Yes, today is really my first day off in a week and it is bliss. I woke at 7.30am, read for a bit and then went back to sleep till 10.30am only getting up because the phone rang. This was good as it galvanised me not to waste the day. Ablutions completed, a berroca (prevention as there are people with flu, 24 hour bugs etc) and my new best friend and drug of choice - an antihistamine. More bliss. Two days ago I tore a small hole in my ankle after a small scritch turned into a full blown talon tearing scratch because the itching was driving me mad. Back to the chemist yesterday (my fifth trip into Geraldton in 6 days) to mention that their tablets that were to prevent mossi bites were not working and did they have anything post bite. I have the megatron dose that works for 24hrs and after about 10 mins after taking the first one on the spot yesterday, it began to work. I now laugh in the face of midges and mosquitos, ha !!!!! I can now cope again with the not so great outdoors LOL.
Whilst I do not know the road to Gton backwards yet, I have a good sense of where I am in and around town after the umpteen visits over the past week. After the shopping spree on Saturday, off we went on Sunday to take everyone into soccer. First stop was at McDonalds for a survival coffee for the workmate and I and the girls therefore got a bonus stop. We had some time to wait before 10 pin opened and this filled the bill. A great time was hadby everyone at 10 pin, myself included apart from the bit when I dropped the ball on my foot - I kid you not. A picture of Fred Flintstone came to mind and I felt I managed very well just by gritting my teeth and bowling. Luckily, there was no major or lasting damage, more like catching your toe on furniture and no one else was the wiser. We had a picnic lunch in Chapman Park which was a nice interlude and then to the soccer grounds to watch the girls play their game. That was much like watching paint dry for me - I watched out of one eye whilst reading my book and lying in the sun.
Yesterday went to keep the workmate company as she took one of the boys in to the orthadontist. On the way home we spotted a wedge tailed eagle gliding on the currents up above us. I grabbed my camera and as the workmate pulled open the sunvisor of the car, she tried to take a photo while I steered the car. We got two photos of blue sky and the next one with blue sky and a dot, LOL. Fortunately we were on the dirt road on the way back to school so were pretty safe taking photos while driving in the middle of the road.
When I woke up the first time this morning, for a moment I thought I was back in the Waikato - there was FOG!!!!! There must have been rain in the night because there was water on the ute canopy that I noticed when I got the washing in. The last thing I would have expected out here was fog, but indeed it was foggy on the way to Geraldton on Sunday morning too and we had to stop for the first train I have seen since being here as it crossed the main road. There are rain clouds in the sky at the moment and with a bit of luck we may get some showers today or tonight. The tractors are up and at em again and when I spoke to Bro W last night - he said they would be aiming at seeding 400 acres per day over the next few days!
Am off to Gton again tomorrow as I am doing the vege run and picking up Bro M from in town to bring back. I am having tea with the workmate's family tonight and watching TV as per last week so my social calander is full LOL. Had a ring from the bank today for some final details about the house - all good. Had an email for Mother's Day from the No 1 son and I hear through the grapevine that No 2 son tried to ring unsuccessfully so both remain in the will for this year LOL. The server was down here so have only been able to get on today - no idea why - possibly because it had been going ok for at least a week LOL. I managed to ring my Mum and it was good to have a quick catch up. I have bought a phone card as was standing by a counter in the stationery shop that had them displayed and am going to have a go using it. For $10 I think I have about 5 hours of calls I can make.
Have more new girls applying to come, three more as of today - am starting to feel like the old lady who lived in a shoe LOL. Am about to head home and do some quick ironing before I come up for tea - capitalising on a small burst of energy and also will set me up for the next few days. Hopefully this coming week will be more settled. It is so much easier with my house in order now - it was lovely going home to a tidy place last night, bed ready to dive into and spaces on the couch available to loll and watch a DVD before bed. Am wearing my new glasses today as I got them fixed at an optometrists in town yesterday. I had bent them out of shape in the first few days I had them and had to go back to wearing my old ones as I could not see out of them clearly at all. Am adjusting to the new lenses and its better toda.
OK must away. Catch you later.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
1 comment:
Good to catch up with you on the phone - especially when you are paying for it!
I wonder if you can see the bugs better with your new glasses?
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