pig lying out to one side!! and many a bone from pre-deceased and long gone beasties. Recognised other pig skeletons and possibly sheep.
Got back to saddle up the horses and I rode Chance again. We were out for about three hours at just a walk which was good. Chance is like riding a 44 gallon drum - he is about as wide - its still the getting on board that is interesting. This time after trying to haul myself into the saddle from ground level - the saddle started slipping off as all my weight went onto it LOL, it was decided to put him into a loading pen and I managed to leap! onto him from standing up on the fence. I was impressed that I could at least get my foot into the stirrup from standing on the ground this time as I have been practicing throwing my leg up on the bench and the dining room table at home LOL. Have had to cope with cramp as I began this practice, but must be stretching ligaments out now!
Went a different way this time and ended up where the airstrip! is, to see a wreath flower. These are truely amazing - a whole lot of flowers that grow in a circle exactly like a wreath - their preferred place to grow is somewhere near gravel that has been disturbed (is their medication for that?). The airstrip is a track in the middle of nowhere marked by white painted tyres along each side of the track - not sure the last time it was used, if ever. Because more wreath flowers had been seen at the gravel pit the week before, we called in their on the way home. This time the wreath flowers were pinky as opposed to plain white in the first one I saw. Will have to try and get a photo off the WM as my camera is still out of action.
Being a glutton for punishment went for another ride yesterday. Thankfully it wasn't until after lunch so I missed seeing one of the other horses being put down and taken away. One of the mares ripped her hoof nearly right off the day before on a wire fence (not one of the ones we were riding, but while she was in a skirmish with others in the paddock) and it could not be repaired. The unfortunate thing when you deal with animals is from time to time, they have to be put down but its never a pleasant thing to deal with.
This time I rode another horse called Misty, a somewhat smaller horse so instead of nearly doing the splits while riding Chance, it felt more like I remembered and was much more comfortable ride even though Misty danced and tried to go home several times when I wanted her to go in the other direction. Each time we managed to go in the direction I wanted heh, heh and because we were only walking, it was another calm outing. Biggest excitement was seeing two blue tongued lizards and two emus. The first lizard I missed until it was pointed out as it was lying very still and almost camoflaged (sp?) and the second one was lying on the side of a track, basking in the sun. As we were riding down the road towards the Old Camp a good distance up ahead, two emus shot out of one field, crossed the road and ran through a wheatfield to our left. Can they run!!!! They were too faraway for the horses to spook - and I certainly gave thanks for that.
It would seem that about 2 1/2 hours is my comfort limit riding at the moment as the last half hour both days I have been in a deal of pain with both ankles and knees (will be looking at maybe some strenthening exercises for those bits too this week). And yesterday towards the end, the nether regions were feeling a mort tender which isn't too bad for two days and about 6 hours riding!!!. We were going out again today but other school stuff came up instead so have been and brushed Chance and Misty instead and let them out into the main paddock with the others. Maybe there is a new job opportunity - working with horses LOL.
I believe there was a soupcon of rain last night - I fell asleep by about 8pm while watching a DVD, woke up and put it on again, fell asleep and woke up as the credits were rolling and thought, why not go to bed and sleep in comfort - which I did. Watched series one of 'Outrageous Fortune' on Saturday night and had a few chuckles. Have 2 & 3 to go. It's nearly lunch time so need to go home and get all my horse riding clothes washed - the horses are shedding their winter coats and I think I have picked up most of their coats on my fleecy jumpers. Am on duty again this afternoon so will also go and pack for coming back up later today.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
Ooooh the visuals of you practising lifting your leg over the horse by using the kitchen table.
Rained heavily over the weekend again and the driveway was flooded again. Did I mention that it has rained every weekend since May?
Have got so used to watching the Olympics over the past two weeks that it feels a bit strange watching other programmes. Haven't seen the closing ceremony yet as it was too late to stay up. Intrigued that Jimmy Page was part of the performance. Funny to be watching the preparation for the London Olympics having been in (*unashamed place-dropping moment*) Trafalgar Square when it was announced that London would have the 2012 Olympics. And, of course, the next day was the London Bombings.
OMG! yor nether regions will be like leather!! LOL.
Sounds like life is treating you well out there in the never never.
All well here although we have had enough of this rain thankyou very much.
John bought a sofa bed and we had much fun trying to get the darn thing through the doorway of the outside room. Ending up having to take the door off it's hinges and the feet off the sofa and then with some pushing and pulling by John, Kay and I, we managed to get it inside without any of us coming undone!!
Great to see another blog. Felt like a drought!!!
Had such a lovely time on Saturday at Wynn's 80th birthday lunch. All the family were there.
Saw the end of the games, what a spectacle, and to see the introduction of the London Games. Remembering that Kay and co. were there as it was was announced in Trafalgar Square, and I was watching the decision on Sky being made as it was happening, all pre-bombing, was quite amazing.
Sorry about the trouble with the horse; I would think your comfort limit of riding is considerable after all this time.
You might need to get yourself a throwaway camera in the meantime or else you might miss the shot of a lifetime on your journey. Hope your camera is fixable and didnt have too many shots on it. Can hear a gentle rain on the roof, everyone is just so sick of it. There was a good shake in Hawkes Bay last night, 5.9 I do believe. People were ringing up talkback last night saying they felt it, and about the noise of it, waking them up, and the biggest there for years.
Have a great day, love Mum
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