Yes, winter is over, am down to one layer and worshipping air-con, LOL. Seem to have had a busy few days. Worked Friday night, Saturday I had 5 mins notice to go to town. The WMH was going in to buy shoes for one of the boys so got a stand up ironing board, new single sheets and some supplies for dinner that night. I am over using the ironing board that will sit on the bed, as I want to be able to watch a DVD when I iron - I tell myself I will be more productive that way, LOL. The sheets were because the last week of school, I put my foot through the old winciette ones I was using from school supplies, so they are now dusters. I went to look for some Egyptian cotton ones and Target had 1000 count King size and Queen size, but the best I could do was a 300 count polyester/cotton mix in single sheets - so am slumming it at work, LOL (do people sleeping in single beds not deserve 1000 count cotton sheets). I know, I am a sheet snob (when I can be, LOL).
We had a big roast pork dinner up at the WM's on Saturday night which was very yummy. I had planned on making a pavlova as I had bought strawberries for 95c chip and some cream earlier in the week. As it transpired, I was too hot and tired from the trip to fit in cooking it before dinner, so skipped the pav bit and had fruit salad and cream instead. If I had been thinking, I should have bought some merangues or mini pavs and cheated, note to self: buy some tomorrow when I do the vegie run to keep in the cupboard for emergencies and when it is too hot to cook.
Sunday was horse riding day and we went for a good ramble - came back nearly expiring even though this time I had taken water out with me - the temp by the time I got back was 38o on my verandah in the shade. I turned the aircon onto warp speed and lay like a beached whale until I cooled down. Had been using the fans prior to that but that was only moving the warm air about.
Along with the heat, the ANTS are back. Luckily, I had pkts of bait left over from last season so have left them liberally placed about the house and hoping they will deliver mega death to the nests from whence they came. There is also an insect I have spotted that is orange and wasp looking but of a size you could throw a saddle on and ride them. I have had someone tell me they are a wasp, and then someone else tell me they are hornets - will have to do more investigation on that.
I am waiting until 2pm which will be 7pm NZ time to ring the No 1 Grandson for his 6th birthday. Went to go for a ride this morning but a couple of horses had jumped the fence into the paddock with the mare and foal, and the horse we are still treating and after sorting all that out it was time for morning tea. We have a couple of the honcho's here today and have just had a very interesting conversation re planning for next year. No worries about my job at all it would seem.
It was 42o in Geraldton yesterday so that would have meant at least 45o out here if not more. We had a spectacular thunder storm Sunday afternoon but no rain. The sunsets over the last two nights have been spectacular - orange, deep pinks to red with black clouds, lightening and rain in the distance. Am going home now to water the plants and to have some lunch. I think I may have let my mushrooms dry out too much but am getting two or three cheery tomatoes each day and trying to encourage my next lot of spinach to grow.
Catch you later.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
Gotta love the 1000 count cotton sheet - have happy memories of the 1000count cotton sheet fest we had in Hamilton in the good-old-days.
Had some of my own home-grown mesclun lettuce for tea tonight - Julian commented on a small spider running from underneath a leaf across his plate. I said, "You can't get much fresher than that when livestock are escaping from your dinner..."
Happy Birthday to James OMG - 6 years old!
You win the heat stakes! Only a mere 18 degrees here today. You will be melting away at this rate.
Am doing a serious Sponge Bob tonight. Have spent a half hour playing with photos of Noelene's birthday tea here on Sunday night, then, obviously, as I am typing this, have been checking the blogs.
I see that Kay has just signed in - will have a quick chat!
Happy Birthday James!
Yes remembered James' birthday.
It would have been great for you to talk to him. Dont they have Skype? We had silver beet from our garden tonight, and there will be some mesculan lettuce leaves by the weekend. Only been in about two weeks. Clive is going to build a raised vege garden, to have as well as the potted lot. Bought another couple of folios for Volume 4. People are still enjoying every post! Worm wee is working a treat. Time for bed, love and hugs, Mum
Did a PS the other day, but it didnt turn up on blog. It was to say that I had a young blackbird in the bedroom, and it left its visiting cards over your lovely pink egyptian cotton sheets!! and duvee cover!!! so much unnecessary washing has been done.If that wasnt enough I have had a Ra-Ra in Clive's part of the wardrobe, and Oh the washing I have had to do. No wonder Bob's bowl has been emptying so quickly. So, much poison and traps and whatever means to eradicate them, short of a pied piper. Got another appointment with Jo this afternoon (at the Gym!!!!!) She sure knows her stuff. hugs Mum
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