Am sitting at the table at No 2 son's home having landed, shopped, held grandson, put son on skype, had hotcross buns, checked facebook and Kay's blog, and taken photos of said new grandson and it is only morning tea back in Tardun, lol.
It has been a hectic couple of days. I did the town trip on Wednesday, dropping off my books at the library in Mullewa on the way. I was on duty that night and was up at 4.30am Thursday to get two girls off to Geraldton airport at 5am. There was no point going back to bed, thus started the day. I cooked dinner that night for the WMH and family plus the DP, and did garlic and lemony chicken and my vegetable tangine - thankfully both worked as I was cooking and packing and cleaning at the same time.
It was 2am by the time I finally got to bed then up again at 7am to go to school by 8.30 for Easter egg delivery to the last four girls. The WM had another Drs appointment in town which fortuitously co-incided with my need for delivery to the airport. A quick goodbye to all and sundry and we were on our way. There was a wee moment as she drove past the airport, as I wondered why we were not slowing down, and then a quick U turn followed over the grass verge and there I was ready to check in. I had a wait of 90 mins before boarding and then promptly fell asleep for the hour flight to Perth.
As I had more hours to kill, I thought I would have a coffee at Dome in the domestic terminal so I could charge my laptop and check my mail. Having succeeded at that I caught the bus to the international airport to wait another two hours before finally being homeward bound on my Air NZ flight. I slept once again and then once dinner was served stayed awake to read for awhile, and then after checking the entertainment booklet, decided to watch 'The Last Waltz' the movie about the last concert The Band did back in the day. I have seen it several times before, but it was an interesting experience to see it stone cold sober and from some years hence. I love the music that begins the movie and am seriously considering adding it to my 'funeral' list. 'Wish You Were Here' by Pink Floyd is still top of my list to begin with but I am thinking "Last Waltz" as music to go out by. This is not to alarm any readers of this post that I plan on going any time soon as I have had my funeral planned for years, lol. (The old Girl Guide coming out in me, but also as there is nothing like a dismal funeral with poor music or no music at all.) I also managed to listen to the Fleet Foxes album but came totally unglued when trying to use the gaming function without reading the instructions. I gave up on that as I couldn't be bothered with looking up instructions and had another doze instead. I am reading an Ian Rankin novel at the moment who has Rebus as his main character - I always enjoyed the TV series that is based on his novels - murder, mayhem etc with Rebus as a hard man detective.
In anticipation of cold weather back home I had dressed in layers, and had to laugh to myself as both Sky West and the bus company had the air con going flat tack so nearly froze to death in OZ before even stepping foot back in NZ (temp 10C on landing).
Sunday night.
Mum picked me up from the airport, the plane was late by about 30 mins and it took awhile to get through customs but everything flowed OK. We headed straight for the north shore stopping for groceries on the way for goodies for breakfast. We arrived just as no 2 son was changing his son's nappies - pause for thought - did I ever think I would see this day????, and finally got to hold the new grandson. Managed to get a smile out of him and of course he is a cutie. Am heading back for more tomorrow.
We called into see Clive on the way home at Manukau Super Centre. All considering, he was in a good form. There was talk of him being discharged tomorrow however after a word to the physio who was trying to get mum to have a go at putting a bandage on to shape his stump, I mentioned I had been a social worker at Waikato Hospital and we would be expecting a meeting with the team before dischage took place. We are hoping to meet with the Occupational therapist tomorrow so things can be put in place properly before any discharge date is made. Watch this space.
Have had a lovely day today with a lunch at the next door neighbours in Kariaotahi Rd, with 11 sitting down for the meal. It was a good catch up and got to see photos of the latest wedding, family visits, new babies, older babies etc etc which filled in the gaps since I was last home. Feeling very replete, we went down to brother in law/sister's place to pick up my car which lives on their lawn while I am away and then back to Mum's for a post prandial snooze. Hence I am wide awake now but need to get rested for tomorrow so will sign off for the meantime.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
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