Thursday, 28 February 2008

Temperature's Rising

Well after the cold snap last week (20's-30's) we are back to 40o plus but with the cooler evenings and mornings it is quite bearable - must be coming acclimatised. Am not getting used to BUGS and INSECTS however. Have just swallowed (and unswallowed) my 2nd fly !!!!!!!! Very hard talking outside without breathing or swallowing one with the heat back in force. Also look like some poor third world child with insect bites all over my arms and legs even though I am a walking insect repellent!! Came back to work last night to find some insect with an inch long black body with about six legs and wings, lying upside down and demised (my favourite sort of insect LOL)on the floor outside our room - not sure of its pedigree and have been walking around it to get to said room. We have had some large moths (something that does not bother me funnily enough) flying about. The ordinary ones are big, the next size up you could put a saddle on and ride them. There are also caterpillas everywhere, greeny-yellow and black stripes - not sure if they are beginner moths or butterflies LOL.

Played bowls again this week on Tuesday night - our team won again by 1 point (yay). We were doing really well and then the other team made a bit of a comeback. I didn't help with my last bowl - forgot to check the size of the picture inside the middle of the bowl (should be smallest on the inside to make it curve!!), must have had the bigger picture on the inside as it shot straight across the next pitch completely away from where I had thought I had cunningly placed it!! Met four new people (the other team) and a hello from last weeks team and the librarian - nearly old home week LOL. Even ventured forth and had a beer to start the evening off no less.

Did not go into town this week as Br (the correct short form I have realised LOL not Bro!!)took one of the old visiting priests in with him. I changed a whole pile of addresses by email and worked on Duty of Care with my workmate instead as she is now powering through hers.

Crown Removals!!!!! or not as the case maybe... I got a call yesterday that my goods had cleared quarantine (they had already said that last week) and I would get said goods on March 11!!!!! No one knew where Tardun was, and it was so remote that they would have to wait and find someone to deliver it as it wasn't a big job to deliver.
In tones that could have set off the next ice age, I replied that I could not wait that long and how hard was it when a major highway went from Perth to Geraldton and trucks travelled it each day!! Mutter, snarl. I suggested they find another company that could do the job pronto. As I got off the phone, foaming and savaging about flaming useless ....the office lady said Courier Australia would be able to deliver as they do lots of work for Tardun. So, on the phone today and in very sweet tones (scarey sweet tones), I suggested the very same and said if they could not deliver, door to door as advertised, perhaps they should change their advertising. Am waiting on their reply and am completely over the Australian/Perth branch of this company who would not know their a--e from their elbow.

Am happy to report, that my new bed, wirewove and all is working well. Two comfortable night's sleep in a row was great, even though the old body was in protest from the horse riding LOL. Four days later I am able to walk without a roll to my gait.
Am just about to finish up supervision in the library before heading to prep so will sign off.
Catch you later.

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Once more into the breach dear friends:

Or, I am off to bowls again tonight ... Called up to get my mail this afternoon and as I am not working tonight, I get to go again!! It is 40o today and not much wind so may have to make allowances with speed etc LOL so watch this space, will report tomorrow night (late) when I come up to do sleep over. To continue with minor challenges - am without hot water at the moment at my house - had the bloke who came to cut my 'lawn' (can you believe it had grown enough to be cut, LOL)check out the heater thing on the side of the house that you have to light (pilot light) and he pointed out that it looked as though the flame had burnt some of the aluminium where the light should be. Hmmm me and something that you cannot see that is potentially dangerous if it goes wrong - will see the bloke to fix it tonight at bowls so will have to make do with a lightening cold shower tonight, although cold here is slightly below tepid if you are quick enough LOL.

Ants... double and triple swear words. Possibly the weather or just because... I am over feeling strange things walking over me in bed and finding ants upon my person, beside me, on the bedding, or walking over me when I am sitting on the couch etc etc. I have checked the calendar and it is just over a month since I bought mega-death ant baits to kill the beasts and it is now at the top of my shopping list (am hopeful of going with Brother tomorrow).

Midges - I believe it IS due to the weather these creatures are out in abundance. Have been immune (possibly because until recently have been mainly inside most of the time) but last night walking home I must have got bitten because I have bites on my arms, and lower legs and they itch. I had put some repellent on earlier but it wasn't the mega-death bush variety that I have on today to walk up to school - I think it worked because the flies all kept their distance. Not sure how one mixes French perfume with mega-death, may have to use one or the other and save the perfume for when I come home or it gets cooler again. LOL

Dial-up email. I had forgotten the dulcet tones of pedang, pedang, pedang, tweetle, screech, that dial-up does and it sounded like an old friend (yes, sad I know) and whilst I am extremely happy that I can manage the most feeble of email letters, I cannot download emails with pictures (Moses chipping out the 10 commandments would be quicker), nor can I post to this blog. I am greatful for small mercies I guess. I may bypass pictures in my blog and try to email some out to interested parties - on dial-up I cannot even do that so may experiment tomorrow when I am up at school again.

Crown removals: The guys paddling from Oz to New Zealand did it quicker, I have still not got my goods here though they are in Perth and have been cleared by customs.... Getting very frustrating as there are so many resources that I am waiting for. Still I will be ahead for next term.

Jigsaw: I have become addicted and have thoroughly enjoyed doing most of our 1000 piece jig-saw of two labarador puppies. Being cute animals, the jigsaw has been a hit with the girls too and a nice way of working together.

And so am off for my cold shower and to resurface with my mega-death, attractively smelling insect repellent to come up for a roast pork dinner and an evenings entertainment.
Catch you in the battle.
Love Lynn

Sunday, 24 February 2008

Two on a tractor, the rest doing cart!!

