Am upstairs waiting for the girls to come back from farm prac. The computers were down all weekend and when I went home today, I needed to update Norton protection (or whatever) and I think two out of the three hamsters had broken legs!!!! I gave up after three hours - I think something HAS downloaded but am not sure what. This of course has not helped my mood which for the past 24 hours is more feral than not LOL. It was a LONG weekend but the end is in sight.
I never got home on Friday as I went on a school outing to "The Hidden Valley" for a barbeque lunch and wander round. We went down towards Wandalgu and then veered off into a 'paddock' until we reached the site for lunch. The valley remained hidden to me but I did clamber up a rock formation to take photos of wild flowers and walked round the top of it back down to the barbeque site. I didn't quite frolic over it like a spring lamb, heh, heh but was able to move reasonably quickly and without heavy breathing and after Karajini it was a doddle. It was very nice doing something different with the yr 8's and they seemed to enjoy themselves as well.
I had negotiated the school mini-van for Saturday to take the girls off site somewhere so after breakfast set off to Dongara once again for the day. I could not find my map book before we left and counted on the girls knowing the way (we had two girls who had lived there at one stage). Wrong!!! and I should have followed my instincts. After turning right when I should have turned left we ended up in Mullewa doing the first 30 extra k's. OK, stopped there for a quick toilet stop and bought a map just in case, and after instructions from the lady at the IGA set forth again. Found the turn off to Mingenew off the main rd to Gton and turned left for nearly an hour and then right to Dongara - another half hour which was no problem as I knew the way by then from last time. Bought fresh bread for lunch to go with the fillings we had taken and had it by the beach and the girls all went for a walk up to the lookout and along the point. They had already had an hour in the town drifting about the shops so after hour along the beach we headed back, the decision made to go to the Coalseam on the way. Found my way there no problem,(there were road signs!) and went to the look out and then to the place we went last time for lunch. The girls found some crystals in the rock face while I took photos of more wild flowers. The place was carpeted in yellow. I can well understand why Australia's colours are gold and green. There is yellow everywhere from wattle, broom, canola, cape weed, sour weed, and a host of other flowers and shrubs I do not know the names of. The yellows range from buttercup to kowhai gold to the greeny yellow of canola and several shades in between. The rivers that were several meters wide last visit were down to trickles less than a meter wide. Because I went round and round at the coal seam trying to find the right roads I was over trying to take any short cuts back so retraced my way back to the Mingenew turnoff and took to road to Morewa. Another hour and a half and there was a turn off to Mullewa which meant the road to Tardun would come off that so I turned towards Mullewa - 90k to go! Even though I have been to Morewa 3 times, I barely recognised anything of the road (the change from no vegetation of summer to now has altered the scenery completely) and none of the side roads seemed to ring a bell as I drove past zooming along. By now it was 5.30pm. Just as I was thinking I would have to suffer the embarressment of ringing for help, there was the turn off to Wandalgu - (small metaphorical pavement kissing moment!!). Finally got back to school at 5.50pm having done 498 k's driving for nearly 5 hours all up when the trip should have taken 3 hours LOL. We also used a whole tank of diesel and I was terrified we would run out before we got back. This with the bonus of 9 girls who should have slept most of the way, instead, high on sugar etc were extremely noisy with about 3 different phones playing music most of the day!! Needless to say, once we had had dinner, showers etc it was an early night. Never again!!!! Unfortunately the map I got did not have names of the little roads on it so my next buy before I ever drive anywhere myself to places fairly unknown, will be a map book that names the footpaths of the roads I might need to drive on LOL.
I was to have three hours off yesterday but helped hold the horse with the injured leg while the wound was being redressed. I managed to have a look this time (figured if I can watch gruesome on CSI, I should be able to cope) and I was amazed how much better it looked than last weekend when I accidently saw a smidgeon of it. Also moved the mare and foal to new paddocks which gives them more room. It was great to then get home and ring the extended whanau to offer birthday felicitations and catch up with a host of folks at the birthday bash in Waiuku.
Had a lovely lasagne lunch cooked by the Italians whilst I had been at my house and later that afternoon decided to cook damper, sausages and marshmellows on a campfire. Managed to light my fire without paper LOL but did use 6 matches (there was a wind blowing). Had a very pleasant time cooking and eating everything which in the end was dinner as everyone was full by the time we came up at 5.30pm. Did not get to see much of the Olympics over the weekend but did see the gymnastics last night. How those girls do it I will never know, it is with terrifying fascination that I watch as disaster is never far away. It was heartbreaking to see the Chinese girl (along with others)make mistakes that put them out of any medal contention.
We are expecting the year 9's back tonight as the trip has been cut a day short so no doubt it will be bedlam once they arrive back and everyone catches up with each other. It is nearly dinner so will sign off. I am trying to get some photos up but may need to try again tomorrow - I dropped my camera at the coal seam and it has got sand in it so is on the fritz. Not sure how I am going to sort it out.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
@###%**@!!!! Just lost my whole comment I had ready to post......
The shorter version:
- rain
- Olympics
- All Blacks
- more rain
- more Olympics
- Laura's visit
- more rain
- good to hear from you, as always, when you are paying for the call.
- Did I mention it's raining?
If you havent done anything yet about the camera, how about getting the vacuum cleaner and giving it a suck, that would or should take out any dust that might have got in, without doing any damage.
My you were brave going out into the unknown without a map that didnt have the footpaths named and numbered. Maybe you need a locator beacon attached.
The funeral was very good and very fitting for Peter. He was the kindest and most generous of men, and it well acknowledged from the Monsignor and Priest that took the Mass. The weather turned out fine for the time that we needed it,but the wind was cold at the cemetery at Hautapu.
Just about "gamed"out, gymnastics leave me gasping, wonderful coverage, and commentators. They have all done a good job. Really enjoyed the womens marathon, the view of the city and gardens etc were just amazing. You would never see it like that when the games are over, because there will be millions of wall to wall people and vehicles. Dont know if I can stay up to watch the 1500 metres. very late here, something like 3am here. It is Wyn Stancliffes 80th birthday tomorrow, have made some biscuits to take around to her.
Better go, it is midnight, love Mum
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