Have mastered how to download songs onto my MP3 from the computer via my CD collection as it will not cross pollinate with the itunes I have on the laptop so that I am able to download them. As there are a trillionty songs on itunes, that was a pain in the proverbial. Needless to say, I finished another book whilst downloading nearly my entire Aussi collection of CD's and was quite bleary eyed by dinner time though feeling very pleased with myself. I wandered up for Mass, then went and had a coffee with the WMH and another staff member who has left this weekend (kitchen) before wandering over to sleep the night at work as I was on duty first thing yesterday morning.
Still showers yesterday. Spent most of the day doing laundry for the girls, getting the house clean and then they were able to have a DVD in the afternoon and one after dinner. Most of the senior girls were at sport so it was a relatively easy day.
Today was Cart again. We now have six horses to take out and they were a little peppy after the wet weather. We had only gone out one gate when one of them tried to take off up the driveway back to the paddock. Got that sorted out and another mile up the road and back onto the farm, one of the girls lost control of her horse and it bolted with her, culminating with her ending up on the ground. Fortunately the horse didn't run far and with a bit of off road driving with the tractor and cart, it was caught again. The sun was shining but the wind was bitterly cold so I was glad of my four layers. Took photos of three new wild flowers LOL and it is unbelievable to see the farm covered in green. There are carpets of yellow flowers in one particular area which is a Cape something or other daisy - very pretty.
Got back to try and cook lunch - I needed to warm some pies up that were made yesterday. Hmmm, kitchen oven on gas - need I say any more. I could not get the sodding thing to work, couldn't see any pilot light though there was a pile of ash in the bowels of the innards but I was not game to waft naked flame into pipes and wires. The girls were ready to chew their arms off by then so ended up getting two other ovens going, and using two microwaves flat tack. Of course the other ovens were smaller ones so had to move all the pies I had out onto smaller trays grrrrr. I have to use the grill tonight for the Sunday night barbeque, and couldn't find matches or lighter anywhere so not sure how that will go. We may have some back in the dorm (matches that is).
Am in the library with some of the girls watching 'Harry Potter, Goblets of Fire' and some of them are down at the horse yards seeing a new miniature horse that has arrived to be a paddock companion to one of the other horses. It is a completely 'Thelwell' looking little beastie and appears very cute to all the girls.
I finished embroidering the two doilies yesterday that I bought at Open Day and am now attempting to crochet an edge around them. I hope you are all impressed with the crocheting as I have the 'how to' book open on one page and am trying to follow the instructions on another, with cotton wrapped round all sorts of fingers as I try to get it right. I am doing double chain in all the eyelet holes first and seem to have mastered that OK and now am about to venture forth onto the next row which involves slip stitching chain to make a picot edge!!!!! Am totally clack-handed so it is enthusiasm and the urge to actually complete something for once, (LOL) that is keeping me going.
All going well, I will have tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday until the afternoon off this week and then the weekend again. I see that the AB's thrashed the Aussis last night and am hoping it was by management rather than good luck this time. If next week is the third game then I will definitely plan to watch it somewhere. Am waiting to see the WMH in the staff room tomorrow morning, not so much gloating perhaps, but just with a knowing smile LOL. I am really glad the AB's won on Eden Park. Over here with Aussi Rulz, Collingwood lost to Hawthorn and the Dockers play the Eagles today which is the game most WA people will be interested in. Hope everyone has had a good weekend and no doubt the whole NZ psyche will have had a lift with the win of the weekend LOL.
Cheers Lynn
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
1 comment:
Oh yeah! National self-esteem still intact after the All Blacks comprehensive win. Missed the game as we were at a 21st but someone was getting texts to update during the evening.
Still damp and drains are running very high. At least we are dry inside.
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