Yesterday we had a visitation from the head honchos of Edmund Rice and the Christian Bros to tell us they are closing the school down at the end of 2009. As you can imagine it has been devasting to many of the staff - the students have yet to be told, they will hear it this afternoon. We had heard a whisper of this last week as someone in the community had rung in to ask if we were going ahead with a particular event seeing the school was closing which did not seem possible at the time but at least was a small heads up. Boarding staff were told first and the news was met with total silence, however the teaching staff had a lot to say in their meeting. The workmate and I attended this mornings staff meeting and said our piece then. The Workmate was brilliant, quoted the head honcho back his own words he had used the previous year at the EREA launch. (Think that might stand for Edmund Rice Education Australia) words such as "The Charter for Edmund Rice Education and the foundations upon which we stand clearly direct us to the 'margins', to the disadvantaged, to those who lack hope", ... 'Our schools need to be places where students and teachers - all of the community - can experience Christ and the power of that presence to make deep meaning of life. Yeats once said that : "Education is not filling a bucket but lighting a fire!" ....."To set our priorities and define our siccess solely by league tables and sporting achievements betrays the foundations upon which we stand. Edmund Rice Education in this land can model a family of schools where those who can look after those who cant't; where co-responsibility becomes the norm; where the strong accept responsibility for those on the margins" ....
This school has stood for all of the above, but of course it boils down to the dollar as always and the bean counters it would appear, have made their decision. There are the usual weasel words (it's like a movie in re-run from this time last year LOL), we will support the children and families through this which is our first priority along with the staff - blah, blah, blah. Anyway, they are fully aware of the passion and commitment from the staff in no uncertain terms after this morning. Had several hugs from staff who said they wanted to clap after the workmate and I had spoken but thought it may not be appropriate.
So once again, a door is closing, though at this stage it is still slightly ajar. I just hope there is a bloody big window ready to open any time soon, LOL. I am not upset for myself - as like a cat, I expect to land on my feet (will be having major words with upstairs I can tell you, for the right thing to appear). There is a chance that a lot of the kids just will not come back after the next holiday break - we had nearly a full enrolement for next year and that will probably disappear so its back to 'how long is a piece of string' to work out what the future will bring. Watch this space.
Needless to say, I am not on the vegie run today - things have been re-arranged as I would not have got back until dinner time and need to be here for the girls this afternoon.
On a lighter note, it has been great to hear from folks following the Nana news. I did my 'Aussi Nana' bit yesterday afternoon, picking up the WM's two boys and four of the bosses kids from footy practice. Although brisk, it was a fine day yesterday and around 20o in the sun. I was blown away, yet again, with the difference a week had made in the landscape. There a tiny little white/blue flowers, along with the Cape whats it daisy along the sides of the road. There was some new pink bushes in flower, with screeds of white flowers at the Mullewa end. I had to blink, going past some of the wheat fields because the shorter wheat is still totally green, but there are paddocks of the taller wheat with the heads just turning the merest hint of pale yellow as the heads ripen. There is still some water lying about in places but the roads were good especially as I was driving the WM's car.
One of the office ladies has just come in with a sympathy chocolate bar to which I remarked, 'behind every cloud is a chocolate lining' LOL - you may steal that line if you wish.
I had a bit of a cooking frenzy yesterday as I tried out another recipe from the Womens Weekly supplement (June issue). This time is was chicken with a tarragon, cream, wine sauce which we had for our Tuesday night dinner - very nice indeed. I had some bananas that were past their use by date so whipped up a batch of banana, choc chip muffins which we had for afters. Managed to get all done without risk to life and limb from the oven - we may have come to an understanding now I have worked out the correct switches for the right parts.
Everyone that has emailed has commented on how wet the winter has been in NZ, and mentioned the irony of having water restrictions during summer which is now a distant memory. I am looking forward to more warmth again.
Well, I have just enhaled the choc bar and had to count all my fingers - I was aware yesterday that after the bombshell was dropped, I inhaled several pikelets and a couple of muffins whilst debriefing with the WMH. Will not get to be pale and interesting this week LOL.
Will keep you up to date as the process unfolds. We are in good heart despite the feelings of disappointment and anger as there is a great sense of faith that things will work out - not that the school will continue - the bean counters have made sure of that, but something will work, somehow. Am off to morning tea, we are all hanging together for moral support today. Catch you later.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
Hmmm,,, that 2 year window looks like it will shut but don't forget what is waiting for you over this side of the ditch!!!
Sending out good thougts for you and all your work mates. :):):)
In the immortal words of Hugh Grant in "Four Weddings and a Funeral"......
(And you thought I was going to say his other immortal words.....
Words fail me. what will happen to the students? I dont suppose any questions I might think of.. you will all have mulled it all over. I would have thought that the farming part of it would have gone a long way to fund the good works. It's like...... lightning striking...twice? Will wait for further developments. love and hugs, Mum
Sorry to hear this utterly odd. What good can come from closing down a school? Look forward to hearing developments...
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