Friday, 29 August 2008

RIP Laptop and "Dan" from "All Saints"

You will have noticed a lack of postings this week .. That is because my laptop has expired, is no longer operational, is now defunct!!! The school computer guy was out here on Tuesday and took it away for a diagnosis and it would appear that the graphics board has died and is not fixable. As I was going into shock (tons of photos on computer plus other vitally important STUFF) he told me he can download all the info on something (didn't hear what due to processing the diagnosis) that I can transfer at a later date to another computer, so was relieved to hear that.

Tragically, Mark Priestly who played the part of Dan in 'All Saints' has died after jumping off a hotel in Sydney on Wednesday. It would appear that he suffered from a particular form of depression which got the better of him. I heard the news on the radio as I was in Centra Mall yesterday and could not believe it at first as the WMH and I had just watched "Dan" in the wedding of the year in "All Saints" the night before when the show returned to the screen after the Olympic break. John Howard (in heaps of Aussie shows and fellow cast member) spoke briefly in the news report last night and was visibly upset - there is now a similar outpouring of grief like when Heath Ledger died. Another WA lad as well and only 32 yrs old.

On another note - we have had rain and sun and rain again - 20mls at this mornings count since Wednesday. It was as black as the inside of a cow's armpit yesterday when I went into town (again) and at one stage it was raining so heavily, the car in front of us pulled over to the side of the road and stopped. It is perfect timing for the rain to fall as August had been completely dry and this should see the current crops to fruition.

This week I took one of our neighbours in to pick up her ute on the Wednesday run. She and her husband grow canola, buck wheat and wheat so got to learn a bit about how the different crops grow. Most of the canola flowers are over now so the lovely yellow and green has gone on the drive into town. In conversation I told her I had been riding in the weekend and was thoroughly enjoying it except for the aches and pains in my ankles and knees. She asked if I took fish oil tablets - I did use some 'squaline' shark oil things last year at one stage, but the answer was, no. She said she had been on them and they were brilliant for joint aches etc. Well, the first shop I passed when I got to the Mall was the chemist and there in the front of the shop, on special, was a large container on fish oil capsules with a free bottle of glucosimine tabs - a veritable sign I thought!!! Have been taking them for two days and will let you know how it all goes. On the label it says the fish oil will also help keep cholestrol levels low so that will be a bonus.

It had rained most of the way in on Wednesday, day but a more gentle rain. By lunch time however, the sun was out and I was nearly expiring in my cardigan and woolen skivvy (dressing for the wet conditions that morning!). I had to dash into Best for Less to buy a short sleeved top so I could breath, LOL. (fortunately it was on sale - $12.95) The down side to the sun and warmth was the explosion of midges in the air. There were clouds and clouds of them everywhere, so much so that the windscreen was covered in their dead bodies (yay) and I had midges dropping off my shirt when I walked from outside into the shops!!!!! Whilst doing shopping for one of the staff I bought myself a new camera (that was seriously on sale) - another Sony that has 8 megapixls and 6 x zoom, with charger, batteries and other computer/camera connections for $379. I am liking the extra zoom in the few photos I have taken so far. I was delayed by 24 hours from taking photos as I thought I could drop the card from my other camera into the new one, but no, I needed an SMS? card or something that sounds close, instead. I got a 2G card on super special at $39 (was $52 on label) so all good to go now. I went back into town yesterday with one of the office ladies as the bosses car needed to be brought back after getting new tyres - I needed another trip like a hole in the head but I wanted the new card for the camera and it would be another week to wait otherwise. Had a brilliant drive back, more like flying (140k average once out of town heh, heh).

Have been on horse detail since Wednesday morning with the equine lady going to Perth. I only have to feed mother and foal, morning and night so not too hard. Had a look in the paddock this morning at the others and they all seem fit and well. I was told if the injured horse had it's bandage come off in the rain, I might need to redress it!!!!!!! So far all my words upstairs have worked and the bandage looked good this morning still, if a little damp. Am keeping everything crossed that it will stay good until the equine lady returns as am not ready to do nursey bits - holding the lead to keep the horse quiet is about as much as I am up for, LOL.

It's the Mullewa Show tomorrow and have entered three unframed cross stitches so will wait and see how they go. I did not get any cooking done in the end, went to make some relish etc but did not have the required sized jars when I looked at the specifications. Will be better prepared for next year LOL. Looking at the criteria, I could have entered a bunch of my spinach under 'other vegetables' but I picked the best of it for tea last night (before I read the criteria LOL)so no joy there either. Am on duty this weekend so if the computers remain up, I will let you know how it all goes. For the next while, please do not be offended if I do not reply to jokes etc as I will only be opening personal emails and writing my postings depending on the access I get to the school computers. I have had a bit of a clearance of my inbox this week and had to delete a lot of jokes that the school system will not open, or takes forever to open, due to the time it takes to download them. Broadband is a mere cell memory these days LOL.

Hope to be in touch again over the weekend. Caio

Monday, 25 August 2008

Horsey, horsey don't you stop.

Boarders Weekend is coming to a close. Didn't get Friday off as we still had three girls and the WM and I had boys left behind as well to supervise most of the day. I then went to the WM's place after school and stayed with her boys, cooking dinner etc until she and H got back from picking up the girls in Gton.

Saturday and Sunday was spent riding a good amount of each day. On Saturday morning caught the horses from two paddocks away (would have walked a good at least out to the old haybarn on the farm at home). Chance was standing in a pond and as I walked up to it, I saw a fox run off into the undergrowth from the other side - mangey looking thing that it was. It's amazing what taking a bit of feed with you will do - Chance was very easy to catch when I gave him some heh, heh - bribery works with horses too!! The WM and husband were coming for a ride so while we were catching another horse we ended up by all going for a walk through the dump to look at the wild flowers which were amazing. OMG, seeing the dump up close - it reminds me of farm practice in days of yore - the Health and Safety alone with old washing machines that kids could get locked in, broken computers, wire, every sort of rusting vehicle, wire, etc would also have the ecological people having a collective stroke. What was more amazing, is that I came away with collecting nothing to take home LOL. There was even a dead pig lying out to one side!! and many a bone from pre-deceased and long gone beasties. Recognised other pig skeletons and possibly sheep.

