Thought I would quickly dash off a posting before I head home - today and tomorrow are my days off. Saturday was the Mullewa Show so spent several hours there which was interesting. All the exhibits fitted into the Rec centre and it was great to see the range that was there. It was very interesting to see wool, sheaves of wheat, bunches of canola for example amongst the preserves, baking, crafts etc. The local primary school had put in quite a few entries and there was obviously stalwarts who had something in just about every section. It was a bit of a buzz to see my pieces of cross stitch displayed. I did not get placed but is has given me ideas for next year. I had lots of postive comments from people who knew it was my work and even though the class I entered included unframed works (which is what I entered) it was framed work that was placed. In saying that, the work that won deserved to be placed and was lovely.
I had afternoon tea - 2 sandwhiches and two slices of cake with a coffe - $4.50 which I thought was good value. Met a woman who worked at Morewa Ag School as a boarding supervisor so did a bit of industrial espionage and had a laugh. It was the 75th anniversary of the show and can only imagine what it must have been like in its hey day. With six years of drought impacting on the community, the show is a mere shadow of its former self. There was only one ride and about 15 stalls but for all that I enjoyed it. There was a sheep shearing contest, wood chopping with pens of sheep and a few cattle on display. One thing that I have not seen in NZ is that they have 'Show Bags' and every kid wants one. There was a stall that only had show bags, some are filled with lollies etc and others are Barbie, Dora, Batman, etc and of course Ben 10. The show bags went from $6 for the lollie ones to $19 for the others so did my Nana thing and got a Ben 10 show bag (When in Mullewa LOL). There is an amazing amount of stuff in it for the money so the kids get a good deal. A veritable treasure trove of things eg satchell, wallet, stickers, yo to, watch (that is all I can remember).
The difference to attending a similar show in NZ is the headgear - Akubras everywhere, in a variety of colours and types. Similarities - groups of men discussing the weather etc, etc. There were athletic races with huge machinery in the middle of where the races were run - I should have taken photos but forgot!!! Better luck next year LOL.
Yesterday we did a quick trip on the bus to Howes Road to see Wreath Flowers - there were hundreds of them and it was pretty spectacular. Will try and get photos organised for next post. Am doing this very quickly as I am off to help with dressing the wounded horses's leg. I finished my feeding duties last night and it was bliss not to have to leap out of bed first thing this morning. I actually read for a while - yay.
Dancing with the Stars started on TV last night - and who should be one of the dancers but Stefano!!!!! the winner (with the stars) of the last two NZ, DWS. His partner this time is 'Martha' out of 'Home and Away' and they got 2nd on the points last night but it is early days. Have started knitting for impending grandchild so hope to get stuck into that in the next two days - am in the midst of watching the second series of "Outrageous Fortune" so will put that on in the background.
Am getting the nod to go and sort the horse so will sign off for now.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
Show sounds a lot of fun - very "A and P" show of old. Have been up in Auckland for a night and a day at a Spanish course with Viv. Learned a lot and got loads of ideas and inspiration. Had a similar moment to your lengthy "short cut" of a few posts back when we ended up walking right aound the block (Symonds St- Grafton Bridge, Grafton Road) for well over a kilometre when, had we walked about 200 metres in the other direction and around the corner we would have been there about 3/4 hour sooner. So much for knowing your way around your own city..... it will end up in the "Interesting Places We've Ended Up When We Were Heading Somewhere Else" chapter. Very spring-like feeling around now that it's stopped raining for a few days (more coming), and before daylight saving starts.
Yes, Kay and I got lost twice in 24 hours, not bad!
Will you be making another baby shawl then? Sorry to hear your cross-stitch didn't get a prize.
Better luck next year.
Am off to town again in the morning after Hannah's piano exam. She has a couple of history lectures to go to - in the very same building where Kay and I were today. Lets hope we have better luck finding it tomorrow.
Sorry you didnt make the medals in the show!! Sounds like Franklin A & P about 50 years ago. And what are Wreath flowers? I dont think we have "Dan"in All Saints yet. I dont know how many years/episodes we are behind, but at least it is on Prime every weekday, 11am to 12. I quite often tape it if I am not here to watch it. Wouldnt miss it.
Have been out in the garden every day and I am quite pleased at how it is going. Lost lots of fuchsias but that is okay. Am having to be quite hard and realistic. Have posted off from July 13 till now, to May and Les, they look forward to reading them. Not much news at the moment. A quiet week. hope all it well with you, love and hugs, Mum
Kay, Viv & Mum:
Am off to do the vegie run this morning - at least it is a straight road all the way there LOL. Ah, inspiration,could do with a good dose of that at the moment - professional development is always great, even if it is a just a day out!!!!
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