I had bought James a face painting kit which needed to be used immediately!. Hence the face which was copied directly off a picture on the packet of said paints which for those without an artistic bone in their body - is a dog!!. This is a cousinly moment.
Now 'spot' the difference, lol. James and Bowie having a compadre moment.
Nana was a bit slow off the mark as I do not seem to have a photo pre 'dog face' mode but the changes in three months are that he is taller, has several new permanent teeth (and four loose ones) and was looking such a boy in his jeans and checked shirt. The mind of a six year old is a fascinating maze of connections. James has had this thing about family relationships for some time and meeting his uncle, aunt and new cousin had to be worked out and integrated into the already unusual (or not) family lineage. At this point he is Zac's only cousin, and as soon as that had been explained, he came back with 'my (his)children won't have any cousins' (being that he is an only child)!!!!! (no pressure, parents, lol). He continually astounds me with what he comes up with. I remember when he was devastated to find out I was his Dad's mother and not just HIS Nana and then I had to fess up I was Stephen's Mum as well. Once he understood, I was SILL his Nana and wouldn't change, he assimilated all these facts and moved onto working out other twigs on the branches of the family tree centering out from him of course, lol.
So, Thursday night dinner there was No 1 & 2 sons, two grandson's and Mark who is like a son (though not good for a kidney), lol with the two daughters in law and Mark's girlfriend - which was lots of laughs and it went too quickly as that was all the time I got to spend with No 1 son and family this hols. I feel a bit like a sponge as I am soaking up as much time with family as I can to take with me when I return to Oz for the next 8 months. Hopefully, I will be able to co-incide my skype time occasionally to see James and Zachary as they continue to grow.
Earlier in the day on Thursday, we had made a trip to the local Mitre 10 to look for a spider bomb as I was unsure whether flyspray would do the trick re the white tailed spider of my last post. Apparently, there is no 'specific' spider bomb, the ones we saw were broad spectrum insect bombs and the woman who was talking to us said a specific spider killing spray would be better - who could argue with that. Having purchased the death to spiders spray, I came back here a liberally sprayed every nook and cranny outside the car, opened the doors and sprayed into the internals of the doors, mirrors, windows etc. It wasn't a fine misty type spray, but a more liquidy type spray, so the car was dripping by the time I finished - however, I haven't seen another spider since, heh, heh. It is a little difficult seeing out of the windows with the spray residue, but still no spiders!
I had the afternoon to myself yesterday so thought I would go shopping at Glenfield mall. Set out and made it OK without getting lost and it wasn't until I got out of the car, I realised I had left my wallet back at the house!!!!!! I decided I couldn't be bothered going all the way there and back again so went window shopping instead - spotted several bargains so may go back again today with wallet for the purchases. It was lovely having a drift around - of course the book shops all have sales and that is cruel and unnaturual punishment because I cannot carry the weight of all the books I would like to have purchased back to Oz. I have a gift voucher for Paperplus from Christmas time, but oh, the choices .......
1 comment:
Oh the irony... here´s me with napalm-strength insect repellant and malaria tablets for Argentina and I haven´t seen aspider in all my time here. A few mosquitos (on the look out for dengue ones, of course) about 3 ants ... so unusual to find at mi casa that I ahd to chase the ant across the tiles with a camera to try and photoraph it. I have seen one fly on a pastry in a shop window but that´s pretty much it. I can safely say there are more insects and spiders in and araound mi casa (house) in NZ than I have seen in the whole of my travels in Argentina and Brazil.
See you on Tuesday - I will pretty much be losing Monday.
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