Got back to saddle up the horses and I rode Chance again. We were out for about three hours at just a walk which was good. Chance is like riding a 44 gallon drum - he is about as wide - its still the getting on board that is interesting. This time after trying to haul myself into the saddle from ground level - the saddle started slipping off as all my weight went onto it LOL, it was decided to put him into a loading pen and I managed to leap! onto him from standing up on the fence. I was impressed that I could at least get my foot into the stirrup from standing on the ground this time as I have been practicing throwing my leg up on the bench and the dining room table at home LOL. Have had to cope with cramp as I began this practice, but must be stretching ligaments out now!

Went a different way this time and ended up where the airstrip! is, to see a wreath flower. These are truely amazing - a whole lot of flowers that grow in a circle exactly like a wreath - their preferred place to grow is somewhere near gravel that has been disturbed (is their medication for that?). The airstrip is a track in the middle of nowhere marked by white painted tyres along each side of the track - not sure the last time it was used, if ever. Because more wreath flowers had been seen at the gravel pit the week before, we called in their on the way home. This time the wreath flowers were pinky as opposed to plain white in the first one I saw. Will have to try and get a photo off the WM as my camera is still out of action.

Being a glutton for punishment went for another ride yesterday. Thankfully it wasn't until after lunch so I missed seeing one of the other horses being put down and taken away. One of the mares ripped her hoof nearly right off the day before on a wire fence (not one of the ones we were riding, but while she was in a skirmish with others in the paddock) and it could not be repaired. The unfortunate thing when you deal with animals is from time to time, they have to be put down but its never a pleasant thing to deal with.

This time I rode another horse called Misty, a somewhat smaller horse so instead of nearly doing the splits while riding Chance, it felt more like I remembered and was much more comfortable ride even though Misty danced and tried to go home several times when I wanted her to go in the other direction. Each time we managed to go in the direction I wanted heh, heh and because we were only walking, it was another calm outing. Biggest excitement was seeing two blue tongued lizards and two emus. The first lizard I missed until it was pointed out as it was lying very still and almost camoflaged (sp?) and the second one was lying on the side of a track, basking in the sun. As we were riding down the road towards the Old Camp a good distance up ahead, two emus shot out of one field, crossed the road and ran through a wheatfield to our left. Can they run!!!! They were too faraway for the horses to spook - and I certainly gave thanks for that.

It would seem that about 2 1/2 hours is my comfort limit riding at the moment as the last half hour both days I have been in a deal of pain with both ankles and knees (will be looking at maybe some strenthening exercises for those bits too this week). And yesterday towards the end, the nether regions were feeling a mort tender which isn't too bad for two days and about 6 hours riding!!!. We were going out again today but other school stuff came up instead so have been and brushed Chance and Misty instead and let them out into the main paddock with the others. Maybe there is a new job opportunity - working with horses LOL.

I believe there was a soupcon of rain last night - I fell asleep by about 8pm while watching a DVD, woke up and put it on again, fell asleep and woke up as the credits were rolling and thought, why not go to bed and sleep in comfort - which I did. Watched series one of 'Outrageous Fortune' on Saturday night and had a few chuckles. Have 2 & 3 to go. It's nearly lunch time so need to go home and get all my horse riding clothes washed - the horses are shedding their winter coats and I think I have picked up most of their coats on my fleecy jumpers. Am on duty again this afternoon so will also go and pack for coming back up later today.

Thursday, 21 August 2008

Quick update.

It's blowing a living gale here today (Well it's at least very windy, LOL). The house rocked with one gust this morning which encouraged me to get up to check what was going on in the big wide world. I have come up to school because my laptop is behaving strangely and I need to spend some time while it tries to diagnose itself and maybe work out what is wrong and I want to get some emails sorted before I get to collect my pension!!

Had an interesting day yesterday. Had to drive the office lady's car this time on the vegie run, as the ute was being used for something else. At least it was another fast drive LOL. I dropped one of the student's home on the way as it is half term this weekend and had a pretty speedy round of jobs to do which meant I was back at school by 4.15pm - a record indeed. Being swayed by advertising the night before whilst watching TV, I felt the need to try some KFC for a change for lunch, rather than having the usual McDonalds. I took nearly 10 mins to make a decision on what to get - they do not do dinner packs here or 1/4 packs which is what I would usually choose at home. In the end I got a meal deal with chicken burger, chips, potato and gravy,a piece of chicken and a drink (diet pepsi LOL) for $9.95. They wanted $3.65 for a small coleslaw and couldn't justify that - when did coleslaw become so expensive???

Loo story #367 LOL

Thinking I would wash my hands before eating, I found the loo and OMG the first thing was the light - it was blue, which made the whole room with its white walls feel like you were underwater - a most unusual effect. Thought, I may as well avail myself of the facilities at the same time, (with an hour and a half drive back in the offing) and proceeded to settle comfortably on the loo when, Hello! (those with squemish stomachs, avert your eyes), there I was in full technicolour, staring into a wall length mirror!!!!!!!! Who ever designed that building needs to go back to architect school - note to self, back to Maccas for lunch and or pit stops next time LOL. It was nearly enough to put me off my lunch (note, I said nearly, LOL). Do not think I will be availing myself of that stop again.

Got back here to walk in on the end of a meeting with the Head Honcho's from EREA so after unpacking the vehicle called over the to WM's place for a coffee and catch up. The WMH was having a glass of wine with another staff member, so with a severe twist of my arm, I stayed to share two bottles of red, a fillet steak dinner, some tawny port which needed the bottle to be finished and a frangelica with coffee. In between lots of laughs and righting the world at large and our own in particular, a good night was had by all LOL. It was just the ticket after 10 days straight working.

Most of the students have left by now for 1/2 term so it is blissfully quiet. Am going home shortly to blob on the couch with book, DVD and possibly will pick up some handiwork as well. I do need to attend to my 'garden' having bought some stakes to help put up my windbreak, which has fallen over in the wind!

It is with sadness today, I see the passing of one of my teachers from Auckland Dio days. Miss Williamson was my form teacher (long suffering at at that) in 6 Geography. Co-incidentally, she was also an Old Girl of Waikato Dio. I met her at a reunion at WDG a few years ago and again when she attended other functions at the school. I remember her swooping along in her black gown which she wore to teach in, back in the day. She had had a lot to do with my third form, form teacher (who was one of my favourites) and it was interesting to talk to her as an adult (though I still felt like a student when I met her again LOL) to hear anecdotes from her perspective. She did not initially remember me - I laughed and said she wouldn't as I did no work that year, and did not hand anything in, instead I sat at the back of the class and read a book most days. She was able to remember me by who I sat next to and once I mentioned a few other classmate's names. How I got away with it, I will never know. I was in one of my, cut of my nose to spite my face modes at the time LOL.