Oh My God! I have had the best day and all I can say is move over Claire McCloud (or any other McCloud's daughters indeed!!!!) "Cart" is a Tardun tradition, begun I think by the original boys riding out on the farm on horses, the others being taken out on the back of a cart with boys swapping places during the day. Today cart means going out for miles on the farm with a tractor (ancient with a cab) towing a covered trailor/wagon with two bench seats and a roof to it with some kids sitting on the back and the rest riding behind the trailor on an assorted bunch of horses. One of the Brothers takes cart (the farming one)and so off we went about 11am which was a late start due to a mis-communication and Bro not thinking we were going out. The horses are a mixed bag of mokes some of which look as though they may have missed their calling at the knackers yard - their paddock is nothing but dirt and they are fed hay (looks like straw) so not the sleek fat types you see lolling in NZ paddocks LOL. Their looks belied their sturdiness however because we drove for two hours - not sure how many k's but more than 7. I went with the girls and sat in the back of the wagon, camera at hand to capture the day! One of our yr 11 girls drove the tractor with Bro and off we went with the horses at a brisk trot behind the cart (we took 5 horses). Every couple of k's Bro stopped the cart and people changed horses and someone else got to drive the tractor with Bro guiding them. As per usual I was keeping my eye out for fauna - saw a blue tongue lizard as we started out but too slow to take a picture - have found they are commonly known as bobtails!! After the first girl had a turn at driving the tractor - I had a turn. (There are photos!) and what can I say. Loved the accelerator that was a knob on the floor, I let the clutch out until my knee was nearly up under my throat but did not disgrace myself by stalling or bunny hopping and managed a relatively smooth take off. The steering was something else again, the steering wheel had little connection with the actual direction you wanted to go in so I was moving it constantly to stay in a straight line and then there were the brakes LOL - there was very little there either so it was take foot of accelerator, pump the brakes and pray that you stopped in time, especially when coming to a gate!!

But wait, there is more. We went through paddocks of dirt, some with dry wheat stubble, past dumps with old trucks, and goodness knows what, through salt flats, through flood plains that had water running from all the rain, through the bush, to the shearing sheds and then off again through bush, paddocks, past a lake, more paddocks and streams before getting back to base. Had been eyeing up the nags as the girls were riding and noted one that we put up a couple of girls not used to riding and decided that was the one I was going to have a go on. Waited until we were probably just after half way and then the next change over it was my turn. The horse is white, maybe, and between 15.3 and 16h high. Put my helmet on (ahh the joys of health and safety!) and then asked Bro for a leg up. They don't do that here, its put your foot in the stirrup (stock type saddle) and haul yourself up. Had an hysterical moment when I wondered whether I could get my leg up that high LOL (also lucky I bought stretch jeans that have some give in them LOL). Bro lowered the stirrup iron and amazingly enough I a) managed to get my leg high enough off the ground to get into the stirrup and b) was able to launch myself up onto said beast. I had already impressed one of the girls by catching her horse when she had it racing round the paddock and even getting on the horse scored me a few more points. (Forgot to mention I had my boots on especially today as well) And so, after more adjusting the stirrup leathers to get right length we were off. Hmmmmmmm the words like 'its just like riding a bike' sprung into mind and then a voice of old entered my conscious flow so to speak (Thanks to Annette who spent endless hours putting me through my paces in days of yore). 'Sit up, elbows in, heels down, walk on, trot on, hands loose on the reins (thumbs upright and reins held correctly)... and I was mobile. I gathered my reins and we went from walk to trot in about 30 secs and so started rising to the trot (Hope you are all impressed with my horse speak after my bowls speak LOL) - which was different in a stock saddle I think, or just parts of my body were reconnecting with cell memory on how to work, (which took some tracking down). Hadn't immediately fallen off so leapt into a canter - again a little ungainly as parts of me were still not responding entirely as they should. I felt like I was riding a barrel and trying to grip with my knees was a bit of an act, if I got that part right my heels were not down or my arms started flapping so eased up, and tried trotting again and somehow found some rhythem with the beast. In a very Hollywood moment, came to this stream and cantered through it, water spraying everywhere and it was magic. Another stop with the school in sight so I got off to swap with one of the girls and the classic moment of the day occurred. As I was taught, cleared the stirrups, threw my right leg over the horses rump at the same time as sliding off said beast .... and I kept on sliding - and slid to the ground at the horses front feet (and at Bros feet). I went to get up and fell down again!!! my legs would not work and had completely turned to jelly. I was in fits of laughter and Bro not sure what to do next I think, but I managed to haul my self up by the stirrup leather to a standing position and walked very slowly to the wagon, not sure that I wouldn't fall down again LOL. Managed to lurch my up onto the wagon and sit for the rest of the journey back and then only just managed to walk the horses back to the paddock, hose them down, and walk back up to the kitchen for lunch. I swear I was walking like a drunken sailor (bow legged at that) and had difficulty getting my knees to meet either walking or sitting. It's 9 hours later and am still feeling the effects LOL but loved every minute of it. The girls were completely impressed that I rode and told me: Miss you tell all them people you write to that you can ride good!!!!!! High praise indeed.

After lunch I dragged myself back to my little house on the praire as I needed a change of clothes (horse slobber, mud etc) and back up to the dorm. Also, as it was just us for dinner tonight (boys away) one of the other staff had promised to cook a lasagne for dinner (she is the real McCoy - Italian LOL) as the original plan was to get the girls to help - which they did. We also set up the dining room with table cloths, serviettes, flowers etc and then all had showers and got dressed up. We had had some pretty ferral behaviour go down on our last outing so after a rant about behaviour in public, team work etc etc that weekend and cancelling any outings until they had left school, during the week I had said this weekend's meal was not just a meal but a test in all the above, teamwork, behaviour and decorum with visitors (invited the boss and his family, and several other staff who were on site). After ablutioning, I got dressed up, put make up on, blow dried hair and dragged out some of the jewels to wear. Once again, impressed the girls. One of them came up to me and said: You're really stylie miss, you really put things together well!!!! (had also used some of my Dior perfume and they all commented on how nice I smelt wafting through the place LOL). My cup runneth over!!! Compliments flying everywhere and what a buzz it was to see that all the girls got dressed up, some in skirts etc, some in their best jeans and tops, some with makeup and bling and all looked sparkling neat and tidy. Took their photo out on the steps and more while we were having dinner. They had all helped set the place up and some had spent a lot of time in the kitchen helping to prepare the meal so after they had said Grace, my workmate,husband and I served the girls and guests with a great meal. The girls behaved brilliantly and the staff were blown away when one of the girls I had asked, got up to say thanks to Bro for Cart and to the staff who cooked dinner - a first for these girls! So at the moment, like Cinderella, they will get to go off site next weekend for their great improvement. I had several hugs tonight to say thanks for a great day which has blown me away and makes me think today is one of the one step forward days LOL. They are a funny bunch and for all the fanging I have done, they are starting to get it. Tonight I found them all sitting on the steps with the door unlocked but had not gone inside because I hadn't said they could and they didn't want to do the wrong thing - pinch me. (This would be after a particular fanging I did yesterday after taking three out for a treat and two not listening to what was required and in fact doing the very thing they were told not to do - which caused the rant about trust, cheating the system, letting the whole dorm down as obviously they couldn't be trusted, blah blah blah.

