Have just waved the year 9's off on their North West Tour. Have three seniors left who are doing work experience in Mullewa and four year 8's as three have yet to return from the weekend. Spent last night with the girls packing, washing clothes (don't you know you go home for the weekend and bring all your dirty clothes back to be done over night!!) and helping the senior girls work out what to wear for their work experience. It was an early night for all of them while I continued to wash and dry their clothes and take sneaky peaks at the Olympics. Got to see some swimming, basket ball, gymnastics and hockey.
Had an early start to the day to go to Gton to watch the WM's boys play footie (one loss and one win). As we drove into the grounds their were police cars, tape and a very CSI looking team videoing across the road from the scene. We thought there maybe had been another murder but the Geraldton Hotel and caught fire at 4am in the morning (heard that on the radio while watching footie). Couldn't see any damage from the outside so must have been damage inside and it was a relief that it was a fire and not a death.
Had a bit of excitement on the way home - there was a blue tongued lizard sitting in the middle of the road. Because I missed it, we turned back and hopped out to have a look at it as it was going through the grass on the side of the road. Lizards, flies, ants, and a mosquito at the computer whilst I was checking my emails last night - we have definitely changed seasons overnight it seems. Albeit that the lizard was moving sluggishly and not with the speed they move in the heat of summer (I know, hard to tell the difference with lizards LOL). I forgot to mention in the last post that I saw emu tracks whilst I was out riding! It was very exciting to see their footprints in the mud and very Jurassic park as they are three toed? tracks - same as a moa I think but obviously smaller. We also saw kangaroo tracks which was interesting as I had not seen kangaroo tracks before either.
Have been down to the horse yards this morning as I am feeding the beasts tonight and tomorrow, while our Equine person has to go to Perth. Have 5 horses to feed which include the injured one, the mare and foal and Thelwell (real name Benji). Have been pleasantly surprised at how pain free I have been since my ride except I did get cramp in my groin of all places early Sunday morning which necessitated me moving gingerly out of bed until I could stand (much groaning and muttered imprecations) to stretch the pain out before I could dive back into the warmth for an extra hours sleep.
Am about to go and do some washing and finally tidy my house up. Clothes are feeling a bit snug at the moment after the stress eating of last week so its back to decluttering and proper meals again. I may come back up early and sit upstairs with some stitching or cross stitch to watch whatever is on the Olympics.
Catch you later.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
Have been watching the Olympics, and the equestrian team havent been doing very well. Seeing you are 4 hours behind us, is Beijing time the same as yours???
Seasons changing here although there is a freezing wind. There was a haze of green on the trees on Puni straight this morning, had to go to get my dental plate fixed. Pink blossoms on trees too, a very welcome sight.
It the year 9's trip the one to Broom? Thought you were going there too. Hope all is well. love and hugs, Mum
Watching Olympics as a marginally justified procrastination excuse. One fine day today - and the drone of long-silenced lawn mowers sounds almost early spring-like although there is always that "false spring" feel to this time of the year. Plenty of daffodils appearing. (No sign of freesias yet).
You must have adjusted well to Australian life as you sound very blase about the lizard approaching! Had a massive hailstorm here tonight, couldn't even hear the TV. All over now, but the rain has been heavy. Bizarre weather. Have a ton of assignments to do, but am zooming up home for the weekend. Will be nice to see (nearly! ;) everyone.
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