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Good Results for NZ!

After reading the comments from my post yesterday and then checking out the niece's blog, I have just trawled through the Herald on line to see what medals NZ had won. I may as well be on the equivalent of the polar ice cap (except for the sunshine and heat - oops didn't mean to rub it in, LOL)for the NZ news content one receives here. Fantastic news about the All Blacks - read on line that they stuck it to the Sprinboks - such a satisfying result heh, heh (small gloat alowed here for a change). The NZ psyche must be doing hoops as I see we won a gold for shot put, and the Evers-Swindell twins again for rowing. I was thrilled to see those results.

One of the girls asked me tonight as we were watching Aust play Gt Britain in hockey, did I know the Australian national anthem to which I replied - nooo, I'm not Australian but I know the NZ national anthem - 'are you an Australian citizen, you know, can you vote'? 'No, am still a NZ citizen, I think I'm considered a resident -not sure about the voting bit'! 'Would you like to be an Australian citizen' (would I like red hot pokers shoved into my eyes????) to which I replied, .. it's a serious business giving up your citizenship - My concession is currently to cheer Australia on to win anything except when they are playing New Zealand in any sport or competition'. Said girl thought that was an OK reply, handed me her phone (ex and current boarding people, I hope you are impressed)and went to bed!. The perfect ending to that conversation. Mind you, I did catch myself today thinking 'bloody tourists' as we passed four cars towing caravans or campervan type vehicles, coming towards us as we were going into Mullewa - and again when we saw a car with both front doors wide open, parked on the side of the road, with a truck coming in the opposite direction looking like it would take the driver's door out. The occupants of the car were in the vegetation on the side of the road, taking photos of wild flowers and the driver luckily kept his door, as he nimbly leapt to shut it just before the truck passed his vehicle.

Spent today going to Gton for horse feed - went along for the ride and some away time without students. Happened to have a quick stop at the Woolworths complex for coffee and pain au chocolat as you do, and whilst the Equine person had a quick pitstop, I had just enough time to do a Nana shop at Best for Less for summer tee shirts (one Batman -Dark Knight because I weakened re superheroes LOL) and nearly got whiplash from the speed I accomplished this mission. Whilst nibbling the pain au chocolat, I was remembering the purchase I made whilst in Monmartre, just up from the Moulin Rouge last year when I bought two of the same pastries fresh out of the oven - ah, memories!!!!! (and serious location name dropping, LOL)

It was a very quick trip all round - a few stakes for my suedo windbreak fence thingie I bought last week, to hold it up and extra herbs for my garden from Bunnings, a stop for two rubbish bins to hold horse feed in, and we were back here for another coffee and once again, I helped hold the horse with the wounded leg as it was being redressed (Am just about ready for a spot on Vet hospital or what ever program they have on nursie bits with animals, LOL). We opened a gate into a new field for the rest of the horses to move in to graze on, only to espy a fox as we were walking along the fence line. It was a mangey looking thing and not very big. It looked more like a small dingo than a basil brush English fox type. It sloped off back from whence it came so more afraid of us than the other way around which I was fine about. The reason I thought it was dingo looking is because it was a yellowy colour rather than a reddy colour of the Disney fox. (All the better to blend in with the feast of yellow flowers abounding at the moment heh, heh)

The girls came back from camp with tales of being only feet away from dingos at night at Karijini - whilst they were tucked up in their swags. The workmate said they came so close to everyone, because despite being told, the kids had dropped food around where they were sleeping. Several have insisted they were nearly eaten ..... not nearly enough inone or two cases!!!LOL.

I am currently waiting for most of the mob to come back from netball so hopefully they will come in quietly and go straight to sleep. I have the vegie run tomorrow and then bliss, a night and a day off. Have to work Friday and then get the weekend off so looking good at this stage. The workmate has done a marathon laundry session tonight to get most of the girl's clothes and bedding done from camp - I am still doing a few loads up here so will sign off for now and get the last lot on.

Just remembered, I did catch the end of a snippet of NZ news last weekend re the PM being out in the snow somewhere and her guide dropping dead. I caught the tail end of her speaking, looking naturally very shaken by the experience.

Monday, 18 August 2008

Show me the Way to go Home!

Am upstairs waiting for the girls to come back from farm prac. The computers were down all weekend and when I went home today, I needed to update Norton protection (or whatever) and I think two out of the three hamsters had broken legs!!!! I gave up after three hours - I think something HAS downloaded but am not sure what. This of course has not helped my mood which for the past 24 hours is more feral than not LOL. It was a LONG weekend but the end is in sight.

I never got home on Friday as I went on a school outing to "The Hidden Valley" for a barbeque lunch and wander round. We went down towards Wandalgu and then veered off into a 'paddock' until we reached the site for lunch. The valley remained hidden to me but I did clamber up a rock formation to take photos of wild flowers and walked round the top of it back down to the barbeque site. I didn't quite frolic over it like a spring lamb, heh, heh but was able to move reasonably quickly and without heavy breathing and after Karajini it was a doddle. It was very nice doing something different with the yr 8's and they seemed to enjoy themselves as well.

I had negotiated the school mini-van for Saturday to take the girls off site somewhere so after breakfast set off to Dongara once again for the day. I could not find my map book before we left and counted on the girls knowing the way (we had two girls who had lived there at one stage). Wrong!!! and I should have followed my instincts. After turning right when I should have turned left we ended up in Mullewa doing the first 30 extra k's. OK, stopped there for a quick toilet stop and bought a map just in case, and after instructions from the lady at the IGA set forth again. Found the turn off to Mingenew off the main rd to Gton and turned left for nearly an hour and then right to Dongara - another half hour which was no problem as I knew the way by then from last time. Bought fresh bread for lunch to go with the fillings we had taken and had it by the beach and the girls all went for a walk up to the lookout and along the point. They had already had an hour in the town drifting about the shops so after hour along the beach we headed back, the decision made to go to the Coalseam on the way. Found my way there no problem,(there were road signs!) and went to the look out and then to the place we went last time for lunch. The girls found some crystals in the rock face while I took photos of more wild flowers. The place was carpeted in yellow. I can well understand why Australia's colours are gold and green. There is yellow everywhere from wattle, broom, canola, cape weed, sour weed, and a host of other flowers and shrubs I do not know the names of. The yellows range from buttercup to kowhai gold to the greeny yellow of canola and several shades in between. The rivers that were several meters wide last visit were down to trickles less than a meter wide. Because I went round and round at the coal seam trying to find the right roads I was over trying to take any short cuts back so retraced my way back to the Mingenew turnoff and took to road to Morewa. Another hour and a half and there was a turn off to Mullewa which meant the road to Tardun would come off that so I turned towards Mullewa - 90k to go! Even though I have been to Morewa 3 times, I barely recognised anything of the road (the change from no vegetation of summer to now has altered the scenery completely) and none of the side roads seemed to ring a bell as I drove past zooming along. By now it was 5.30pm. Just as I was thinking I would have to suffer the embarressment of ringing for help, there was the turn off to Wandalgu - (small metaphorical pavement kissing moment!!). Finally got back to school at 5.50pm having done 498 k's driving for nearly 5 hours all up when the trip should have taken 3 hours LOL. We also used a whole tank of diesel and I was terrified we would run out before we got back. This with the bonus of 9 girls who should have slept most of the way, instead, high on sugar etc were extremely noisy with about 3 different phones playing music most of the day!! Needless to say, once we had had dinner, showers etc it was an early night. Never again!!!! Unfortunately the map I got did not have names of the little roads on it so my next buy before I ever drive anywhere myself to places fairly unknown, will be a map book that names the footpaths of the roads I might need to drive on LOL.

