You will have noticed a lack of postings this week .. That is because my laptop has expired, is no longer operational, is now defunct!!! The school computer guy was out here on Tuesday and took it away for a diagnosis and it would appear that the graphics board has died and is not fixable. As I was going into shock (tons of photos on computer plus other vitally important STUFF) he told me he can download all the info on something (didn't hear what due to processing the diagnosis) that I can transfer at a later date to another computer, so was relieved to hear that.
Tragically, Mark Priestly who played the part of Dan in 'All Saints' has died after jumping off a hotel in Sydney on Wednesday. It would appear that he suffered from a particular form of depression which got the better of him. I heard the news on the radio as I was in Centra Mall yesterday and could not believe it at first as the WMH and I had just watched "Dan" in the wedding of the year in "All Saints" the night before when the show returned to the screen after the Olympic break. John Howard (in heaps of Aussie shows and fellow cast member) spoke briefly in the news report last night and was visibly upset - there is now a similar outpouring of grief like when Heath Ledger died. Another WA lad as well and only 32 yrs old.
On another note - we have had rain and sun and rain again - 20mls at this mornings count since Wednesday. It was as black as the inside of a cow's armpit yesterday when I went into town (again) and at one stage it was raining so heavily, the car in front of us pulled over to the side of the road and stopped. It is perfect timing for the rain to fall as August had been completely dry and this should see the current crops to fruition.
This week I took one of our neighbours in to pick up her ute on the Wednesday run. She and her husband grow canola, buck wheat and wheat so got to learn a bit about how the different crops grow. Most of the canola flowers are over now so the lovely yellow and green has gone on the drive into town. In conversation I told her I had been riding in the weekend and was thoroughly enjoying it except for the aches and pains in my ankles and knees. She asked if I took fish oil tablets - I did use some 'squaline' shark oil things last year at one stage, but the answer was, no. She said she had been on them and they were brilliant for joint aches etc. Well, the first shop I passed when I got to the Mall was the chemist and there in the front of the shop, on special, was a large container on fish oil capsules with a free bottle of glucosimine tabs - a veritable sign I thought!!! Have been taking them for two days and will let you know how it all goes. On the label it says the fish oil will also help keep cholestrol levels low so that will be a bonus.
It had rained most of the way in on Wednesday, day but a more gentle rain. By lunch time however, the sun was out and I was nearly expiring in my cardigan and woolen skivvy (dressing for the wet conditions that morning!). I had to dash into Best for Less to buy a short sleeved top so I could breath, LOL. (fortunately it was on sale - $12.95) The down side to the sun and warmth was the explosion of midges in the air. There were clouds and clouds of them everywhere, so much so that the windscreen was covered in their dead bodies (yay) and I had midges dropping off my shirt when I walked from outside into the shops!!!!! Whilst doing shopping for one of the staff I bought myself a new camera (that was seriously on sale) - another Sony that has 8 megapixls and 6 x zoom, with charger, batteries and other computer/camera connections for $379. I am liking the extra zoom in the few photos I have taken so far. I was delayed by 24 hours from taking photos as I thought I could drop the card from my other camera into the new one, but no, I needed an SMS? card or something that sounds close, instead. I got a 2G card on super special at $39 (was $52 on label) so all good to go now. I went back into town yesterday with one of the office ladies as the bosses car needed to be brought back after getting new tyres - I needed another trip like a hole in the head but I wanted the new card for the camera and it would be another week to wait otherwise. Had a brilliant drive back, more like flying (140k average once out of town heh, heh).
Have been on horse detail since Wednesday morning with the equine lady going to Perth. I only have to feed mother and foal, morning and night so not too hard. Had a look in the paddock this morning at the others and they all seem fit and well. I was told if the injured horse had it's bandage come off in the rain, I might need to redress it!!!!!!! So far all my words upstairs have worked and the bandage looked good this morning still, if a little damp. Am keeping everything crossed that it will stay good until the equine lady returns as am not ready to do nursey bits - holding the lead to keep the horse quiet is about as much as I am up for, LOL.
It's the Mullewa Show tomorrow and have entered three unframed cross stitches so will wait and see how they go. I did not get any cooking done in the end, went to make some relish etc but did not have the required sized jars when I looked at the specifications. Will be better prepared for next year LOL. Looking at the criteria, I could have entered a bunch of my spinach under 'other vegetables' but I picked the best of it for tea last night (before I read the criteria LOL)so no joy there either. Am on duty this weekend so if the computers remain up, I will let you know how it all goes. For the next while, please do not be offended if I do not reply to jokes etc as I will only be opening personal emails and writing my postings depending on the access I get to the school computers. I have had a bit of a clearance of my inbox this week and had to delete a lot of jokes that the school system will not open, or takes forever to open, due to the time it takes to download them. Broadband is a mere cell memory these days LOL.
Hope to be in touch again over the weekend. Caio
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago