Sunday, 24 June 2007

Are we nearly there yet? from Singapore

Am going to furiously type something while I am in a free internet cafe in Changi airport - also means I am not spending money in the shops below. What a lovely surprise it was to have my Mum come up to the airport to see me off. I have to say I was a little suspicious because I hadnt had any texts from her until the one when she said she was at the airport. Toilets - my first observations.. Auckland airport had a talking one - most discombobulating to say the least. The ones in the plane - say no more - not enough room to skin a louse for its hide never mind swinging a cat LOL. However they were clean and well set up with lotions and potions. The one here automatically flushed as soon as one stood up - modern technology again!!! A bit spooky when an inanimate object has a mind of its own. The flight over was good - we were fed like pate de foie gras ducks, lots of drinks and nibbles in between two meals. This is going to sign off so I will to. More later.


Kay said...

Aaah yes, the international toilet! You could start an interesting appendix to this odyssey, titled, "Interesting International Toilets". I'm sure there's a much wider range of them to explore on your travels.
I was joking with Viv this morning, saying that when the plane arrives in Greece and the engines stop, there'll still be a high pitched squeal...... Lynn has arrived! (Squeals of excitement, of course!) Looking forward to the photo of you, Pope-like, kissing the ground.

Anonymous said...

Hi Carole,
How did your leg stand up to the flight. Colin forgot to ask you. He is missing you like crazy.You two behave yourselves and continue to have fun. Lynn, love reading about your exploits about your

Mum said...

Hi there, you must be having a wonderful time. Enjoy the warmth while you can. It has been minus degrees in most places, Hamilton included, and up to minus 8 in the South Island. Its just about socks, dressing gown, electic blanket, and woolly hat, and that is just to go to bed!!. Taking Kay and Mark to the airport this afternoon for their few days across the ditch.
Hope you are taking plenty of photos.
love and hugs, Mum

Anonymous said...

Lyn i can see the lyrical/quirky style of writing is not just restricted to nieces.......have fun and enjoy the gropes...sorry, grapes

John C

Anonymous said...

Hi there Lynn,

Have enjoyed reading about your exploits (now that I have managed to find the bloody thing, mum said that she'd email me the proper address and then promptly forgot...did you know that if one googles "lynz oddyssey" you are the first thing that pops up?)
Anyway speaking of toilets my advice is to keep a handful of euros ever-ready for the public toilets as round Europe they refuse to let you in without some kind of donation...looking forward to your next update. Have a fab time.

Laura Vincent

Kay said...

Helloooooooo? Are you nearly there yet? I thought I had already posted this pre-departure-for -Australia comment on Thursday but, on checking, have found that it didn't post. Obviously, the technology-deficient gene extended to more than just one family member. Anyway, I hope that you are able to join in this conversation that the rest of us are having with each other, courtesy of your blog, but your absence is starting to be noticed. Mark and I are now in Australia, so far so good. Ours is more of an "odd" than an "Odyssey" though. Sooo much organisation for such a short visit. Anyway, hoping all is well and that the reason for your extended silence is not because you've been kidnapped by white slave traders. (Surely, they'd have realised their mistake by now.) Cheers from the Gold Coast, Kay and Mark