I was to have three hours off yesterday but helped hold the horse with the injured leg while the wound was being redressed. I managed to have a look this time (figured if I can watch gruesome on CSI, I should be able to cope) and I was amazed how much better it looked than last weekend when I accidently saw a smidgeon of it. Also moved the mare and foal to new paddocks which gives them more room. It was great to then get home and ring the extended whanau to offer birthday felicitations and catch up with a host of folks at the birthday bash in Waiuku.

Had a lovely lasagne lunch cooked by the Italians whilst I had been at my house and later that afternoon decided to cook damper, sausages and marshmellows on a campfire. Managed to light my fire without paper LOL but did use 6 matches (there was a wind blowing). Had a very pleasant time cooking and eating everything which in the end was dinner as everyone was full by the time we came up at 5.30pm. Did not get to see much of the Olympics over the weekend but did see the gymnastics last night. How those girls do it I will never know, it is with terrifying fascination that I watch as disaster is never far away. It was heartbreaking to see the Chinese girl (along with others)make mistakes that put them out of any medal contention.

We are expecting the year 9's back tonight as the trip has been cut a day short so no doubt it will be bedlam once they arrive back and everyone catches up with each other. It is nearly dinner so will sign off. I am trying to get some photos up but may need to try again tomorrow - I dropped my camera at the coal seam and it has got sand in it so is on the fritz. Not sure how I am going to sort it out.

Thursday, 14 August 2008

On the News

The computers were down last night hence the delay in getting a posting out - somethings do not change LOL. Have been busy and not busy over the last few days. Had fun with my horse feeding extra duties that I volunteerd for. Forgot how yummy molassus smells and it took me back to being very young, as Dad had a 44 gallon drum of it up at the cowshed, to feed calves I think. Smell is such a powerful memory jogger. What with lucern, pollard, mixed grain and chaff, the mix smelt good enough to eat, like a rich muesli LOL. Managed to get the right amounts to the right beasts and had two willing helpers so all good.

Great excitement yesterday as we have made the local news - 2" high headlines in bold print "Crisis at Tardun", with an article about the proposed school closure. There were also phone calls from TV and WA newspaper at school. This morning there was something on the radio, so go the parents and those who are working behind the scenes on our behalf. The boss cannot comment nor can staff of course - that is usual commerical practice, but there is a groundswell of support in the community - a meeting was called in the Shire yesterday for example so who knows. It didn't help to read the lastest Catholic Education mag this morning to see they are spending $15 million on Clontarf in Perth (which has already been given over to Aboriginal Education) and a further $3 million to Bindoon which is not far from Perth for it to become a trade school. I was told yesterday from the horses mouth, that there were people in Catholic Education who knew what was planned for some time, but due to confidentiality, they had to sit on that knowledge whilst working with us which was very hard for them. The Head Honcho said in print yesterday, that one of the reasons for closing Tardun down was because of falling rolls, this after the school has doubled its roll in the last 5 years, plus there was a full complement of year 8's coming next year, and we have had a waiting list for girls this year. Not good to tell porky's in print!!! - already one of the parent's has responded to that comment in the same article.

Did the vegie run yesterday - got to drive the boss's VW people mover - it goes 10 - 2o k faster than the ute and has a CD player which is good, but was very nervous when it came to parking as it also seems huge to drive. Got there and back in excellent time heh, heh, and it was a beautiful fine day which was a bonus. Had three passengers for various medical appointments, two which were left in town so had company which was nice.

Have been watching as much of the Olympics as I can - have the TV on after dinner and as the juniors are in bed by 8.30, I have stayed put in the common room. I did get to see Mark Todd do a round in the show jumping and the Aussi commentators were very complimentary about his ride. The commentators hoped Germany would drop a few more poles (they were complimentary about their riding even though they hoped for a few more faults LOL) but it wasn't to be, with Aust getting Silver in the end. Have watched a lot of swimming and again, Australians are getting medals there. I also got to see a heat of rowing with the Rob Woodell and partner and then another one with the guy Twidle. Last night it was Aust basket ball against Korea with a win to Aust. I have no problem cheering for Aust to win against any other country except NZ LOL but caught myself saying 'we' when they got a medal for swimming last night, when I was telling the girls about the win - that was a bit of a scarey moment!!!! Still NZ enough to be difficult to understand though when order MCDonalds yesterday at the drive in for lunch though LOL. Had to repeat myself several times and I get ribbed on a regular basis from staff here about MY accent (indeed, my version is that they have the accent!!).

On the family front, there is to be yet another addition - a four footed addition this time!!! No 1 grandson has for sometime bemoaned the fact that of all his friends he has no brother or sister or pet (the two gold fish he did have died!). No 1 son (finally caving into the pressure LOL) asked him whether he would like a sibling or a dog, and the No 1 grandson has (wisely?) chosen a chocolate labarador puppy!!!! No 1 GS has named the puppy Mojo, and has a couple of weeks to wait until pup is ready to be picked up. I understand the GS is leaping out of his skin with excitement to have a pet. Long may it last.