I am now going to take my slightly achey body and go to bed as with the sun, fresh air and being out on the farm, I am feeling knackered. Kay, I hope you have noticed the paragraphs tonight (sister who is a teacher giving critique LOL) Am 3/4 of the way through the jig-saw I started on Friday night. Its laid out on a table just inside the door everyone enters through and it is amazing how many girls have come by and put pieces in, some have done quite a bit and chatted at the same time. Has felt very family weekendish this weekend and we have had lots of laughs (fanging aside LOL) Catch you later.
Love Lynn

Saturday, 23 February 2008

She's got wings and she CAN fly

Halleluja and other offerings upwards - after a week on what is loosely called the internet here (not to belabour a point) I have a flight home and back from Perth and a connecting one back to Geralton booked more or less on the dates I wanted. Am flying Qantas as they were the easiest to navigate on line from here, NZ all full and could not connect with Virgin or Pacific Blue so ya boo sucks to them! (Small regression to childhood there LOL) I do not have to recycle the first born to get home so that is good too. Am thinking of booking from NZ for my Christmas flights when I get back so I do not have to go through the trauma of almost connecting multiple times before hitting the jackpot so to speak.
Today is warmer with a gentle breeze, more than a zepher, less than brisk! Got a lift into Morewa this morning for a shopping expedition - no fauna out because it was too cold (20o) I wore my boots,jeans, and a zip top over my shirt and have peeled all bar shirt and jeans as it has warmed up. Went to a stationery shop (bliss), the IGA and a bakery/cafe (I kid you not). Had a cappucino and feta and spinach pie (with pine nuts)with change from $10. Another brilliant cappucino so that is two in a row (previous one in Geraldton) that have been perfect. We doubled the population of Morewa by shopping today as I went with the workmate's husband, daughter and three of the girls. A good time was had by all and in my lightening twirl through IGA,(spent to long in the stationary shop) I spotted several things that will warrant a return.
Yr 10 are away on camp - very much like OPC - they raft and have to trek using a map, find their own camp, cook their own food etc. They are accompanied by some staff but they do not tell them they are going the wrong way or do anything in the way of preparing meals. Was not sorry to miss this one. As it was the bus broke down before they got too far, and they came back and took two mini vans instead.
Speaking of transport, battery is being charged for the ute and put in this weekend, being rego'd on Monday and a mechanical going over next week so it's getting nearer.
Had the carpets cleaned yesterday throughout the girls boarding, post the fire extinguisher covering the dorm floor. Got the whole lot done as it was not worth coming from Geraldton to do two rooms. We have some VIP's coming on Monday so have been lifting the game with cleaning - getting rid of things lying about like skirting board lengths, aluminium lengths of goodness knows what, clothing from over a year ago when the boys were here, broken chairs, plastic crates etc. Worked most of yesterday during time off but got the bug and am pleased with the results. More cleaning has ensued today with Saturday detentions - 4 hours of solid cleaning work outside around the grounds and anywhere else that is needed - great threat during the week as it is not fun and no one wants to be on it.
Have just been told by workmate that her boys have seen a snake downstairs hmmmmmmmm will have to go and ascertain where exactly and maybe put my boots on again.
Forgot to mention how I am getting to Perth to come home - I am catching a bus at Tardun (17k away) to Perth - it runs twice a week!!!! there and twice a week back. I will catch it around 7.30 -8 am and get into NZ 12.35pm next day. The plane in Perth is 12.15am - I will have got there at 8pm the previous day and can mooch about the airport for four hours, visiting duty free heh heh. This way I will get to see what it is like to go to Perth by road, albeit slower by bus than car. Am coming back on the 26th as I thought I would like to do ANZAC day in NZ. It's a month to go so will start counting the sleeps soon LOL.
Speaking of sleeps - in the big purge up here and the need to put beds in for more girls to come (up to 26 now with 10 on the waiting list) there was an old bed stead spare, got it delivered to mine and yesterday when I went home put it together again. This involved a little swearing (actually several well chosen words were used repeatedly!!) while I tried to drop the wirewove base into the frame. Was in Nana Dot mode so persisted until done (she who moved furniture about at the drop of a hat). I am noticing that many skills and attitudes of those no longer with us are coming to the fore for me and just how much I must have soaked from them as a child (2 world wars and a depression worths of coping LOL). I will give it the acid test tonight to see if it is any more comforatable than the rack I have been sleeping on.
Had better go home and check on my herbs, have given them time outside in the rain for pure rainwater to keep them going and do not want them to wilt in the wind.
Most of the girls have gone off for a mud fight with the boys (supervised - I kid you not!) so is very peaceful up here LOL.
Thanks for all the comments and I understand that some have printed my posts off for others to keep in the loop.
Catch you later.

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Matildaa told such dreadful lies....and when Matilda called out Fire!!!!!

For those not of the Kariaotahi ilk, this was a poem I recited in Std 3 at the Christmas do and yesterday... I got to tell the Principal there was the makings of a fire in the ceiling of one of the dorms!!! I had come up early to vacuum up a leak from the ceiling (a vax to do the job not an ordinary vacuum) on the carpet in the dorm (23mils rain yesterday for those playing at home and more rain and wind today!) when I heard one of the smoke alarms beeping. Went and told the office who suggested I get a step ladder and knock the battery out..... Noooo, I thought on several levels. Couldn't find the caretaker and got sidetracked into trying to book a fare home (do not get me started on transport out here!!!!!)and when I got back upstairs again the alarm was fizzing, with a smell of burning and black smokey stuff coming out around the edges. I hastened down the corridoor to tell the boss and swapped taking a spelling lesson for homework (LOL) while he investigated. He came back to fetch me to check if the fire extinguisher that he had used had worked, and the smokey area had got bigger! Got the one senior girl out who was upstairs in the dorm, turned off the mains power, got the spelling class out and down stairs, told the DP and librarian, also getting kids out of there before zooming downstairs and ringing the school bell for at least 5 mins before people actually started to get it and move towards the shelter shed type structure away from the buildings. The boss meanwhile rang the brigade at Mullewa (who rang back 20 mins later to see if we had put it out!!!!!! Do not get me started on that one)and continued to spray the fire extinguisher about while we did roll checks etc. The boss and workmates husband then decided to get up into the roof to see if anything was happening there but that was OK. I continued to perform like a seal - need to be sure there is no sparks lurking or smouldering (Dad's voice here LOL), and that we were covered insurance wise by having proper fire people give us the OK. In a gotta love the outback moment, a local neighbour is something to do with the fire brigade so came over and gave the all clear, our caretaker turned up and isolated the smoke alarm and did things with wiring and I was left with a complete blue out of 1 & 1/2 cubes from the rest of the fire extinguisher that the boss and other members of staff had liberated on the smoking smoke alarm. Fortunately it was nearly dinner by now so got all the kids in for tea, got the boys off to their site and then got all the girls up in the library, while my workmate turned up and started cleaning for Africa. The four girls whose beds were covered with blue powder managed to get other mattresses and bunked down in various other rooms and after a mammoth two hour clean of the rooms (done by the workmate who came back in her time off) I took down the curtains and started washing everything out of the cubes, the girls clothes and bedding and then got it through the drier. I Called it a day at 2.10am and went to bed.
Dragged myself out this morning just after 6.30 thinking a lovely warm shower would be grand as it is now about 18o outside and antarctic for out here. Arrrrhhhhh, no hot water!!!! Talk about a Scandanavian moment - I was in and out like a flash, and dressed in my warmest clothes (summer clothes in NZ LOL) and thus began today. Had another quick trip into Geraldton - put a student on the plane to go home and then went into town proper to get some gear for one of the our girls and back again.
Hoping for an early night - everyone has been threatened with DIRE consequences if they so much as move an inch out of their rooms tonight and it seems to have worked.
It sounds as though it is blowing a living gale outside so hope the email holds up this weekend and we do not get cut off again. I keep saying every day is an adventure out here and yesterday was right up there. Was meant to have the night off tonight but as my workmate did so much extra to help yesterday and filled in for me till I got back from town today, decided to stay up again tonight.
So its goodnight from me LOL

