Have come up to school to use the computer - 24hours to go before I can resume internet on my laptop and counting, LOL. In a cruel turn, I am also on duty this weekend so may not get to contact anyone much before next week! I feel like I am on holiday this week as have been off since Tuesday morning. The WM and hubby are going to Perth for the weekend so we swapped a shift and I am starting on Friday afternoon instead of evening and then working until Sunday evening.
Yesterday was the weekly trip to Gton. Had Br with me again and one student going in for an apt with two extra to bring back. It was good to have company as we had a full day. Was able to drop three books back at the library and get three more. I have interspersed my library books with paperbacks of my own purchased during the hols. I may need to join Gton library as have just about worked my way through all the ones I want to read in Mullewa. Mind you, as the end of year is coming fast, I may just last out. Speaking of the end of the year, my tickets have been booked to return on the 13th Dec and to leave on Jan 25th. With the trip to Sydney happening the week after next, its all countdown now.
Had a lucky break yesterday and finally found the sort of wok that I have wanted, in a kitchen/gift shop I had not been in before. I had just gone to my fav. bakery in the main street (was too late to get any sushi) and I saw a wok on a stand as I passed the aforementioned doorway. Then of course, it was a zoom around to Woolworths to get a slew of chinese cooking products plus an amount of meat and veg so I can get back into business again. For those who do not know, I once did a Chinese cooking course which was the real deal and for sometime used to whip up a banquet at the drop of a hat, cooking wontons by the 100... The bonus was yesterday that vegies appeared to be quite cheap (or I am becoming acclimatised to the horrendous prices that are normal and by comparison they are cheap). Have to do a bit of reorganising of the fridge and will need to co-opt the freezer part of the fridge up at school for the extra meat - will just have to eat it all now over the next few weeks, LOL. It is my turn to cook for the WM's family next Tuesday so will let you know how it all goes - am thinking a 3 - 4 course meal.
I think I saw my first snake on the road yesterday - it was black with what appeared to be yellow markings. Do you know how many shreds of tires and sticks there are on the side of the road between here and Geraldton?????? Probably a millionty, trillionty, LOL. This however was not still or wooden ergo it was a snake!!! I was completely was scanning the sides of the road all the way as I was told the other day, if you run over a snake, you have to check that has come out from underneath the car and not got caught up in the tyre and is still under the car - I didn't need to hear that, LOL. The bird population are particularly suicidal at the moment - there are now 2 ex pinkatoos and possibly an ex '28' with one or two unidentifiable very small birds. Felt a bit squeamish about the birds but not a lot I could do about it.
Road useage has changed again - there are now huge trucks (appearing huge on what is essentially one car roads, LOL) on the gravel roads carrying wheat as the crops are being harvested. I passed wheat fields yesterday that look as though they have had a buzz haircut. At the railway sidings in Mullewa there are two huge ovals that look as though they are sided with white corrugated iron (about 6m high) which are filling up with wheat. They are filled to the brim, heaping in the middle and then covered with a blue tarpaulin type set up to protect the seed from the weather - should it rain I guess. It was very cloudy yesterday morning and cold today - I did see earlier in the week it was to rain in Perth this half of the week but so far, the weather is fine and breezy here. I believe we have 2 silos of barley harvested already from the farm and it is all go for the rest of the crops.
Christmas is everywhere in the shops. I was looking for beads, cord and safety pins for one of the teachers yesterday to make angel decorations. I went to Spotlight which is like an Aladdins cave at the best of times and wished I could have had a good poke around for myself. The bank balance is probably glad I didn't though, LOL.
It is the annual sports dinner tonight so will come back up for that this evening and then Mass. It is the final of Supermodel (welcome to the shallow side, LOL) so may have to get that taped. This Sunday is the final of Dancing with the Stars and Danny Green, a boxer and Luke ( Constable Angelo in Home and Away) are the two main contenders I would say. Watching this balances the murder/mystery books I am stuck into at the moment- that is my excuse and I am sticking to it, LOL.
Have heard from No 2 daughter in law today and she and number 2 son have started ante-natal classes - no 2 son wondering if calving cows is helpful prior knowledge, LOL( I remember one of my brothers wondering the same when the cord was wrapped around his son's neck prior to delivery as he had dealt with a similar problem with one of his cows!!). Mother and impending child are doing well, just to keep you all up to date.
Am feeling the need for sustenance so will wander home and have a late lunch. I tried some turkish bread last week and it is one of my new favourite tastes. May make a greek salad as I have all those ingredients as well. Such choices, LOL.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
Miserable winter weather here again - cold, wet and windy. Julian's prize-giving tomorrow. His last day of school before exams.
Up to the gills with writing reports. Kids loving dancing classes. Have nailed the Maxina and the Circle waltz. They know it's a tradition that's been going for years and are thrilled to be part of it.
All go for the election this weekend. If nothing wlse, it will make for some "Christians-to-the-lions" tv-watching on Saturday night . Can't quite see dancing in the streets a la Obama, no matter who wins.
Glad to see you are back on the airwaves again. Sounds like snake season has started over there - I guess a lot are being flushed out by the cropping.
Am at college too tomorrow as the choir is singing at the prize giving as well as being there for Hannah.
All on for a busy weekend, have been checking through my election day stuff tonight.
Hope your weekend on passes uneventfully
Hi there. Looking forward to seeing you over Christmas - I'm starting full-time work on Monday so I'm not able to get a lot of time off over the summer unfortunately but it will be good to have a steady income! Can't say I like the sound of snakes getting caught under the car :/ but the new wok sounds great :)
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