Noticed petrol was $1.69 in town yesterday and diesal $1.85. Strawberries $1.99 chip in IGA. I succumbed to buying a TV mag as there was a picture on the front cover of the "All Saints" wedding to be, and the fact it is to be called off!!! Only good thing about the usual programs being off TV while the Olympics are on is that the Year 9 north west tour is on at the same time so I am not missing the programs (of course, it is all about me LOL). There were also articles about Oz Supermodels - the latest in reality cat fight shows,and the 'Farmer takes a Wife" - which appears there might be one more couple to get married out of the last series. I am going to be reduced to buying the series on DVD of House, CSI, NCIS etc to watch my favourites. Anyway, Olympics and housework are waiting so will sign off for now.

Monday, 11 August 2008

The Sounds of Silence.

Have just waved the year 9's off on their North West Tour. Have three seniors left who are doing work experience in Mullewa and four year 8's as three have yet to return from the weekend. Spent last night with the girls packing, washing clothes (don't you know you go home for the weekend and bring all your dirty clothes back to be done over night!!) and helping the senior girls work out what to wear for their work experience. It was an early night for all of them while I continued to wash and dry their clothes and take sneaky peaks at the Olympics. Got to see some swimming, basket ball, gymnastics and hockey.

Had an early start to the day to go to Gton to watch the WM's boys play footie (one loss and one win). As we drove into the grounds their were police cars, tape and a very CSI looking team videoing across the road from the scene. We thought there maybe had been another murder but the Geraldton Hotel and caught fire at 4am in the morning (heard that on the radio while watching footie). Couldn't see any damage from the outside so must have been damage inside and it was a relief that it was a fire and not a death.

Had a bit of excitement on the way home - there was a blue tongued lizard sitting in the middle of the road. Because I missed it, we turned back and hopped out to have a look at it as it was going through the grass on the side of the road. Lizards, flies, ants, and a mosquito at the computer whilst I was checking my emails last night - we have definitely changed seasons overnight it seems. Albeit that the lizard was moving sluggishly and not with the speed they move in the heat of summer (I know, hard to tell the difference with lizards LOL). I forgot to mention in the last post that I saw emu tracks whilst I was out riding! It was very exciting to see their footprints in the mud and very Jurassic park as they are three toed? tracks - same as a moa I think but obviously smaller. We also saw kangaroo tracks which was interesting as I had not seen kangaroo tracks before either.

Have been down to the horse yards this morning as I am feeding the beasts tonight and tomorrow, while our Equine person has to go to Perth. Have 5 horses to feed which include the injured one, the mare and foal and Thelwell (real name Benji). Have been pleasantly surprised at how pain free I have been since my ride except I did get cramp in my groin of all places early Sunday morning which necessitated me moving gingerly out of bed until I could stand (much groaning and muttered imprecations) to stretch the pain out before I could dive back into the warmth for an extra hours sleep.

Am about to go and do some washing and finally tidy my house up. Clothes are feeling a bit snug at the moment after the stress eating of last week so its back to decluttering and proper meals again. I may come back up early and sit upstairs with some stitching or cross stitch to watch whatever is on the Olympics.
Catch you later.

Saturday, 9 August 2008

Home, Home on the Range

Well howdy pardners - no I have not sat watching John Wayne movies all day - I went riding this morning (a horse!) for THREE hours no less. The equine lady, two girls and moi went on this ride and it was a glorious way to spend a day (I had housework waiting LOL). I had offered to go with one of the Brs to help plant 10,000 trees but there was no room in the truck and after getting out of bed at the crack of 7.30am, going for a ride was the next best option. I rode Chance, a palamino about 15 something hands high. Caught him and got him ready no worries, then it was time to get on ..... (does this horse make my bum look big!!!!) I did try throwing my leg vertical towards the stirrup but even with my generous jeans on (LOL) somehow my spring seemed to have sprung and I was not getting much off the ground. One of the girls (bless) held the horses head whilst I squeezed the horse between a trailor and a fence, then used the trailor to launch myself on the back of the hapless beast. I am thankful to say, I remained seated. We set off down the drive, out onto the road (with only one pigjump) and headed towards Wandalgu. Not far down the road we turned into a wheatfield and then rode round the edges through a flood plain (whilst crossing the river bed I spotted what looked like a miniature pied stilt, about 4" high running along the sand)and went to the Old Campsite. This is where the original tent school was built in 1928. It burned to the ground in 1930 and the boys then moved to the current site. There are still stones laid out in squares where the tents were pitched, a well, a rock where Mass was held and what looked like a huge tripod for cooking. We rode out of the campsite, crossed the road onto the other side of the farm and rode through more wheat fields (along the sides of the fields), through scrub and to the cemetary where three boys are buried. More fields and then back past the piggery and to the yard where I managed to dismount, staying on my feet this time - and managed to walk straight away. My knees and ankles were giving me gyp over the last 1/2 hour and there were nether parts of me that were feeling a touch tender but I was very pleased with myself indeed. We hosed the horses off, gave them a feed and then had a bite to eat ourselves. The Equine lady wanted help to hold a horse while she dressed it's leg after a nasty injury when it scrapped a good amount of skin and flesh off it's right, front foreleg last week. Good oh, I said, and offered to help. I did say I would not look, just be at the business end but as I had to turn the beast at one stage, my eyes glanced down and not good. We moved from the yard into an open concrete floored shed to put the dressing on. I was still holding the horses head when I felt as though I wanted to throw up. I was being spoken to but the voice sounded from far away, and I thought I was going to faint. As the last piece of bandage was taped on, I dropped the lead, and had to move and lean over a wall. I managed to get my jumper off and then the cool breeze and a sit down on some hay restored my equilibrium.

Me on Chance earlier in the year!

I walked home and crawled into bed as by then I was feeling cold and just wanted to curl up and sleep which I did for about an hour. I was still not feeling wonderful, so had a hot shower and walked up to the WM's place for dinner and felt much restored after a coffee, and a drink of water. I think I must have been dehydrated and my face is pink from the sun (heh, heh) so I got a bit burnt as well. Not something I expected to happen in winter LOL.

Luckily I came right in time for dinner - roast pork and NINE vegies no less (inc spinach from my own garden!!!!), followed by steamed pudding. In between we watched the Olympic updates and news so saw something of the spectacle I missed last night. Saw a couple of Aussis do well in their swimming heats, rowing, volley ball and equestrian. Saw nothing of NZ so will have to go to NZ Herald to see how we are doing. In between we played several games of BUZZ and for the first time, I won 2/3. A good night all in all LOL.