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Four Seasons or hot, dry, windy, wet and cold.

Was on duty Sat and Sun so came up and slept here on Friday night. Sat is cleaning day, detentions for those who have them (severals hours of cleaning the school) and an outing after lunch. Our routines seem to be working because the entire house was sorted by 11am - a record. We decided to go back to Morewa pools for a swim and off we went on the bus. It was a relatively hot day 38o but cooler than last time. There was a lifeguard person on duty so did not bother to stand vigiliantly by the diving board this time, but sat on a chair under a shade awning and surveyed the pools from there. Did note a white cocatoo in a tree at the back of the pool who was nesting - have taken a photo but not sure it will be any good. Had some drama on the way home when the bus would not start after numerous tries. Usually a push start will do the trick however, with all of us off the bus and the boys pushing as well the bus was pushed up the road and around the corner still with no luck. Some fiddling around the battery area and another go at starting and joy of joys, it started and we were off. Biggest excitement of the day was sighting several wedge tailed eagles on the way home. I initally thought they were crows/ravens as they were black but they were much bigger and when they were in flight there was a wedge of red on their tail. They usually are seen in pairs but I saw several sitting on a tree before they flew off. Our driver said there was possibly something dead where they were sittting.
Sunday a very quiet day, the boys did not come up again after breakfast so had the place to ourselves. I cooked a BBq dinner for all the girls on one of the stoves in the kitchen and that was another sight to behold. Found a black apron, and was cooking on industrial sized hot plate, mounds of chops, steak and sausages in around 40o heat by then. All seemed to go down well though. Didn't know where the fans got turned on so a haze of smoke went through the kitchen and dining room. There was a Dolly Parton CD on the deck of the radio so cranked that up whilst weilding the tongs and avoiding the spitting fat off the chops.
Monday I scored a trip into Geraldton while on school business and managed a quick Nana shop at Best for Less, a Postie Plus/Warehouse type clothes shop. Got back to find parcel from home, post from Dec/Jan from Dio and some tapes from Mum. It was like Christmas/birthday all over again. While I was up at school to get my mail and to see if the email was back up, I was asked if I would like to play 'corporate bowls' with several other staff who were making up a couple of teams to play on Tuesday nights. My workmate was keen and said we could swap depending on when we worked - so, I got to play last night!!!!!!
I was picked up at 6.15pm in the borrowed car of our boss (it fitted 8 of us) and off we went to Mullewa bowling club. We got there early so I could be shown how to bowl LOL and to get some practice in. Somehow I got the short straw and was 1st bowler for our team! I got it that the markings on the balls meant the small design is on the inside as you bowl and that will curve it towards to kitty (small white ball at the other end of the green for those playing at home). Bowling involves a certain amount of bending as you bowl - I was told put left hand on left knee and almost kneel .... my response was Tui's (yeah right) which went somewhat over the aussi's heads. The only bowling I have done in the past years is 10 pin when speed and oomph may get the skittles down so the first practice shots I had scorched up the turf (I forgot to mention it is a turf green not grass or should I say lawn) and went into the back gutter. Coaching by one of the Bros who came with us, helped me get the line sorted and a few more goes helped me pull up on the speed and length I was bowling. I forgot one bowl to have the small design on the inside and after launching said bowl was mortified to see it shoot clear across the next teams pitch!! It got a few laughs though (once again spreading the joy!!) as well as the several times I had to launch the kitty to begin the next games when we had won the previous round. The first time the kitty went only half way down our stretch of ground and everyone had to bowl short and thereafter the kitty seemed to be only about a foot away from the end gutter. (I hope you are all impressed with some of the technical terms - kitty, line etc that I picked up last night). We were playing the Railway Hotel team, a team unbeaten, with members who play 'pennants' (competition bowls) and unbelievably we won, even with the handicap of the kiwi bowler ( as I was bowling one kitty down, I did make a small reference to underarm bowling, heh heh, which also got a good rise). I ended up by not disgracing myself with a few skillful bowls and thought maybe genes will out after all as I improved over the night (channelling the Great Grandfather and Ronald). It was lots of laughs with friendly rivalry between our teams, finished up with a supper reminescent of do's up at Kariaotahi School (sandwhiches, savouries and tom sauce, no cakes though) with plates of food at every table in the club rooms. Bumped into the librarian there who was playing for another team and now know a few more locals to say hello to. All this for $5. I was given heaps on the way home and ribbed that my workmate wouldn't get a look in next week, that I would get hooked (you do get ever so slightly competitive LOL) but will take my turn week about. What I have forgotten to tell you was that we were playing with winds gusting the entire game, these winds, part of the cyclone that has been doing the rounds in WA. The sky was black as the ace of spades all around us (we played in floodlights in the end) and it looked like it was raining somewhere. Most people were in jackets and vests (it was quite cold - about 26o) and now need to seriously think about some warmer clothes for days like this.
Ta da, today it was raining again and the temp has dropped to around 18o which equals winter around here. It has been raining steadily all day and got wet coming to and fro. Have resorted to wearing a chemise under a shirt and shoes and sox. Got wet on the way up to work and have since been lent an umbrella which I will be greatful to.
But wait there is more...... and on that note I will sign off and try and get some sleep. I have just put another load of washing on and changed dry clothes for wet in the driers. Its blowing outside and I have water dripping inside! while the rain continues to fall. Will relate today's high drama tomorrow so you'all come back, you hear!
Love Lynn

Here I am again!

