Had a very blue day yesterday, missing everyone in NZ ++++. Have had some wonderful emails from folk back there, some out of the blue, and some replies to mine so decided to wallow in my misery, played 'Natures Best' - a compilation DVD of NZ's hits over several decades (mainstream), and in a half cup empty moment went bah humbug to adventure, hello exile. As a wallow it was about 6.5 out of 10 and am pleased to report, I am back to my adventurous self again.
I was rescued from my gloom by news of an impending birth in NZ (welcome to
Sophie Michelle) and being whisked off to Mullewa with the workmate's family and the Italians, to witness and attend the Reconcilliation service that follows Baptism. There were about 9 kids involved (inc WM's son) for their first confession. The service was lovely - involving each child as they read prayers and acted out the gospel reading. The children were all from the Catholic School attached to the Church and so it was very much a community service not unlike attending Otaua (Waiuku) church (except there were more people, LOL). There was a cup of tea and supper afterwards with a cake cut by all the children, each of them receiving a certificate to mark the occassion. We stayed a seemly amount of time and then raced back to catch the final of Australia you've got Talent and I think it could be anyone one of 4 who were outstanding - announcement on Friday as the public vote now!
Have had a big day today - Gton run again. Delivered a girl home this morning and had my same passenger as last week for another dentist appointment. As this lad is an outdoors type, I took him to "Rangers" first to help me pick out a sleeping bag for camping. I am pleased to report I am now the proud (or slightly insane) possessor of (and I kid you not) a 'Ranger Outdoors Murchison - 5o Jumbo Hooded Sleeping Bag!!! It is black with two glow in the dark, (nuclear explosion) reddy orange stripes (does it make me look like a Ferrari?) down each side on the front of said SB - with grey lining. I understand that the -5o means I will be warm with the temp dropping to that level without extra covering - watch this space!!!!
Because you can never go to a camping shop (with things on special!) and buy just one thing heh, heh I bought a thermal underwear, long sleeve top (with the words 'action sportswear' on the box (getting into it will be enough action for me LOL), and wait for it ....... an "anti-mosquito" shirt under the label "Wild Country"!!!! The label reads: This product has an exlusive non-toxic (how do they DIE then?) and hypo-allergenic insect repellent and anti-microbial finish* It has been shown to be effective against a wide variety of insects and dust mites, greatly reducing mosquito bites. It is not a total guarantee against bites, so if travelling to known risk areas you should ensure you follow your Drs advice and take full precautions against maleria and other tropical diseases. *this product is classed as a non-irritant. - Having just typed the whole label, I realise I only read the top half in the shop, so guess it may not work against dengue fever!!!! I shall give it a road test here first - it comes with a sticky transfer on the shirt with a mosquito in a red circle with a red slash through it. Should any mossies out there recognise international signage, I should be fine and they should be very afraid. Am going very explorer with the shirt being a 'Steve Irwin', intrepid shade of khaki!!!!!
Have had adventure already on the way home tonight no less. My passenger and I were trying to listen to 'Sweet Home Alabama' on my MP3 (one ear phone each in opposing ears LOL) when the MP3 went on the blink. Whilst trying to get it going again one handed in the dark, and my passenger trying to find music on his mobile phone, I somehow missed one of the turnoffs back to school. In one of those "shouldn't we be on dirt road by now" moments I ended up by driving for miles until yay, there was a CBAS 15K sign with arrow pointing left. I took the road less travelled by, and yay again, dirt road this time though wide and unrecognisable in the pitch black (did I mention that there was no moon, tractors seeding etc to light the way). After some time - 15ks worth @ 90kph, hellllo, I found out it was the Pindar Tardun road we were on as it joined back onto the main (dirt road) home - I had driven in a semi-circle on the way to Morewa and back!!! But wait, there's more.....
How fast can a kangaroo hop?? Well, if tonight's experience is anything to go by - a joey can hop at speeds between 40 - 45kph. I had not long turned off to Wandalgu (another 15k!!!) when two smallish, youngish looking kangaroos leapt onto the road and started running down the middle of it in front of me. Now, if I was a true Aussi, I probably should have run over them but I was having a Buddist moment (do not kill any living thing) and so merely made them run. I would say one peeled out after about 3k - thankfully to the right hand side of the road, the other running until the end of the T junction, then turning right as I went left - about 5 ks in all. Neither were to be seen on the way back, I should imagine they were both lying up somewhere exhausted and with barely any skin on their feet! There was only a bunny, a rat and a feral cat (not chasing the rat unfortunately) that ran in front of the ute on the way back. I am pleased to report I did not SWERVE to miss any of the above - as luck would have it the last of the vermin remain alive due to their speed and my own not being in conjunction.
I am about to don the thermal undergarment and think I may give my sleeping bag a road test tonight and try it out sans blankets. The temperture gauge outside says 14o so that gives me some 19o to spare. Will let you know how it all goes.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
Sooo many visuals.
I think the glow in the dark racing stripes could be so that when you are lying out under the stars - just you, your mozzieproof garments and your reflective sleeping bag- you won't be mistaken for a speed bump by any wayward ute-driver, lost in the wilderness and avoiding leaping livestock. (There are such people around, I believe).
Don't be missing home too much at the moment- the weather is all-time horrible; wet, cold, windy, thundery, lightningy, and you KNOW what that does to kids in confined spaces.
Nothin' like a solid dose of "Sweet Home Alabama" to spin your compass outta order. But, you know, that's a scenaraio evocative of your standard horror movie.... do do do do do do do do (cue spooky music)
Well that one had me laughing out loud!The thought of you in Khaki (can't stand it myself - too close to beige - and you remember what Billl Connolly says about that!), thermals and a sleeping bag with racing stripes!!!
Please take lots of pictures or better still get someone to take a video. No, come to think of it - I heard Peter Jackson is looking for a new picture concept! "Lynn of the Desert" - or has that been done before???
LOL and love from J&J
You should know that you are very much missed over this side of the ditch too!! I will be pleased when you take up residence up the road and are crawling distance away.
That sleeping bag sounds very scarey! Especially the racing stripes- does it mean that you have racy dreams when ensconced within??
Am preparing for the onslaught of people here tonight for Pete and Dan's final night before Kay and I get up well before the crack of dawn to take them to the airport.
Kay is having a sleepover here so that she can keep me company on the way back.
Tim did very well at the guitar competitions yesterday. Out of 5 pieces that he played (2 with singing), he was 1st in 4 and 4th in the 5th piece. Not bad huh? He get a trophy as well which we will endeavour to get engraved this week instead of leaving it to the last day as we did last year.
The weather here is definitely not of the camping variety with thunder lightening and hail with great regularity. Wish you luck with your outdoor experience.
Found this random link by accident. It's a bird spotter's guide to Mullewa- thought you might be interested. There are soooo many more boidies to watch out for on your next ute venture: my personal favourites from the list mentioned in the above-linked brochure are: Australian bustard , grey-crowned and white-browed babblers, chestnut-rumped thornbill, blue-breasted fairy wren, whistling kite, spiny-cheeked honey eater, white-fronted chats... I wonder if the white-fronted chats ever get togethr with the grey-crowned and white-fronted chats...... I imagine it would sound very similar to one of ourcombined family gatherings.......
Lovely evening with everyone and Peter and Dan. Dan heard tonight that the funding that he has been looking for has come through and he will be able to stay on at Oxford for the next 5 years or so. What an interesting guy. Doing incredible research. It was 17C in Perth on the map tonight, so I hope you have all your winter woollies on. You wouldnt like the rain and hail and thunder and lightning that comes and goes and has been over the last few days. Had me leaping out of my chair to check that the mill hadnt been struck, so huge was the boom. better get into bed, after the obligatory game of cards, love and hugs, Mum
You are missed here too :)
Had a send-off for Kieran on Friday night, he flew out at 4.30am to Perth, he's fossicking in opal mines or something. Not tooo far from where you are I suppose!
Sounds like an adventurous week. The church service sounds lovely :) Bucketing with rain in wgtn and poor Tim had to get up at 6am to work at Starbucks.
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