Am going into Gton with the WM's family tomorrow to watch the boys play football, take the girls back to school and to get some groceries. Hopefully it will be another fine day - it was 22o in Gton today on the WA news and we are always a few degrees warmer here. Spotted ants in the house today and there were a few flies about whilst I was riding. Will be getting more ant baits etc tomorrow.

Friday, 8 August 2008

I'm still Standing!

It is now the day after the day after (Laura, does this mean I am writing like Gloria Steinham LOL) and we are all doing OK. Apparrently the honchos left here shattered the other day (can you hear the drip, drip, drip of my heart bleeding - not). We had three meetings in the Chapel with the students on Wednesday, and bless their hearts, at the end of it some still had no idea what was happening but the penny is finally beginning to drop. There are some who are devastated, as for them this place represents much more than just a school and has been the last chance educationally, for a variety of reasons. Behaviours are starting to bubble up as they do when these kids are faced with change of any sort. Have been in dragon mode this morning for a few who have reverted back to behaving in ways that they did when they first arrived. Have had to flip into social work mode more because if I was in supervisor mode, there would be crispy critters everywhere LOL.

Had a great day yesterday. It was fine, and exceedingly warm which was bliss, AND I went on a school trip with the seniors to TAAFE in Geraldton. What an amazing place - it was an Open Day so there were lots of handouts and freebies with industry very present in all sorts of fields. Mining is HUGE. One of the women said they have a 50year plan and the number of mines to come will be in the double figures! Went past the stall re truck driving - $80,000 - $100,000k per annum!!! I found out there is a truck driving school in Gton that I can go to, to get my bus licence except the class of licence that I need, they do in one of those big trucks!!!!! (But how do I park it at the shopping centre LOL). For those playing at home, the road trains are 53.5 mtres long. Yesterday, we were nearly a puddle on the road when we went to pass one (got half way and had to fall back because of oncoming vehicle)that was swaying all over the road. When we finally did pass it, there was another vehicle in front saying long load or some such thing, as this road train had a fourth trailer on when the usual sized one (see the above )are only three! Apart from mining, there was building and brick laying, automotive skills of every sort, horticulture, animal husbandry, IT, teaching, health, hospitality (restaurant on site plus two huge kitchens), hairdressing, jewellry making, retail, etc etc. We got a free sausage in bread as we finished the tour, and several stalls were giving away lollie-pops so the students thought that was great. I was blown away by the vegies that they were growing in the horticultural section - each vegetable looked as though it could feed a small third world country! The secret apparently is worm farm juice (1 worm juice to 10 parts of water). They feed the worms the peelings etc of the vegies they grow and use no pesticides. There is some woman in Mullewa who grows the worms you need (not the ordinary garden variety) but will not dash out and get some until the revisit from the Ed Rice honchos early next month.

We finished up an earlier than we had bargained on so headed to Northgate so the girls could buy some warm clothes. I found a video ezy where they sell used rentals very cheap, plus other new ones - also cheap. Decided I needed some good old fashioned biffo, so got a couple of John Wayne classics along with a couple of more light hearted things that I can not remember the names of. Picked up a bag each of tomatoes, cucumbers and capscicums on the way home for $1ea from one of the several honesty box type stalls along the roadside. Strawberries were for sale for $1.29 chip but bananas were $4+ a kilo in the shops.

Was down to two layers (clothing) yesterday it was so warm. I forgot the downside to all this - the flaming midges are back. I was in a midst of a cloud of them the other night and am bitten to glory on my face,scalp and wrists. I meant to take a Telfast earlier today as they have been itching - the sort of itch that makes you want to tear lumps off yourself.

Its fairly sombre in the staff room at the moment as everyone starts to process what is happening. Also the glorious black humour that you find in times like this. They had two Dominican Nuns out here yesterday (one a NZer who has lived here for 10yrs and greeted me with a Kia Ora as I hopped out of the van from the school trip) for counselling for students and staff. The NZ Nun knows someone in Waiuku LOL and had worked in Henderson and I forget where else. Reinforces my theory that all roads in fact lead to Waiuku at some stage or other.

It's Mass tonight - Father came out to support us the day the axe fell which was much appreciated. Am getting the girls organised now with uniform etc so will sign off. We will be watching the beginning of the Olympics tonight after Chapel. Home and Away was on for an HOUR last night as it will be off during the Olympics. It was a total cliff hanger with a death and attempted murder so left everyone up in the air as a good soapie should LOL. Will not spoil it for those who watch it in NZ by telling you who was involved. I tell you though, the death was almost like 'who killed JR' at the local Mullewa IGA yesterday! Front page of the New Idea and first umpteen pages were devoted to pages of Angelina and Brads new twins and assorted other children...

Just remembered the other excitement of the week - a foal was born early yesterday morning and I went to see it today. It is very cute and doing that bandy legged leaping thing in between feeds. Mother and filly are doing well though are separated from the rest of the herd for safety as they are new to the group and our equine lady isn't taking any chances of how the other horses will treat the new arrival. The girls heard at breakfast time and within 5 mins the dining room was cleared as they all went for a look.

Am off for the weekend. Haven't got any plans yet for Sat but will go to Geraldton on Sunday morning to watch the WM's boys play footie and so I can get some groceries that I didn't get a chance to yesterday. Thank you to those who have sent messages of support and concern. I am actually OK (or in serious denial LOL). I am waiting to hear what the honchos have to say when they come back and will reserve collecting effigies, wax, matches and sharp needles until then LOL. For me, its business as usual until then.

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Paradise Lost or Now the Bad News!

Yesterday we had a visitation from the head honchos of Edmund Rice and the Christian Bros to tell us they are closing the school down at the end of 2009. As you can imagine it has been devasting to many of the staff - the students have yet to be told, they will hear it this afternoon. We had heard a whisper of this last week as someone in the community had rung in to ask if we were going ahead with a particular event seeing the school was closing which did not seem possible at the time but at least was a small heads up. Boarding staff were told first and the news was met with total silence, however the teaching staff had a lot to say in their meeting. The workmate and I attended this mornings staff meeting and said our piece then. The Workmate was brilliant, quoted the head honcho back his own words he had used the previous year at the EREA launch. (Think that might stand for Edmund Rice Education Australia) words such as "The Charter for Edmund Rice Education and the foundations upon which we stand clearly direct us to the 'margins', to the disadvantaged, to those who lack hope", ... 'Our schools need to be places where students and teachers - all of the community - can experience Christ and the power of that presence to make deep meaning of life. Yeats once said that : "Education is not filling a bucket but lighting a fire!" ....."To set our priorities and define our siccess solely by league tables and sporting achievements betrays the foundations upon which we stand. Edmund Rice Education in this land can model a family of schools where those who can look after those who cant't; where co-responsibility becomes the norm; where the strong accept responsibility for those on the margins" ....