Or the sodding vagaries of telecommunication once again! Email has been down since Friday and only back on mid-afternoon today, so hence my missing in action. And so, to catch up.
Last Friday was lolling in bed with my latest good book (because I could on my morning off LOL) when I got a phone call to say my workmate was heading into Mullewa to get her Police clearance etc done and did I want to get mine in at the same time. At the speed of light I was up, dressed (including makeup for photo),a brisk walk up to school armed with paperwork for Africa, then had to get said papers signed off by the Principal and my photo for a working with children card, that you have to have over here. Managed to nab the school photographer who duly took the mugshot type photo and printed it on the spot so I could affix it to the application form. Just as I was about to hop in the car, I was told it had to be done in black ink, not blue, so painstakingly had to go over a good amount of what had been written already in blue, with a black pen.
Got to the Mullewa Post Office (counter in a general type store) and waited for ages while some bloke got his passport done to be told (several purchases later while I was waiting LOL) I should have made an appointment to have this paperwork done! My sharp intake of breath and sucking in of teeth and 'you are joking - we have come from Tardun (read ends of the earth) aaarrrhhh. The woman behind the counter supposed she could do it then but there were more hurdles yet. Over here you have to have a variety of ID and I am thinking of getting a portable DNA unit to carry with me, LOL. My passport was OK but she initially said my NZ licence was no good. Showed her my bankcard and Aussibank eftpos card which she duly noted and then wrote down my licence no.!!!! Then, did I have proof of where I lived? Did my glazed look not count, and the fact I had just given them info signed by the Principal, and I was accompanied by someone else from the same place doing the same thing! Did I have any mail addressed to me - a power bill or some such thing! I realised, I had a letter from the aussi bank at home and so she graciously allowed me to fax a copy of that when I got back here and $90 plus dollars thank you very much.
In the you've gotta love small towns vein, while we were at the PO, I got a phone call from school to ask if we could pick up something from Mullewa Farm Supplies. The FBI could take lessons from here on how to track people in different places so they can pick up supplies, kids etc to bring back to school. As the shop was across the road, it was no problem.
We were there to pick up a range of boots for some of the kids to try on and to buy a carton of soap powder (for us). While waiting to be served, had a Eureka moment when I spied Robocans (bugspray) on the shelves (covered in cobwebs LOL). Swooped on two with glee only to be told they were out of the bits that go on top that do the business of spraying at regular intervals. AARRRH again - so have put an order in for when they arrive. Will take no chances and do a bulk buy. Did buy two square platter type dishes so I can put things on them LOL $5.95ea which I thought was cheap. Had to knock the dust off them too. I then decided while we were getting boots for the kids, I may as well continue with my aussi kit and get a pair myself. Had a very Cinderella (ugly sister) moment when I went to try them on. They had no sox to use so it was best guess to size and lo and behold I ended up with a pair 8 1/2s, so love the sizing here (several sizes smaller than I would normally get!!). My workmate nearly wet herself watching me trying said boots on, standing on one leg, heaving the boot onto the other foot while I was bent semi-double ( a Nana Gert moment LOL). Before I fell over and took out a shelf of goods, she showed me the knack (there is a knack to getting them on!!!)- twist sideways (the boot, not me) and they slide on. The ladies in the shop also enjoyed the humour of my purchase so felt I had spread some joy and light into everyone's day as I left with my new Ocker boots - I am reliably told they are able to withstand standing on some prickle that abounds out here that can do serious damage so that was a bonus LOL. Needed a lie down once I got home to recover and get my strenth up for the weekend.
Will sign off for now so everyone can get a coffe and get ready for the next installment.

Friday, 15 February 2008

The Queen of Tarts, She Made Some Hearts all on a Summers Eve

On Wednesay night I decided to bake some heart shaped tarts found in the Feb edition of Notebook (mag) for the girls for Valentines Day. Decided to double the mixture - always a challenge when you make something for the first time as the pastry had to be rolled out to 3mil thick. Thought of the average double biscuit and thought 1/8 of an inch should be right, but what to use for a rolling pin! Pioneering spirit to the fore, used the lime bottle (that goes with the gin LOL)wiped with flour and that did the trick. Cleared the table and used my plastic chopping boards to roll out mixture on. To keep in theme - I had Alice playing on the laptop, (Alice Cooper that is)as I began baking! I had purchased heart shaped cutters the week before and did a batch of bottoms of said tarts with a batch of tops in the oven at the same time which seemed to work. Getting the top of the tart with the small cut out bit missing was a bit tricky until I worked out that I put them all on the tray the same size and cut out the smaller heart then taking it out meant the top stayed better in shape. I have taken a photo but am not sure how to upload it!!!! I got about 36 tarts made all up and called it a night around 11pm.

I had received a card and parcel in the mail the day before so put them on the end of the bed so I could open them as soon as I woke up LOL - just like Christmas when we were kids. Thus began my day, a funny card and a lovely tshirt with a pounamo design on it wrapped in Pukeko paper - perfect! I had also received to mags from my sister and a drawing from a niece which I had previously opened but not read so a quick scan and up to finish off the hearts! Just as I got going, I received a call from a friend in Sydney which was great way to start the day. Now the tricky bit of the whole heart,tart performance - drizzling them with melted choc. Recipie said use plastic bag, hmmm, pioneering spirit to the fore again, found one the right size in the telstra phone box and snipped the corner off. Has anyone ever held a plastic bag with HOT melted choc before??? Not easy, and of course the hole may have been a tad big so did some very arty type squiggles on top of the cut out bits and left them on the table under the overhead fan to set the choc. Stage 2 of this performance was the jam inside the hearts. After putting a jar of raspberry jam in a pot and warming it up with a small amount of water added I had to STRAIN the mixture to remove the pips - I kid you not. I then wiped the bottom of the heart/tart with jam, placed the choc drizzled bit on top and then.... the piece de resistance, spooned extra jam into the middle of heart shaped gap in the middle of the now complete heart,tart.
Just as I was completing my masterpieces, I had visitors for morning tea - my colleague, her husband and the daughter of another couple on staff. They came bearing gifts!!! I received scented candles from my colleague and family, bottles of room perfume (like Les floralies) from the other couple, a box of chocolates and two kitchen handtowels from the two office ladies. I was blown away to say the least. We had some of the hearts for morning tea and they were pronounced a success. Everyone cracked up as I took photos of said baking but hope at some stage to learn how to put pictures on this blog.

