On Sunday, it was the Parish Picnic which was held at the Coalseam. Father M was in his vestments and Akubra - can't get much more Aussi than that LOL. Mass was said as Asian tourists walked round the back of us and other visitors to the place wandered around - and to the sound of birdsong in the background. So can now tick off Mass in the bush as another new experience!!! After Mass we had a shared barbeque lunch and people either wandered about looking at the wild flowers and environs, or relaxed back and caught up for a chat. I met a couple of people who I had met at other functions and realised I actually know people in the larger community. I realised this especially yesterday when a woman went past me on the way into the library and said hello and told me the fuscia coloured jumper I was wearing was a good colour on me... I first met her at footy when the WM's boys were playing, but had seen her at the school in Mullewa, the Mullewa show and at Church in Mullewa. I was a blown away that she recognised me and then also a lady at the local service station/shop also remarked she hadn't seen me for ages when I popped in yesterday (last time in there, probably early term 2!!!).
Have been into Gton two days in a row and am now working on my days off because the WM is unwell. There is a flu going through the place - headaches and a cough that lasts for days/weeks if not treated by antibiotic's. Have 7 girls away and likely to be more for the weekend at the rate we are going. Wednesday, I had three girls to take to see the ear, nose and throat specialist at the hospital and managed to squeeze a bit of shopping in and around the vegies etc. I have had two absolute finds: Chinese dried plums that have licorice and orange peel involved in the flavour at one of the IGA's - much nicer than they sound. Am also giddy with joy at finding Diet Creaming Soda!!!!! Kirks (brand name) have put it out. I was rooted to the spot when I saw it on the shelf and had to read the label several times to make sure it was DIET creaming soda (you know, to go with the bag of 12 mini snicker bars also in the basket, to balance the food intake, LOL)> I am happy to report it tastes as good as the real thing. Shall stock up big time next time. Have to sign off as the server is about to go down. ciao
1 comment:
Hope you are still upright and perky! (I'm talking about flu bugs here ok) Was a great photo of Kay in the local rag doing her conducting thing at the muscial festival rehearsal. I do hope plenty of people at school saw it!!
counting down to the holidays now, only 6 school days to go. Do you get holidays too, and if so, what are you up too?
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