The computers were down last night hence the delay in getting a posting out - somethings do not change LOL. Have been busy and not busy over the last few days. Had fun with my horse feeding extra duties that I volunteerd for. Forgot how yummy molassus smells and it took me back to being very young, as Dad had a 44 gallon drum of it up at the cowshed, to feed calves I think. Smell is such a powerful memory jogger. What with lucern, pollard, mixed grain and chaff, the mix smelt good enough to eat, like a rich muesli LOL. Managed to get the right amounts to the right beasts and had two willing helpers so all good.
Great excitement yesterday as we have made the local news - 2" high headlines in bold print "Crisis at Tardun", with an article about the proposed school closure. There were also phone calls from TV and WA newspaper at school. This morning there was something on the radio, so go the parents and those who are working behind the scenes on our behalf. The boss cannot comment nor can staff of course - that is usual commerical practice, but there is a groundswell of support in the community - a meeting was called in the Shire yesterday for example so who knows. It didn't help to read the lastest Catholic Education mag this morning to see they are spending $15 million on Clontarf in Perth (which has already been given over to Aboriginal Education) and a further $3 million to Bindoon which is not far from Perth for it to become a trade school. I was told yesterday from the horses mouth, that there were people in Catholic Education who knew what was planned for some time, but due to confidentiality, they had to sit on that knowledge whilst working with us which was very hard for them. The Head Honcho said in print yesterday, that one of the reasons for closing Tardun down was because of falling rolls, this after the school has doubled its roll in the last 5 years, plus there was a full complement of year 8's coming next year, and we have had a waiting list for girls this year. Not good to tell porky's in print!!! - already one of the parent's has responded to that comment in the same article.
Did the vegie run yesterday - got to drive the boss's VW people mover - it goes 10 - 2o k faster than the ute and has a CD player which is good, but was very nervous when it came to parking as it also seems huge to drive. Got there and back in excellent time heh, heh, and it was a beautiful fine day which was a bonus. Had three passengers for various medical appointments, two which were left in town so had company which was nice.
Have been watching as much of the Olympics as I can - have the TV on after dinner and as the juniors are in bed by 8.30, I have stayed put in the common room. I did get to see Mark Todd do a round in the show jumping and the Aussi commentators were very complimentary about his ride. The commentators hoped Germany would drop a few more poles (they were complimentary about their riding even though they hoped for a few more faults LOL) but it wasn't to be, with Aust getting Silver in the end. Have watched a lot of swimming and again, Australians are getting medals there. I also got to see a heat of rowing with the Rob Woodell and partner and then another one with the guy Twidle. Last night it was Aust basket ball against Korea with a win to Aust. I have no problem cheering for Aust to win against any other country except NZ LOL but caught myself saying 'we' when they got a medal for swimming last night, when I was telling the girls about the win - that was a bit of a scarey moment!!!! Still NZ enough to be difficult to understand though when order MCDonalds yesterday at the drive in for lunch though LOL. Had to repeat myself several times and I get ribbed on a regular basis from staff here about MY accent (indeed, my version is that they have the accent!!).
On the family front, there is to be yet another addition - a four footed addition this time!!! No 1 grandson has for sometime bemoaned the fact that of all his friends he has no brother or sister or pet (the two gold fish he did have died!). No 1 son (finally caving into the pressure LOL) asked him whether he would like a sibling or a dog, and the No 1 grandson has (wisely?) chosen a chocolate labarador puppy!!!! No 1 GS has named the puppy Mojo, and has a couple of weeks to wait until pup is ready to be picked up. I understand the GS is leaping out of his skin with excitement to have a pet. Long may it last.
Noticed petrol was $1.69 in town yesterday and diesal $1.85. Strawberries $1.99 chip in IGA. I succumbed to buying a TV mag as there was a picture on the front cover of the "All Saints" wedding to be, and the fact it is to be called off!!! Only good thing about the usual programs being off TV while the Olympics are on is that the Year 9 north west tour is on at the same time so I am not missing the programs (of course, it is all about me LOL). There were also articles about Oz Supermodels - the latest in reality cat fight shows,and the 'Farmer takes a Wife" - which appears there might be one more couple to get married out of the last series. I am going to be reduced to buying the series on DVD of House, CSI, NCIS etc to watch my favourites. Anyway, Olympics and housework are waiting so will sign off for now.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
And now for something completely different .... it's raining ... Looking forward to Laura coming home for the weekend. Will be foul weather for flying though. Can't ever remember how hot and dry summer was.
Deja vu? Oh well, maybe it wasnt such an idle question, had you ever thought of going to Africa???
Going to the super clinic today for an appointment for Clive, he has several things on his head again.
Brother in law Peter Richards from Cambridge died this morning. He was Clive's sister Ann's husband. Cancer of course, there doesnt seem to be anything else to die from does there.
Just remembered that I better let May and Les know. love and hugs Mum
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