The rest of the day was just as good. I shot up to school to check my emails (thanks for all of those) and to send off a couple to folk who had birthdays on the same day and then home again to get phonecalls from Mum, No 2 son and wife, girlfriend from NZ and Sister. I had taken some surplus tarts up to school and gave them out to various staff who were around for Valentines Day. I received more well wishes as my birthday was announced on the notice board for all to see LOL.

The night ended with a Commissioning Mass for all the staff for 2008 and all of us new staff received a scroll with a prayer on it. I had bought a cake and the Hearts up for the girls for supper and received many hugs and Happy Birthdays from them and then went down and had a coffe with those who had been to the service (staff and neighbours). Weekly Mass is atteded by quite a few neighbours, some are former pupils and their families. I met one lady (her husband had been a pupil here) and her grand daughter and have been invited to visit any time I like. Gotta love the country spirit out here.
I wandered home about 9.30pm after having had a wonderful day and reflected on the fact that folk here had gone out of their way to make my day special because I was so far away from family, friends and home. We may have to revisit this day again as I am told there are still some things to come in the mail LOL. And so another year passes/begins and I for one would never have predicted an outback birthday for 2008! And breaking news from No 1 son (they are only 1 & 2 because of birth order LOL)is that No 1 Grandson has lost his first tooth!! (Six birthdays ago my present was the news of the impending birth of same grandson).
Thank you to those who made my day special.
Love Lynn

Wednesday, 13 February 2008


Forgot to mention in case you hadnt noticed, have changed the blog template from ancient to a bit more modern which I thought was in keeping with this adventure LOL
Breaking news to hand, have just received an invitation to another party this weekend!!!! Its a 60th which I will not be able to attend as I am on duty so my off sider will be able to go to this one. I have been promised a plate of goodies to be sent up though as the party is happening at a house I can look out at from the boarding house. Am having more of a social life in the outback than in the middle of the city... go figure.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine heh heh

Enough with the water but still with the weather LOL. We had 4mls of rain up at the school and 8mls down by the shearing shed. However, today is a cool 32o, breezy but the sun is shining again. Took a photo of the lawn on the way up - it has grown 3" in the past week and will possibly need cutting this weekend LOL. The place is blissfully silent today - all the students have gone into Geraldton to the "Sorry" celebrations. I did think that I might go to, history in the making and all that but a 3am start and a 5.30am wake up this morning has leached some energy out and I will be travelling on buses this weekend probably to the local pools so gave it all away.
May have transport in the near future!!! The Principal asked me how I was getting on finding something yesterday and when I said I hadnt had a chance to look properly anywhere, he said he had a 4WD ute not doing anything and once the battery is charged and it's rego'd, I can use it. Could I get anymore McClouds daughters LOL. F0rgot to ask the colour (the most important part) but I have a feeling it might be red. Will keep you posted. I am told that the back is a bit light if you go over 80k on the gravel road - will go for some surruptitious driving on the farm I think before I venture forth. I have travelled at speed before on gravel roads (in my youth which was a wee while ago) but a ute!!! Maybe it will be like the Fordson (small farm truck from aforesaid youth) but more powerful LOL. Watch this space.
Great to get the emails from many of you and love reading the comments after I put one of these on. They snap me back to NZ eg Viv mentioning hanging out the washing - one of the things I always associate with washing lines in the paddock and washing snapping in the wind.
Am having three glorious days off in a row but didnt leave here till 11am this morning and here I am back again (had to change money around in NZ bank and realised the before 1am time here is before 4pm NZ) am about to go and borrow trays and kitchen whizz for a bakefest - heart shaped choc drizzled, jam filled hearts. Hmmmm
Tomorrow night at 7pm Oz time we are having Chapel for the commissioning of new staff -all to be present. Not the way I have ever envisaged spending a Valentines Day but will put up a few thoughts for you all while I am there. Hope all the romantically attached have a great day. I am in the germ of a new choir we are going to try and start. So far myself and two other staff plus 5 kids and tomorrow we are singing songs I have only sung once before to a CD. Love this fly by the seat of your pants stuff at an important occassion no less! Have asked for a copy of the sheet music so at least I can sight read where I am meant to be. God Bless Miss Hutton (from Ak Dio days, fierce choir mistress) for instilling high expectations so I may not be totally hopeless tomorrow night.
Was able to speak to the No 2 son yesterday for a belated birthday call before I started work which was good.
Catch you all later. Happy Valentines to you all.
Love Lynn

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

I'm singing and dancing in the rain!

Just when I thought the water titles were over, I opened the curtains after waking up the girls this morning and OMG its raining again!!!! So this could go down at any time and I may not get home today as I have no wet weather gear at all. I did think I had got most of the things I need but at this rate will have to invest in a dryazabone raincoat (very McLouds daughter's now LOL) and they dont have gumboots over here the girls tell me so will have to investigate what the appropriate footwear might be. If I have to walk through streams to ascertain depth at any time, it may be thigh high waders!!!!. The trick will be if the boys can get back up this morning so we are waiting with baited breath so to speak.
Yesterday I ended spending entirely at school therefore missing N0 2 son's birthday as was not able to use any phones to ring International as they have a toll bar type thing going on. Grrrr
Well I have seen my first snake (not in the grass)!! The girls killed one down by the horse yards on Sunday and put it in a coke bottle, filled with water and bought it up to show me. It was smaller than some eels I have seen but still poisonous and could have killed someone if it had bitten them! It's technical name is a King Brown. The scarey thing is it didnt look venomous - note to self to get book out on poisonous beasties of Australia next time I go to the library. Forwarned is forearmed. There was a 'mouse spider' down at the laundry last week that falls into the extremely unpleasant basket and my colleague said she stomped on it to kill it, it is big enough to have crunched when she did it. This is up there with iccky bits that I will not be doing - I would be running. Some flying bug with at least 6 legs flew at me last night while I was making toast and my first involuntary action was to scream and then freeze while one of my farming girls picked it off me. Need to go and get everyone to breakfast. Catch you later if the email stays up.

Sunday, 10 February 2008

Ford every stream!