This school has stood for all of the above, but of course it boils down to the dollar as always and the bean counters it would appear, have made their decision. There are the usual weasel words (it's like a movie in re-run from this time last year LOL), we will support the children and families through this which is our first priority along with the staff - blah, blah, blah. Anyway, they are fully aware of the passion and commitment from the staff in no uncertain terms after this morning. Had several hugs from staff who said they wanted to clap after the workmate and I had spoken but thought it may not be appropriate.

So once again, a door is closing, though at this stage it is still slightly ajar. I just hope there is a bloody big window ready to open any time soon, LOL. I am not upset for myself - as like a cat, I expect to land on my feet (will be having major words with upstairs I can tell you, for the right thing to appear). There is a chance that a lot of the kids just will not come back after the next holiday break - we had nearly a full enrolement for next year and that will probably disappear so its back to 'how long is a piece of string' to work out what the future will bring. Watch this space.
Needless to say, I am not on the vegie run today - things have been re-arranged as I would not have got back until dinner time and need to be here for the girls this afternoon.

On a lighter note, it has been great to hear from folks following the Nana news. I did my 'Aussi Nana' bit yesterday afternoon, picking up the WM's two boys and four of the bosses kids from footy practice. Although brisk, it was a fine day yesterday and around 20o in the sun. I was blown away, yet again, with the difference a week had made in the landscape. There a tiny little white/blue flowers, along with the Cape whats it daisy along the sides of the road. There was some new pink bushes in flower, with screeds of white flowers at the Mullewa end. I had to blink, going past some of the wheat fields because the shorter wheat is still totally green, but there are paddocks of the taller wheat with the heads just turning the merest hint of pale yellow as the heads ripen. There is still some water lying about in places but the roads were good especially as I was driving the WM's car.

One of the office ladies has just come in with a sympathy chocolate bar to which I remarked, 'behind every cloud is a chocolate lining' LOL - you may steal that line if you wish.

I had a bit of a cooking frenzy yesterday as I tried out another recipe from the Womens Weekly supplement (June issue). This time is was chicken with a tarragon, cream, wine sauce which we had for our Tuesday night dinner - very nice indeed. I had some bananas that were past their use by date so whipped up a batch of banana, choc chip muffins which we had for afters. Managed to get all done without risk to life and limb from the oven - we may have come to an understanding now I have worked out the correct switches for the right parts.

Everyone that has emailed has commented on how wet the winter has been in NZ, and mentioned the irony of having water restrictions during summer which is now a distant memory. I am looking forward to more warmth again.

Well, I have just enhaled the choc bar and had to count all my fingers - I was aware yesterday that after the bombshell was dropped, I inhaled several pikelets and a couple of muffins whilst debriefing with the WMH. Will not get to be pale and interesting this week LOL.

Will keep you up to date as the process unfolds. We are in good heart despite the feelings of disappointment and anger as there is a great sense of faith that things will work out - not that the school will continue - the bean counters have made sure of that, but something will work, somehow. Am off to morning tea, we are all hanging together for moral support today. Catch you later.

Monday, 4 August 2008

Breaking News


I am beyond thrilled to let everyone know that I am to be a Nana again!!!!!!!!!!!

Son number two and his wife are expecting a baby in Feb next year. I had a ring a few weeks ago, (it has nearly killed me to keep quiet so long LOL)to tell me the happy news. When I had an email to ring them, that was the last thing I was expecting to hear - I think number 2 son still has hearing in one ear LOL. Move over the cheshire cat, I don't think my feet touched the ground as I did have to tell someone so the WM was the first person to hear. Got in the door to tell her and promptly burst into tears - go figure. Later that night I got the call from the Italian brigade to say they were to be Grandparents at the same time. They have since gone on to find their son and daugter in-law are having twins and another daughter announced over the holidays she too is expecting in March (some people are just plain greedy LOL). With two friends reporting their impending grandparenthood in NZ, it sounds like there will be a bumper crop next year. Now would be a good time to take shares in wool (natural fibres are still best LOL), and any associated baby needs outlet. The Italians have already sent a parcel off with Essenden jumpers for the impending twins LOL. I am being more restrained at this point, but have to say, all things baby and small child are leaping out at me wherever I go!!! Fortunately postage costs an arm and a leg, and I already have 16k of luggage to bring back at Christmas!
Am about to head back down to my little house on the prarie - its fine and windy so may get some washing done and I plan on putting a large pot of soup on to cook. I will also be planning tomorrow nights dinner with the WMH. Catch you later.

Sunday, 3 August 2008

Weekend at Work

Have mastered how to download songs onto my MP3 from the computer via my CD collection as it will not cross pollinate with the itunes I have on the laptop so that I am able to download them. As there are a trillionty songs on itunes, that was a pain in the proverbial. Needless to say, I finished another book whilst downloading nearly my entire Aussi collection of CD's and was quite bleary eyed by dinner time though feeling very pleased with myself. I wandered up for Mass, then went and had a coffee with the WMH and another staff member who has left this weekend (kitchen) before wandering over to sleep the night at work as I was on duty first thing yesterday morning.

Still showers yesterday. Spent most of the day doing laundry for the girls, getting the house clean and then they were able to have a DVD in the afternoon and one after dinner. Most of the senior girls were at sport so it was a relatively easy day.

Today was Cart again. We now have six horses to take out and they were a little peppy after the wet weather. We had only gone out one gate when one of them tried to take off up the driveway back to the paddock. Got that sorted out and another mile up the road and back onto the farm, one of the girls lost control of her horse and it bolted with her, culminating with her ending up on the ground. Fortunately the horse didn't run far and with a bit of off road driving with the tractor and cart, it was caught again. The sun was shining but the wind was bitterly cold so I was glad of my four layers. Took photos of three new wild flowers LOL and it is unbelievable to see the farm covered in green. There are carpets of yellow flowers in one particular area which is a Cape something or other daisy - very pretty.

Got back to try and cook lunch - I needed to warm some pies up that were made yesterday. Hmmm, kitchen oven on gas - need I say any more. I could not get the sodding thing to work, couldn't see any pilot light though there was a pile of ash in the bowels of the innards but I was not game to waft naked flame into pipes and wires. The girls were ready to chew their arms off by then so ended up getting two other ovens going, and using two microwaves flat tack. Of course the other ovens were smaller ones so had to move all the pies I had out onto smaller trays grrrrr. I have to use the grill tonight for the Sunday night barbeque, and couldn't find matches or lighter anywhere so not sure how that will go. We may have some back in the dorm (matches that is).

