I am sure I am possess by my own technological raincloud heh, heh, as I had written this brilliant post (OK am suffering from serious lack of sleep) and went to save it when everything froze and I could not seem to work out why, when I had four bars of green (meaning healthy amount of reception) I could not get contact with the outside world and the internet kept telling me there was a problem. Indeed!! I was trying to write my post whilst drinking cappucino in the Dome cafe at Perth airport and could only think that as it was pouring with rain outside that might have made the difference to transmission.(Picture extreme frustration!!!)
Anyway, the bit you missed... After heading back from shopping to a less than exciting meal at the Backpackers (deep fried chicken schnitzel, a sort of coleslaw and chips - the plate was groaning with grease) I managed to sort my lot out to go to the movies with another group whilst I met up with friend Val from Hamilton days (I told you I would give you an honerable mention, LOL). Had two hours which was sensibly spent at a very small cafe heavily foccussed on the most sinful looking deserts laid out tastefully in their fronticepiece cabinet. We did however start properly with a most healthy order of green leaves with pear slices and paremsan cheese salad that lulled the arteries into a false sense of appeasement, even having a glass or two of water. Then, hullo, a 'death by chocolate' experience for Val as she had a chocolate muffiny thing filled with liquid chocolate (after it was heated) and with a knob of chocolate on top. She did say if she had a heart attack on the spot to tell everyone she died happy, LOL. (Sorry Val, there are few secrets in cyber land). For myself, I chose an individually made strawberry cheescake with a tart sized base and about 3" high of strawberry creamy cheesecake filling with strawberry and cream on top, followed by a further shot to the system with a cappucino. (For those who are not family, bear with me, believe me, they will want to be able to share the tastes, LOL). It was great to catch up on all the collective news. Also to find out how my post is now also read by Val's work colleague who also reads my nieces blog (hungryandfrozen) who also watched the video done by the brother - in - law for the Otaua Village Preservation society and thought it was very good. So, our musings are being followed in the office of an outreach of the University of NSW!!! (by people of impeccable taste, LOL,) So, a big hello to Val's colleague too.
I had somehow switched the mobile ph off so when I realised the time, said goodbye to Val and went looking for my girls. They were safe and sound with other staff all playing on various game machines in a place called Timezone, adjacent to the Cinema. Most interesting picture of the night was seeing the WM and our PE teacher (also a kiwi) doing their moves on the dance machine where you stamp your feet on the squares that light up at your feet in time to whatever beat is happening. Move over Michael Jackson, LOL.
Rounded up all the students that were left (and the staff, LOL) and herded them to bed whilst sounds of sirens, traffic and usual big city sounds were going on outside our windows.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
Kay: Wait for Sunday's news, have a story that will beat the turtle, LOL.
Viv: Have seen heaps I would like to have done for Christmas shopping but then remember how much it will all weigh to bring back - love the Christmas things over here though. Good luck to all for their exams and belated birthday wishes.
Mum: Sounds as though it's full on. Am back to drinking copious amounts of water again with more warmth in the temperature and travelling.
The pool was perfection this morning, 22.5c best so far.
Was up early to make a batch of muffins to take to the funeral aftermatch function at the Lions Station, then swim, then shower and dressed to go to Charles Hopping's funeral. There was nearly 300 and we coped really well. Noel and Lorne were there, Bruce Fache, went to talk to him but he had gone. Georgie Wilson, just about all of the old diggers of Waipipi, Kariotahi, Kohekohe were there. Our team of Lions and helpers did an excellent job, and I have only just got home.
Bet you want to sleep for the next few days to catch up. Nice to catch up with your friend Val. Saw Nancy Hook too, she sends her love to you.
Must go and get some liquids, love and hugs, Mum
I await the "better than turtle" story. *Waves to Val and friend* Loved the description of the chocolate and strawberry goodies.
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