Or the effort one makes to get to a party!! More about that soon. Taking up where I left off yesterday in Geraldton, got dropped off at Coles mall and had three hours!! Decided I needed a hair trim as fringe had become annoying and was able to get an appointment. Grabbed some lunch - gluten free spinach and egg quiche (this for Laura - had rice all through it with the egg holding it together) very tasty and with cappucino $8.70 which I thought was pretty good. Of course, ran in to people from school straight away LOL so am feeling this mall is becoming my local! Got my hair cut and mentioned I was going to do an anti-hag treatment when I got home (colour to the uninitiated) when they said they could do it right then. Bliss - I didnt dare ask to start off with because being a Saturday I thought they would be raced off their feet. $93 later and felt like a new me and with soft hair (not bore water to wash with) and 1/2 hour to get the remaining groceries I forgot on Wednesday. Baking powder - does the whole world not use Edmonds!!! I realised when I had 4 brands to choose from and none of them Edmonds that possibly why I miss so many things when I am shopping is because in my speed I am looking for the familiar which may not be the brand carried. I found this out when looking for Bisto gravy mix - looked frantically last week up and down the shelf, bought beef cubes in desparation thinking I would go all pioneer and make from scratch and yesterday noticed that what they use here is Gravox!!! Managed to get the right size pyrex dish to fit the oven but again the baking trays are too big! Uneventful trip home, except I noticed that in the last week there were flowering shrubs here and there already since the rain. I think they are a sort of banksia with salmony pink bottom bits and lemony cream bits at the top. Yes, thank you to all those who have pointed out the David Attenborough theme to my journal, but it is noticing the differences that makes everything exciting and keeps me realising that I am somewhere completely different.
If I didnt need any more reminding, going to a party in the middle of nowhere last night continues to be an experience. Left here to be driven about 12k to our destination when hello, another stream to ford. Our driver turned all the lights and electrics off as this time we were in a normal car and not a 4WD vehicle and we got safely through and then hello again a quick swerve as we came out to miss a KANGAROO that leapt out in front of the car. I never saw it till the last minute (sitting in the back seat) but did see it's mate on the left hand side of the car as we passed by. Another stream, this time deep enough to warrent windscreen wipers on for the amount of water that got thrown up as we went through (this is the one that cut the boys off on Friday) and two more near misses with two more kangaroos and we were there. Have decided, outings at night are not for the faint hearted. The party was by way of a housewarming put on by our chef so had very nice nibbles that would not have gone amiss anyway and has set the bar way too high for the rest of us. Garlic prawns, and a eggplant around capscicum fill with cream cheese pinwheel were my two favourties. It was nice to have the chance to talk to folk out of the work setting even though we were all from work and even though I was only going to go for a short while, yes you guessed it, was one of the last to leave at around 1am. Got a lift back with two neighbours and nary a kangaroo was seen this time of the morning. Maybe will just have to arrive early and leave extremely late from any future gatherings LOL.
Only had my duty free Gin to take (with accompanying lime and lemonade - diet of course LOL) as they do not sell alcohol in supermarkets here. Did spot a wine/beer shop on the way home so will have to frequent that in the future.
Woke up finally and got up around 9.30am this morning because I could and proceeded to cook roast lamb and vegies for lunch. I had thawed the lamb out before I knew about the party and if I had waited any longer to cook it, it would have been able to rejoin the herd on its own foot! so to speak. My new pyrex dishes did the trick, but had moments with the gas oven. Had it on about 180o and it did not seem to be doing much so put it on 200o and things began to cook. Will have to do further investigation on how to get the best out of a gas oven! I have always preferred electric myself mainly because my recipies all fit with how they workLOL.
Thank you Kay for reminding me about ankles, I am happy to say the heat does not appear to effect them too much. I did actually notice they were reasonalbly slim the other day funnily enough in comparison to when I was in Europe but then I use the word slim in a relative sense (to what you might ask). I think it is because I am walking to and fro to my house at least two times a day and then up and down the stairs numerous times which is my current fitness program LOL.
Am waiting for the girls to come back from the pools in Geraldton and to go back on duty so will sign off for now. Brett, email me on hotmail so I can get yr address as I do not seem to have it. Mum will have mine if you don't.

Saturday, 9 February 2008

There's one more river to cross!

Up at the crack of 7.30am to go back to my little house on the prairie after a handover. Then a blitz on the house work - my vacuum cleaner can vacuum from one of the house to the other without changing plugs for the cord LOL. Was picked up by my ride at 10.30 and off we went on our Intrepid journey. First thing we saw was a blue tongue lizard, and then another one further up the road, a snake (I missed that) and another three lizards. I am told that the lizards will bite you and will run up your leg or have a go at you. Hmmmmm, will not be hoping out of the car to see how cute they are. First photo moment was when we came to a place in the road on the way to Mullawa that had water covering the road and looked as though it was moving reasonably swiftly, a trifle disconcerting as the car that did not make it yesterday was looking very sorry for itself, behind a bush with water still around it. Could we cross or not - that was the question. Fearing not (while I stayed in the car taking photos, my driver waded through the water, luckily only to midcalf so we gingerly drove through. Then the next piece of excitement was where the sign said flood plain and the water looked deeper (it was) and still moving apace. Once again the walk test took place and once again we ventured forth. When we got to the Mullawa turnoff there was a sign over the road saying road closed LOL - it was gone by the time we got back at 5.30pm. While we were waiting for my driver to pick up family, I got taken to the Rotary memorial to the HMAS Sydney that was sunk during the war with 645 lives lost. There is a circular dome with birds in flight so it looks like a paper cut out, representing all the lives lost. There is two semi circular walls a la the Vietnam wall of Rememberence in the States with all the names of the men who lost there lives. There is a replica of the very front pointy bit of a destroyer with a flag on top and all of this is on a hill overlooking Geraldton. The aussis do do a good war memorial. Have to dash and will finish this tomorrow as am off to a party.

Friday, 8 February 2008

It never rains but it pours!!!!