Am in the library with some of the girls watching 'Harry Potter, Goblets of Fire' and some of them are down at the horse yards seeing a new miniature horse that has arrived to be a paddock companion to one of the other horses. It is a completely 'Thelwell' looking little beastie and appears very cute to all the girls.

I finished embroidering the two doilies yesterday that I bought at Open Day and am now attempting to crochet an edge around them. I hope you are all impressed with the crocheting as I have the 'how to' book open on one page and am trying to follow the instructions on another, with cotton wrapped round all sorts of fingers as I try to get it right. I am doing double chain in all the eyelet holes first and seem to have mastered that OK and now am about to venture forth onto the next row which involves slip stitching chain to make a picot edge!!!!! Am totally clack-handed so it is enthusiasm and the urge to actually complete something for once, (LOL) that is keeping me going.

All going well, I will have tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday until the afternoon off this week and then the weekend again. I see that the AB's thrashed the Aussis last night and am hoping it was by management rather than good luck this time. If next week is the third game then I will definitely plan to watch it somewhere. Am waiting to see the WMH in the staff room tomorrow morning, not so much gloating perhaps, but just with a knowing smile LOL. I am really glad the AB's won on Eden Park. Over here with Aussi Rulz, Collingwood lost to Hawthorn and the Dockers play the Eagles today which is the game most WA people will be interested in. Hope everyone has had a good weekend and no doubt the whole NZ psyche will have had a lift with the win of the weekend LOL.
Cheers Lynn

Friday, 1 August 2008

New Toys

It is past midnight but I have been playing with my new toy - I have bought myself a new mp3 type thingie - for those playing at home the actual gizmo is called San Disk, which is a 2GB (500 songs!)beastie. It will also play audio, video clips,FM radio,and hold photos. I have managed to Rip some music off a CD and download 60 songs without the lap top having a meltdown. The best part was I got the MP3 on special for $49 down from $119 (harvey norman sale!!!). The sound is brilliant - I am sitting here with ear plugs in trying to write while rocking to "I see Red" (Split Enz). Love it. It is shaped like a mobile phone, has 20 hours of battery life and has an integrated voice recorder with built in microphone (will have to check if it is able to fetch a coffee as well, LOL). OMG the stereo on it is brilliant - now listening to Leonard Cohen - Sisters of Mercy. I am blown away by the fact that I have mastered enough technology to get the thing to work plus manage to work my my way through ripping a CD. This purchase was on the want and need list of purchases as neither utes that I drive have a tape deck (notice the quantum leap in technology!!!) or a CD player and 3 hours round trip (to Gton), of contemplative driving is about 2 1/2 hours too long LOL.

I had a good day yesterday doing the vegie run - left here in drizzle and trailed the frozen food delivery truck to Mullewa. There was water everywhere, but only in a couple of places over the road. It was raining more in Geraldton to start with, the tide was rough and the water filthy brown for about 100m along the shore. My first stop was to get new tyres on the ute - (it needed 4) so after dropping it in to a local firm I retired to Maccas to have a coffee and scone. I took the opportunity to read 'The West Australian' and NZ was mentioned twice no less. A small article in the sports pages about the AB's/Wallabies and their coaches. It was talking about Elvs and Robbie Deans knowing more about how the new rules are to be implemented. I take it Elvs is something to do with the new rules, unless the AB's have turned into small impish creatures heh,heh.

The other article nearer the beginning of the paper was headed "NZ Brothels get Tick from Gran" (!!!!!!) Apparently two women (73 & 62) from the British Women's Institute have been travelling world wide making a documentary on brothels. They raved about NZ and specifically mentioned 'Purely Blue' and 'The Bonton" which was described as a boutique style venue in a surburban house. It went on to say the sex workers had degrees and professional jobs - both places were very discreet and the hours civilised - 10am - 7pm, Mon - Fri. The doco called 'The Women's Institute and the Search for the Perfect Brothel' will air in Britain this weekend. (no channel mentioned LOL if anyone has rellies in the UK).

The other info that took my eye was a piece saying Starbucks to close more than two thirds of their coffee stores in Oz, putting 685 people out of work as well as 600 co-owned stores in the states - mainly out of city shops and no plans to do the same anywhere else.

By the time the ute was ready, the sun was out and I shed a layer of clothes and carried on with my chores. By late in the afternoon, there was blue sky with sun out, so another layer was removed (I had four layers LOL)while I finished all I had to do in town. I picked up a student and got away from town by 4pm driving into rain by the time we were half way back. It is phenomenal, the changes that have occurred in the landscape since I arrived over here. I did think of calling this post - How Green Is My Valley, as the shades and variation of green are unbelievable. The barest, dirt, red brown paddocks are now covered in green. Intermixed with the lushness of the wheat growing are huge swathes of yellow with all the canola flowers blooming for miles. I saw new wild flowers out - had my camera with me but could not be bothered stopping in the pouring rain.

It was a nice change to get back in daylight and be unpacked in time for dinner which I had with the WMH last night. I took up my kumera/rosemary soup and we had pasta bake and then caramel self saucing pudding for desert followed by three games of Buzz - Hollywood Quiz.

Have had realaxing day today - finished a book and a couple of mags, then tidied the place, washed the floors and vacuumed. I got a load of washing out and dried but there were more showers again this afternoon. For a complete first - I went out to the one of the local pubs for dinner tonight. A group of us went by way of a farewell dinner for one of the kitchen staff. Had a great time and the meal was great - fishermans basket with the ususal prawns, fish, calamari, scallop bite and chips with salad $18. Had one or five gins and tonic which made getting into the back seat of the car to come home interesting. A two door, 4 wheeldrive - there is no way you can be elegant getting in or out of such a beast and it involved a couple of contortionist moves before I was seated successfully LOL.

Forgot to mention my other key purchase yesterday - a 12 super-bright led light, battery free, crank lantern - for camping and emergencies!!!! You crank the handle round for 1 minute and it will give you 20 mins light apparently. In the interests of authenticity - I have just had a go and yes it is alight and there is THREE settings - 4, 8 or 12 Led lights on at once depending on how much light you need. The blurb also says the led lights are good for 100,000 hours!!!

had better get some shut eye so will sign off for now.