All the above, I managed to miss on the drive home from Gton last night. It was a long day and I did try to write something last night, but not enough hamsters in the wheel on the home computer. I have never seen so many rabbits at one time - the largest group was three that I saw. Bro had just remarked that we had missed the kangaroos when not 5 mins later I saw one leaping along on the left hand side of the ute. Luckily it veered away back to the side of the road. The ferral cat just ran across the road and last but not least I also avoided a clump of grass and the hind legs of what was left of a kangaroo - I know, all in a nights driving LOL.
Re the home computer: spent 2 hours on the phone with Big Pond on Tuesday getting reconnected because when Telstra cut the phone off they cut the dial up as well, but neglected to re-connect or mention that I had to go through the laborious process myself. Tis done now and things are working again in a fashion. Not to be outdone, the Commonwealth Bank are now on my list of challenging corporates to deal with. I went in to see about net banking, got a password and all ready to go and then when I went to transfer some money last week to NZ, the process wouldn't work. Rang the help line to be told that I had to be sighted by the local bank (did this not happen when I first arranged it?) to have my limit increase for international transfers,(they set transfers at $0 as a default figure) or they could fax the papers out, I could provide three copies of identification, post it back ....... meanwhile back in the jungle!!!!!! Anyhoo, presented myself in person yesterday AGAIN to said branch and mentioned the fact I had stood in front of the last teller as she had showed me how to access international transfers at her own computer and how was it I left without the next part in place!!!! I had a very helpful young thing walk me soothingly through the process and who rang the equivalent of the vault and had it all sorted by the time I walked out of the door. As my phone conversations with the various corporates have 'been taped for training purposes' I feel I have done my bit for 101: dealing with difficult customers dealing with cloth eared corporate bints LOL.
Had a looonnng day in Gton yesterday. Set off with 6 oxygen bottles strapped to the ute tray. Three tall ones and three smaller ones. Had one interesting corner coming into Mullewa when the load shifted and I had a little fish tail (Bro mentioning calmly about the corner at the same time LOL) as I straightend up. Had 18 jobs to do including dropping off a student for the 4.40 bus up north so didn't get much chance to do any browsing and shopping myself. Did happen to espy a second antique shop tucked away in an alley opposite the bank linking the main street we were shopping in. Have taken note for when I get in on my own perchance.
Thanks Mum for the mail you sent over. I have now in my possession my official Certificate of Duty of Care. Yay and ya boo sucks (Fotherington Thomas - Roald Dahl) to that other place that we shall never speak of. (I feel I have made that comment before but it feels worthwhile to reapeat it )LOL.
The workmate is off to sit her bus license this morning so am keeping my fingers crossed for her. I am needing to get the process going to get an F endorsement to drive the mini van, and will work up from there to get my bus license. It is such a rackety old thing I must admit I do not feel entirely confident about having 30 lives in my hands driving such a beast. The mini-van will be no problem however. I got papers to sign up for medicare - (am thinking another corporate here and taking a deep breath) and have to have a medical for both the above licenses. I may also have to get new glasses AGAIN because somewhere between Gton and here last night (two stops on the way back) I have lost my brand new $1000 glasses. I had taken them off to see better LOL to drive. The optometrist said I was fine to drive without glasses and at night, with my new ones, I can see clearer than wearing them to drive - something to do with the graduated lenses I think. Anyway, luckily I have my old ones on the edge of my nose at the moment as I cannot see to read without them anymore, nor to do any needlework - a fate worse than death. The pain of it is I have just gone through to getting adjusted to the new glasses which were considerably stronger than these ones and took some getting used too. The words buggary bollocks come to mind LOL.
Whilst I have been stitching at home (the few times I have been there recently) I have had a bit of a movie fest going on with a couple of REALLY old movies - in honour of it being 100 years since Jimmy Stewart was born (idle piece of information out of the newspaper for those playing at home) I watched Shenandoa the other night. Not one of his greatest I think but worth a watch for a very young Trampus (Doug McClure) ? out of the Virginian?? Mind just went a bit hazy. I have also watched Pillowtalk with Doris Day, Rock Hudson and Tony Randall (the Odd Couple). I can see how Doris Day became and adjective in her own life time - wholesome girl, slightly ditsy and happy ever after works for her.
My quilting has inspired a couple of the girls to want to do some needlework so am getting some things put together today. Plan on starting something simple so watch this space. This will also help with my decluttering of old cottons and should be worth a few grams LOL. With a bit of a fast food day yesterday and the only decluttering managed was to empty the ute - I have remained stable (weightwise heh heh) for the last couple of days. I had oodles of sleep Monday and Tuesday and with some tidying resulted in a kilo from last week - I kid you not. Its nearly time for morning cuppa (am doing this up at school) so will sign off for now. Ciao.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
This could be my last comment for a week as Viv, Bobby and I are off on camp with 40 kids and 8 other adults next week. Will be in a cyber-fre zone in the great outdoors. Hopefully will not be too wet, cold or insectivorous... will let you know how it went this time next Friday. (Will be in the presence of minor Australian wildlife (wallabies) -so will think of you if I see one.
Good luck with getting your liscence, and dealing with the useless companies! Absolutely insanely cold in Wellington at the mo (well, specifically in our flat, I'm sure that there are plenty of warm, well insulated houses out there...)
Kay: have a great camp - see new blog LOL. Will be thinking of you and hope everything goes well.
Laura: Am looking to find some warmer clothing for here - who would have thought I would find 20o and under freezing LOL. Just keep those kidneys covered LOL and you should be right.
Kay: have a great camp - see new blog LOL. Will be thinking of you and hope everything goes well.
Laura: Am looking to find some warmer clothing for here - who would have thought I would find 20o and under freezing LOL. Just keep those kidneys covered LOL and you should be right.
hi lyn
this is my first time on a blog site so here goes.your blog has so much info its like having a lyn news paper you should have been a journanlist, thishas taken me 5minsso far.thankyou for the betty boop slippers, they are just so way cool. the only problem is that they are abit cold because i keep taking them off to look betty.amy is well and happy so far this year she has been push off the high diving board in a kayak backwards into the pool at dio and jumped off the sky tower ,we have the photos to prove it. she has now lost 12.3kgs im soproud of her determination.they had the ball last week and she looked amazing.we have just come back from whangarei it was my brothers 60th birthday .its darn cold today apart from the hot flushes,i bet your toasty warm oh for a bit of delphy right now.i think about you often too and thank god he has given you such an amazing life change experiance and me a lovely friend.the reason this blog is so big is because i dont know how to email.i dont know how to do capotils apostrophys or spell check as you can see, im ok with full work email adress is cheers for now love faye amy and barry tapp.
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