Or be careful what you wish for!!! On Tuesday night I heard the sound of rain on my roof. I leapt out of bed (11pm) and lo and behold, there was precipitation - 1.4 mils to be exact. Wednesday morning I was off to Geraldton for the second week in a row with one of the Bros. He does a fruit and veg run for the staff plus heaps of other pick ups/drop offs for the school. Called into Mullewa library which I joined last week. Dropped off my 3 books and got 5 which is the limit for next week. The librarian greeted me, remembering me from last week and seeing my enthusiasm said she will order in any book I want from other libraries. I say library, it is the size of the average lounge in NZ with DVD's and videos. My aim is to read every book there LOL. It started raining just out of Mullewa and then rained and rained and rained all day. I could not believe I could get excited about rain after the webfoot and feathers weather of Waikato. I got to drive from Moonyooka (love that name) which is a garage/shop on the side of the road just past the airport to just past the Mullewa turnoff before we hit the dirt/gravel road again. As it was about 6pm I kept my eyes peeled for kangaroos as it is that time onward they are likely to leap out in front of cars. In fact I did see one as a FOX tryed to pull it away from the side of the road. And then further on the dirt road there was this round ball of a thing in the middle of the road. Brother said it was an echidna - a spiny anteater I think ( I need one for a pet as it could feast itself stupid at my place). Brother stopped the car so I could leap out and have a look close up after I had ascertained it would not leap, bite, sting or anything else. It had its pointy little snout (think slightly bigger than a hedgehog) going hell for leather drinking water out of a stream that was flowing in the middle of the road. The road was pretty hairy just after the Mullewa turnoff as water had started covering the road in several places. We got back to Tardun, it was still raining and there were kids everywhere jumping about playing in the rain. Channelling Dad, when I checked the next morning 39.6 mls had fallen that day. The last time it had rained like that was 2004 and before that 1999 though that was less. It has been two years since it has rained at Tardun so now you can understand the kids having a ball. And it still continued to rain. I saw a rainbow yesterday afternoon (have more photographic evidence - and everyone is laughing at the crazy kiwi taking photos of all the weather!) and this mornings count was 26mls. Of course the slight downside to the rain (very hard to find one out here) is that the building leaked in several places and drenched a brand new classroom, one of the water tanks sprouted leaks all the way round about 2 foot up from the bottom! and there were various other buildings that leaked. Most excitement of all that the boys at Wandalgu were completely cut off until after lunch today until a bedford type truck was able to ford the flooded roads. They were unable to get up here until 3.30pm today. I heard that one of the staff was driving along the road from Mullewa and drove into a hole and had to crawl out of the window to escape, the car being slowly swept up with all the water. One of the Brothers had to get the tractor out so the local primary school bus could be pulled out of the mire. I am going to take photos tomorrow because I swear the ground has greened over night. There are buds on the gum trees on my front "lawn" and one of the bushes outside my kitchen window has new tips 3/4"long.
Of course, the trick now is to have rain through "winter" again I believe which is the best time for the crops but this is certainly a good start. The temp dropped and for the last two nights I have had a blanket (cotton air cell) on and last night the air condtioning off! I even changed into a long sleeved shirt at dinner time. (One of the girls has just come along and says to say hello to everyone.)
I am off this weekend and am getting a lift into Geraldton again tomorrow (got to take the chances when you can) and there is a house warming tomorrow night for one of the staff if the roads are passable. I am going to see if I can get a lift to that. Sunday I may just blob but who knows what could happen next. Thanks for the comments. Had better go and see what everyone is up to as it is a bit quiet although most of the girls are watching a movie. We had Mass tonight (which we have every Friday night) so am up on the fact it is Lent, Wednesday having been Ash Wednesday.

Thursday, 7 February 2008

Gidday Mate

Well here I am at long last back on my blog spot in TARDUN, Western Australia working at a co-ed boarding school. For some of you this will be a bit of a rehash so you will have to bear with me. Tardun is 1 1/2 hours from Geraldton which is on the coast up from Perth which is about 5 hours away from here. The two nearest towns and I use the word advisably are Mullewa (30mins) and Morewa (45mins) at least 30mins of travelling on dirt and gravel before you hit bitumen roading. Tardun is in what is know as the wheat belt and at Morewa there are huge ovals surraound by what looks like unpainted sheets of tin, alongside the railway tracks. These ovals are filled with wheat when it is harvested. I landed at Geraldton Airport (think Rotorua for size) and got taken for a quick look at Geraldton before heading to the school. Geraldton is a well kept town, houses with gardens or at least shrubbery and trees. The ocean runs all down the coast and it looks spectacular with lovely green water as you drive alongside it. There are two mall type areas that I have found so far with a smaller area like the warehouse area at Pukekohe just a little way out of town with a Bunnings just before you get there. The Bunnings set up is exactly the same as Hamilton, how refreshing to go into a shop and know just where to look for what you want, but I digress. This is sparse country with nothing that resembles grass as we know it anywhere that I have seen. The dirt is similar to the red dirt of Pukekohe and goes for miles, interspersed with acres of wheat feels that are all stubble at the moment, much the same as a number one hair cut. Interspersed with all this is scrub that looks very similar to tea-tree but I think is called mullee scrub, and then there are other shrub type things that must be able to thrive off fresh air. The place is in the midst of a two year drought with very poor crops last year. The sheep I have seen, well think shrunken, dirty brown looking things - hard to believe their fleece would be good for anything nor do they look as though you would get a good feed off them. That goes for the horses I have seen, all look as though they could do with a good feed.
I have a cottage that goes with my job. Think one bedroom batch at the beach. At the back door is the washing machine and tub, directly in front of the back door is the bathroom that has a shower, loo and handbasin. To the right is the kitchen that has a bench, three cupboards on the wall, three cupboards under the bench and three drawers. There is a gas stove and I have a microwave, and a fridge. There is a 4 seater table that will extend. It is warped and have not managed to get it sitting entirely flat yet and there are 4 chairs. The living room is next with a couch in it and then there is my bedroom with a bed in it and a built in wardrobe all along the wall. There is air-conditioning in the lounge that has some vent into the bedroom and a ceiling fan in the bedroom, lounge and kitchen. My claim to fame is the verandah which is off the lounge and runs the entire length of the cottage. I have another house beside me, one across a space looking from the verandah and three across the way when looking out my kitchen window on the other side of the house. Once I learn how to put photos on this I will put some in to show you all.
The original school building, convent and chapel all look like something out of a movie, like a Mexican mission. Girls boarding is in the original boarding building that has the new library upstairs where the original dorm was, with admin and the kitchen underneath. Upstairs there are wide verandahs down both sides of the building (made of ?stone/concrete). Some of the rooms have french doors that open onto the verandahs, with some of the verandah enclosed at one end to form other rooms. There is 5 airconditioning units in the ceilings with ceiling fans in most rooms. I share a sleep over space that has a kitchenette, small sitting room and bedroom with shower and loo of it with the other person I work with, which is off the end of one of the verandahs. Upstairs you can see for miles and miles. There are heaps of buildings around the site, classrooms, the equine center, woodwork and metalwork rooms, an old bakery, laundry, housing, and further afield is the shearing shed, gardening area, a dam, cemetary and then the boys area further afield again. There is a swimming pool on site but in Australia you have to have a bronze medallion to supervise at a pool. My colleague is going to go for it but as I haven't been a pool other than the polar plunge last year at Dio, for over 20yrs, I may never be fit enough to get it. The first thing you have to do is swim 400mtrs in 13 mins. I have to see if I can still swim first LOL.
A new girl has just turned up and have been asked to open up and find a bed for her so will sign off for now. More later.