I have found where to purchase squillions of them - well lashings at least, LOL. For those playing at home - muscatels were an integral part of our Christmas Day feasting when I was a child. They came in an Octagonal box from memory - our Grandmother always bought them with her and they were the afternoon nibbles post lunch and pressie hand out. Last year I tried where to find them on NZ google and came up with recipies and restaurants that served dishes with them but could not find a supplier. My sister Kay and I were only talking about them whilst I was home last and imagine my surprise when walking into an organic store in Gton, there were bags of them. The first lot I saw were in catering size packs but luckily they had smaller ones near the counter. I fell on a pack, managed to get out of the shop just, and then had to sample them immediately - yes, it is still the taste of Christmas so will enjoy this lot and then work on finding where to get them in NZ again. I think because they are a fruit, even if the package was sealed here, I would be up for a photo shoot on Boarder Patrol if I tried to bring some back LOL. Speaking of Boarder Patrol I watched a smidgeon of it last Monday night and how can anyone be so dumb to smuggle drugs and or food into any country these days. The xrays are good enough to show what you had for dinner and the drug dogs!!!! these animals work, you can not get past them!!! I watched three different people look absolutely astounded when they were discovered to have broken the law - 2 guys got over 10 yrs jail for importing cocaine into OZ - how could it possibly be worth it???
The universe has been extra good to me this week - I also have been able to FINALLY purchase a Robocan and spray - yay. Had to go to Bunnings yesterday for school and after perusing the aisle they would be in at home, I finally gave up and asked one of the staff - to which she replied: Yes we do have them, they are in a funny aisle though - try aisle 28 - yes you would think they should be in aisle 23.... (aisle 28 is a 1/2 aisle on the far side of the shop - not an area I have ever been familiar with LOL) Almost a pavement kissing moment when I picked one off the shelf and put it in the trolly!! Of course, the temperature plummeted yesterday evening when I got home (had to put the heater on, I kid you not) and most self respecting bugs have disappeared for the moment but this will kill all the unseen ones as well heh heh heh.
Had a good day yesterday going to town. Put the MP3 player thingie in my ears, hopped in the ute and off I went - my first trip to Gton solo!! Sang to the music most of the way in, so just as well I was on my own. Managed to get into the township but at the other end than I thought I would end up in. My sense of direction is good in parts but its like being in Wellington - its back to front to Auckland if that makes sense. Anyway, I thought I was very clever until I went to find Bro M and ended up on the highway back here with no immediate turnoff. Wasted about 5ks before heading back into town and this time ended up where I thought I should have been in the first place!!!. Following the map was not a lot easier but by the afternoon I was doing better. Before picking up Bro, I managed a dash into Spotlight with just enough time to scope out the aisles and to see what is where - made myself walk away from a spiderman duvet cover (on sale too,- may need counselling LOL)and then across the way to the equivalent of a Noel Leaming type shop. Had a very quick look at TV's, and CD player and got the pamphlet to compare prices at other places and then went to drive back to town when I espied an antique shop - my first chance to see what the aussie's have. Again for those playing at home - Depression glass - bring some in your bags over here - much more expensive than you can pick it up at home (in my experience). No Sylvac and a lot of furniture - mainly big old fashioned kitchen cabinets and then more modern lounge suites etc. Jewellry looked reasonable and china not too bad but will go again and take a closer look when I have more time.
Have been reading in several magazines lately that a good sleep helps you to lose weight and this weeks theory - you will lose weight when you declutter your house/life!!! Hmmmm - well, I stayed in bed until 10.30am again today and put three bags of rubbish out - watch this space LOL. (Did munch through 1/2 bag of jelly sweets through the day on account of sooooo much decluttering - as I also tidied the house LOL, - may be in holding pattern for today!) Have got one more load of washing to do for the girls and hopefully can call it a night and get cracking on the loss of a few more kilos so will sign off for now.
Replies to comments:
K - Have a great time at camp, looking fwd to the stories of this year's trials and triumphs.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
hey twitch - good to see you are back in aussie - there was a bit of a dry spell there for awhile - i thought you had given up and moved back to aotearoa.....
One more week before camp alhtough it's all systems go as far as planning is concerned. Classroom is filling up with food and banana boxes in anticipation.
Ahh, muscatels - in the green china bowl! he sights and smells of Christmas.
Off to declutter.....Have a good weekend.
Glad to hear you haven't been smuggling cocaine into the country LOL! I like the idea of sleep=weight loss :) note to self: sleep in more often!
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