Is this the best thing to happen since sliced bread or what!!! Am now able to SEE and TALK to family and friends in living technicolour, LOL. (Yes, I know there are some that would say that is not such a wonderful thing hheh, heh.) You can even have three way conversations without pictures ( in fact you can have up to 24 people in a conversation at once but that would be like bedlam I should think). So, to date there are 8 people I can instantly see and talk and spend hours on the computer with. All you need is a microphone and camera gadget and you are good to go. (and a hairdresser and makeup artist if you are fussy about being seen in your natural state ie how you look when not expecting visitors,LOL). I had people comment on my new hairstyle today. Noooooo, that would be because I have washed it, LOL. The difference from my horse riding hair to a clean and blowdried look.
As a sucker for punishment we went riding again this morning. Set the alarm for 5.45am to get up to the horses at 6am, as we thought we would go in the cool of the morning - which also happened to be a little windy as well. Yes indeedy, it was a fun morning. No stepped on foot this morning for me which was a plus but the wind put a little something into Chance and the WMH did a very good rendition of Cowboy Sam as he managed to stay on as Chance decided to pig jump and rear for the first minutes the WMH was on his back, (and again at the end of the ride). Misty tried a few rears but I had a good thwacking stick which was promptly used and she settled down smartly. Had a great ride over the cross country run that the students do - down a dirt track for some time, over a huge amount of open land for the next bit, and then through bush on a barely marked track that is uneven, and got bits of scrub down over it. It was interesting enough on the horses and would probably be outlawed in NZ if you had to do a risk assessment on it for edn outside the classroom. Saw heaps of tracks that kangaroos were around but no live ones today. The ride was over 6k which was the course and then we did another 2-3k as we went down the road a bit more and up through the farm. In a pavement kissing moment, I got to use an English saddle today instead of the usual stock saddle!!! What utter bliss and comfort, I barely knew I had been for a ride, LOL. I will not use a stock saddle again with any luck! (as in I will knock over the eldery and small children to get dibs on it each ride, heh,heh). The WMH was feeling a little tender towards the end of the ride after his cowboy antics and has declined a ride tomorrow morning using the excuse of going to Mass in Mullewa instead. I weighed up a Godly moment v a ride and then Bathurst and will have to have a private word with upstairs tomorrow on my own time (in commercial breaks, LOL and will need to put a word up for Murph if he is racing). Mind you, when you are out riding on horses that want to stand on their ears, and your are riding through scrub that something may leap out of at any moment, one tends to be having a running conversation with God during the whole proceedings (as in God let me get home in one piece!)
I note today that my mushrooms have grown from just over pinhead to eating size in three days so may harvest some for dinner tonight. I see another cherry tomatoe ripening on the vine as we speak - 31o today and yesterday though there is a good breeze still - enough not to need air con or fans on today.
Have just finished another conversation on Skype and have finished my latest book so will wander up to school and stop procrastinating anymore re getting the place set up. Will try and check out on the telly up there who the top 10 for Bathurst are tomorrow. Catch you later.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
Oh indeed the joys of Skype. (Rhymes with procrastination). I was aware of the ridiculousness of me talking to Viv on Skype when I had just had coffee with her an hour or so before(Always something to talk about)...
Mark also pointed out the ridiculousness of Mum and I having a converstaion the other night on Skype.... he said, "Why don't you just use the phone!"
At least talking to Australia via Skype is a financial saving.
(Mark's Youtube video upto 1,022 views at latest check).
Will be watching the Bathurst on and off - and reminded of Dad enthroned in his new chair, wearing his Holden hat, 4 years ago.
Kay: Tell Mark, skype is talking with pictures though, LOL. Checked with Brett today, and he reminded me it was 4 yrs, not 3 that will be Dad's anniversary at the end of the month. I see Holden has the pole position so who knows what strings are being pulled, LOL.
Have been watching/listening while in my chair, asleep as well, multitasking knows no bounds, saw Murph very ticked off, about 80 laps so far gone, lots of problems with tyres. love and hugs, Mum
Hi Lynn
has the outback no end of joys??? We too have Skype - in fact we just Skyped ( iuf that is the correct use of the verb) Jared and Jo in London - newly arrived and very excited.
So we can Skype you too - and it is SOOOOOOOOOOOO cheap!
We are in the middle of painting the house - not us the painters! Yikes Love J&J
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