This will need to be quick - 15 mins for $2 and it took mins to download!!! Well, I made it to Perth no problem albeit there is a bit of new tire on the road, on the way to Morawa when I had to brake to miss two kangaroos. Got to Perth outskirts, then the fun began - ended up in Midland going round in circles for about 20mins, then finally got on the Gt Eastern Highway, found the hotel Tim and the boys were staying - only to find there was no reception until midday so had to cool my heels for half an hour as had no way of letting them know I was there!!! It gets better. I picked them up, all good and we made our way into the city, via somewhere else because I was in the wrong lane and couldn't get off at the proper one, then found most of the city is on one way roads. Spent another hour trying to find my hotel... not for the faint hearted I can tell you. Lads most impressed with the farm ute, red dust and all - talk about Granny Clampett in the big smoke!!! Give me the out back anyday. I travelled over 100k this morning and only passed two cars - bliss. However, do have to say, city traffic in Perth is not as bad as Akland. All motorway traffic coming into the city is at 60k so quite a civilised pace.
There is a carpark right next to my hotel, and even though it costs an arm and a leg for parking, my frayed nerves were ready for a break. Did drive past the WACA on the way in (more than once LOL) where the lads collectively genuflected at the hallowed ground. We found a cafe for lunch (2pm)across the road from my hotel and then did a walk around town. This has to be mall city - we kept finding mall after mall, one was a really interesting mock English tudor alleyway with all sorts of interesting little shops. I hope you are all impressed that I bought nothing!!!!!! Did try on a dryasabone but too heavy for the weather we now have. My time is running out so will have to sign off quickly. Will update again Friday. Going to the zoo tomorrow and then back to Tardun. Got to drive round Kings Park this afternoon and hope to get back there too tomorrow. Only got lost once on the way back tonight from dropping the lads back so am most impressed with myself. Am off for a hot shower and read of my book. I HAVE SURVIVED - maybe I will tackle Wellington driving yet LOL. Heaps more to say but am signing off to get his posted.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
Hope you have a good time in the big smoke. You must try and get to Freemantle coz I hear it's beautiful out there by the sea.
All good here, really looking forward to the hols. Have been farming with Dad this week as Mum has been sick. (although if you asked her, no way, just a bit tired!!)
Must be good to have visitors at last. Our holidays start tomorrow. Yay! Am impressed that you didn't spot any must-buy bargains!
Dear Lynn
If you have boys there with you , you MUST take them to the Freemantle jail.(no - not to leave them there!!) They will be well impressed with tales of ghosts and general cruelty - but do it in daylight because at night there really is evil lurking. We went to a conference dinner thee on oiur visit to Perth - held in the main jail block and I DID NOT LIKE IT. it was very - well evil is the word.
Enough of that - to get there you can take the train one way and the boat another -or vice versa - it's a great trip. You get to see the houses of all the vulgar rich as well. Freemantle has an Oamaru feel about it - all sandstone and 1880's in architecture. The fort is another good-to-see. Back in the city there are great walks around the Swan River and through King's Park - but you probably know that already.Also a bit north the Hillary Harbour area is fun - you can park yourself at a cafe on the wharf while the boys see the Aquarium - wonderful seahorses.
I am having fun imagining you having fun - and Tim too of course!! LOL and love from J&J
Heh heh - Have just read your comment on Laura's blog. Very pleased you found the video - wasn't sure the hamster would be able to run fast enough to keep the wheel turning on your outback computer - so I guess you have been in a cybercafe. Ah well, if you like it - forward it on. It all helps the cause, I hope.
Hope Tim and boys having an enjoyable time. Now that holidays have started it's all hurtling towards the end of the year and asociated activities. Have started the holidays with a frenzied attack on the garden (have to make it look worth the song and dance act to save our hearth and home).
Looking forward to hearing about further intrepid journeys - hopefully you are able to find your way OUT of Perth (the comparison with wet a paper bag comes to mind).
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