Friday, 16 December 2011

Back to back.

Found this photo taken across the city from my front door patio of the yachts racing in the clipper ship race.

Am sitting in my lounge slightly sweltering - the temp must have been in the mid 30's today so I resorted to having the air con on for a period of time.  I just realised I could move the fan from the corner of the lounge where it has spent the winter and bring it forth to cast a breeze, but at the moment, that would mean moving which could just possibly break my train of thought, as my brain is in wilt mode, lol. 

Another week has passed in an almost blur and now Christmas is officially just round the corner, 23 days and counting.  Last Friday whilst I was in bed lurking with a book, I got a ring from the person who now looks after the little lad I was particularly fond of  to ask if I would like to have him for a visit Sunday.  It came out of the blue and as I had not seen him for over 2 months I immediately said yes.  We decided after lunch would be good and so it came about.  The lad himself was not 100% well but found the toys he had played with last time and we got the playstation 2 out having a go at sing star and another game I had in between playing pirates and putting up my Christmas tree.  I had started the morning by going to the Farmers market looking for some fruit and veg but didn't fancy much there and bought a lavender rock salt heat/cold pack for my back instead.  I then shot into town to find there were stalls all up the main street with about three other shops open and I decided to buy myself a Christmas tree.  Oh the decisions, as the size goes by how many tips to the end of the branches each tree has - the higher the amount of tips, the denser the tree.  I cut to the chase and said I would have the $20 one which suited my budget and just happened to be mid tip range.  I had the box in the lounge so the lad asked what was in it and when I said a Christmas tree, he asked if he could help put it up - no problems.   I found some tinsel and ornaments from the tree we had in the boarding house at Tardun, and had bought some little candy canes to go on the tree and away we went.  I did the top bits and the lad did the bottom bits more with enthusiasm than talent I have to say.  On one branch I have 5 ornaments hanging down the bottom and there are empty spaces in other areas but what the heck, a bit of juidicious placing of tinsel and hey ho, good to go.

On Saturday evening after grocery shopping, I had decided with some trepidation to fire up my barbeque to see if it still worked.  I say with trepidation as there have been programs on tv re explosions after barbeques being left over winter and leaking when first started again.  I moved the barbeque away from the house a bit, turned on the gas and then the switches - they had been left switched on so it started automatically with a bit of a whoosh, and then had to watch as this moth (large) that had camped under the grill over winter tried to fly out, failing to do so and then being cremated on the spot - not nice.  On Sunday, with food in the house, and the house splendidly clean and tidy I decided to invited the  workmate and family to barbeque dinner - only to realise half way through the day, it was a year ago on the Friday that I moved into this house.  Threw a lettuce salad together,  made a tabouleh salad, home made hummus and home made parsley pesto to go with a raw vegie platter and did baby potatoes with fresh mint from the garden  with chops, sausages  and steak that the boys cooked for me while I finished the salads off.  It was all very tasty and well received.  Bronwyn's mum and dad came too as they were heading back to Philip Island on Tuesday so it was a bit of a farewell for them too.

I had been to the chiropractor on Thursday last but my back continued to ache with a nagging, dragging ache that was only mildly dissipated with pain relief.  I had my next appointment on Monday morning and told the chir practor I was not impressed, that I had not seemed to be getting any improvement.  He said the only thing that would help would be to take time off work completely until it got better which was all fine and good but a tad unrealistic.  I had three afternoon shifts starting that day then two days off so we agreed to taking the three days off to see if that would work and I was to do next to nothing, lying down rather than sitting otherwise moving about as best as I could.  I have used cool packs on my lower back area and at last ( a very quiet yay),  yesterday I felt better than I had in weeks (after another treatment too) and today I am the best I have been yet.  I have two 12 hour days this weekend so if it all goes to custard, not sure what next.  The chap I have been seeing is a locum so get the main guy back from holiday next week and a review at the same time. 

Friday 16th
Have just realised I never posted this one so will do so now and write an update to follow :)

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