Where did the week go!!!! There was dinner at the WM's place Monday and Tuesday, Gton Wednesday and today I took a student to the Dr in Mullewa. Tomorrow will be Friday again and then I have a weekend off - well, late Friday until Sunday evening. Am toying with the idea of going into town again but not sure yet.
We are having strange weather, the thunder storms have gone, but for three days there have been cloudy skies with rain on Tues and Wednesday. Am sitting with a blanket around me as I write this. Am missing the perenial blue skies but not the fewer insects about, LOL.
Had a good run into Gton on Wednesday. Have been thinking about how to describe the countryside at the moment and the word tawny came to mind. The wheat is not exactly golden, golden - it came to me that it is much the same colour as a moth eaten old lion - hence the word tawny. The good part about the rain is that I have not had to water my garden and the rainwater tank will have filled up again.
Update on the spider bites - I am glad to have provided an amount of amusement to family and friends. It took another day and then three red spots appeared on my nether regions which were itchy. I have checked periodically - they resemble LARGE mosquito bites and have no clear bubble so think it may not have been a poisonous (ex)spider after all. Telfast seems to have helped with the itch. There is no necretising ocurring so no loss of any bodily parts, LOL.
Did some more speed shopping this week and this time it was shoes. It had been getting too hot to wear boots and sox on the hot days and after the snake sighting, open toed sandles were not going to be the go. I called into Rivers which sells clothes and shoes and managed to get four pairs of shoes and 5 pairs of sox for $127. Two of the pairs are leather and all were on sale!!!! Have worn two pairs today and so far very comfortable and light to wear - and all enclosed which was the cheif criteria. Have made several people very envious and should not have to buy another shoe for at least a year!! The thing is, they are all so comfortable which is not so easy when you have a yeti sized foot, so thought what the heck, its just as well I am not a centipede, LOL.
Am having an on going saga with Bigpond who are connected with telstra re my broadband useage - I have execeeded my limit by 250% twice now as each time I have tried to increase my limit, they have made a muck up. It is such a hassle to ring them as my quickest call was probably a 15 min wait before I got an actual person to talk to. I LOATHE those computer generated questions and being told which button to press to get the next message. Am girding my loins for another round tomorrow as am hesitant to use my computer as I have no idea what costs I am wracking up in the meantime. Will probably be equivalent to some third world country's debt!!!!
And now a message for those at home. My sister, brother-in-law and their family, plus several other good citizens of Otaua (Waiuku) are fighting the fact that a waste oil plant can be relocated next to the local country school and playschool and in the heart of dairying, rural NZ. The potential for all sorts of hazards from heavy truck traffic running continuously past the school, to the worst case scenario of a Tamahere type fire is what they are fighting against. It would seem that Franklin County Council in their wisdom has designated an area right beside the school, surrounded by farms as an industrial zone. Today was the first day of submissions against this going ahead with another day to follow. There is a blog if anyone is interested and a link to that should send you to the video that was created by said BILaw. It's well worth a look.
I know it is mostly family that read this blog but anyone else feel free to read and then check you own locale to see what your council will allow.
It is less than two months to Christmas!!! As of tomorrow we have 38 days left of school with the students here and the year is done. My tickets were booked today, I pick up the details tomorrow as I left it in the hands of our office lady. Christmas decorations etc are everywhere in the shops though are vying for space with halloween bits and pieces. Have never got into Halloween so no urge to spend there, LOL.
I am ready to head to bed so will sign off for tonight.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago