Had a good trip up to Auckland and found myself thinking, why is there so many trees around houses, what if there was a bush fire!!!! Hmmmm, not likely of course, but I have noticed how many trees and shrubs there are on the north shore and how dense it all is. Made it over the Harbour Bridge OK - always feel like I am taking my life in my hands when I cross it, and finally arrived late afternoon. The new grandson is just perfect (of course) and am spending hours just looking at him, soaking him all up. He seems to me to be a very good baby, in that he eats, sleeps, and when he is awake, he seems very happy to lie in his baby gym, kicking away, or lying in his rocker observing those who are observing him.
Just having a yawn.
Me in repose.
Zachary with Nana Lynn
Is he not just too cute for words!!!! and of course, genius that he is, he is already able to smile at Nana, heh, heh.
I was no sooner settled later in the evening on Tuesday night with the laptop, when off went the Skpye sound, and I became the main feature of sister Kay's English class in Argentina!!!!! I spoke to a small group who were aged 11 - 16 - what is your name and how old are you were our introductory sentences. The boys all seemed to have names only previously known from Mills and Boon stories - Allesandro (usually chiselled featured, with smoldering eyes, dark hair ....), Rodriguez, (read above) ..... to name two. The girls spoke very quietly and I was not able to pick them up so well. They asked me questions and I did my best to answer them in simple English. I was very impressed to hear Kay after two weeks, translate several times, some of the words I was using. (How do you explain a boading school in the middle of nowhere in Australia in simple words, lol).
Yesterday spent a lovely few hours with Amanda's Irish Godmother at her house in Ponsonby. Amanda had been surprised by a white tailed spider in the kitchen the night before and had called the pest control bloke to have the house sprayed that morning. Photo of Z with Nana taken there. We did some shopping on the way home and managed to find some bright material for duvet covers for Zachary, which I will hopefully sew this weekend. Will enlist the help of Mum but I think I should be able to manage a few straight seams, lol.
Have had a pretty lazy day today, it has rained and hailed, and other from a quick dash up the shops this afternoon for bits for tea, have hunkered down with good book and laptop, in between interacting with Z.
Am just watching the news, having heard earlier today that the road rage incident reported in Auckland yesterday has resulted in a death. A 21 yr old student beat a 78 yr old man after an accident, an the elderly man died later in hospital. Tonight there is news of an 80+ yr old having been attacked in his unit in a rest home when someone broke in and stole his laptop, leaving the old chappie with severe head injuries - and now a clip of a Melbourne train driver beating the snot out of someone who tried to hop on his train while it was being cleaned. Craziness beyond understanding.
Its time for Zac's bath and I am cooking dinner so had better go and check where things are at. Back to Waiuku tomorrow and lunch at friend Viv's with home made hot cross buns while this lot visits the other grandparents down in Taupo. No 1 son and family are due up in Auckland next week so am looking forward to catching up with them too.
¡What a gorgeous wee man! He certainly has a look of character and there seems to be a certain wryness in the post-yawn photo.
What a hoot to have you turn up in my English lesson!I loved the way you just ran with it, with no warning. You did a great job and spoke clearly and slowly and the kids did understand you. Most of them are pretty shy in another language but were pleased to be able to talk in an authentic situation. I have taught them to say, ¨G´day, Mate.¨
I have been following the NZ news via internet and am equally appalled at some of those stories.... and I´M supposed to be living in the dangerous place!
In Argentina Easter holidays are Thursday and Friday, not Monday.
Say hi to everyone... would love to be able to catch up on Skpye but I can only do it on my own computer from school. Have a hot cross bun for me!
Sounds like you're having a great time, feels like it wasn't so long ago that you were here for Christmas. Zachary is indeed a cutie, LOVED the photos you sent in the email.
Sometimes I hate reading the newspaper - for fear of reading about what's happened next. There are certainly some crazy people out there.
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