Yes, I have seen my first emu since being here and yes again - it was in the middle of the road LOL. Several of us were on our way to a day seminar at the primary school in Mullewa this morning when lo and behold, a largish emu was crossing the road in front of my eyes. Alas no camera and it was going at a reasonable clip so not sure whether I would have captured photographic evidence anyway. And as a bonus on the way home, OUR eagle was sitting on a tree and we were able to pass very close (we were going very slow once we spotted him) before he flew off.
Woke up this morning warmish (had gone to bed in full winter regalia) to hear the sound of water running down the drain pipes. At some point in the night it had begun to rain (4mls this morning and a further 3 mls this afternoon) so it would seem several prayers had been answered. Although the temp has also dropped with a bit of wind, the rain has been just the right sort at just the right time and another day or two would be perfect I'm told. This is despite the fact that yesterday I was sitting in Gton watching soccer (sort of) for two hours in the sun.
Our seminar today was part of an 'Accreditation to Work' in a Catholic School. The focus of the day was the Bible - how to find your way around it, the history that surrounded the writing of it, common mis-conceptions (it does not mention THREE wise men - it says "some" and there are no apple trees mentioned re the Eve eating an apple story) and how it relates to everyday living. The bloke who took the seminar was excellent and was both knowledgable and almost Monty Pythonish in his delivery when explaining in modern day language some of the stories he used to illustrate the points he was trying to get across. First of all, I was genuinely surprised how much I knew - (scarily so) so I guess 14yrs at Anglican boarding schools as student and a staff member, plus Sunday School before that has paid off. The history was fascinating as he placed when the different books of the bible were written on a time line - BC and AD are no longer used to date time - it is BCE and CE (before common era and common era). It would seem Jesus was born 4 BCE as that is the time of Herod!!! I now have to write a 500 word essay to explore the purpose, general structure and signifcance of scripture with reference how it has influenced my own life. Lucikly we have been given 6 ideas to work from and have made notes so hope to have that done by Friday. It's been a long time since I have had to write a 500 word essay as that is usually what I would write for an introduction (last essays I wrote were all 3,000 words). Ah well, will just have to be succinct.
It is officially my day off tomorrow but have some paperwork to sort out at school so will be up at some stage. I am feeling that it is soup weather and has I have a pork ankle (the bacon kind) in my fridge at the moment, I will put it on tomorrow in the slow cooker.
Have just looked at the time and I have to walk home in the pitch black so will sign off for now and have another go tomorrow. Just wanted to let everyone know I am fit and well - still no computers working upstairs and have not been near one in the last few days.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
Not sure if I approve of the BCE as it makes us all at least 4 years older....
Looking forward to finding out more about your essay - perhaps you could post it here for our feedback.... (a bit like Laura posting her recipes.)
You need a chart/check list of all the Australian wildlife you are likely to see and have ticks next to them as you encounter each one. The emu-spotter's equivalent of a little black book - I guess. (With black crosses next to those varieties which you have moved one step closer to extinction - you know, mosquitoes and the like).
I heard there were tornadoes in Perth recently - I realsise that's as far away from you as Sydney is from us (approximately) but, it may account for some of your weather.
But wait, there's more....
I forgot to add that our performance of "The Armed Man" by Karl (with a K not a C as previously written - important for Googling)Jenkins was amazing. Stirring stuff - hopefully the hamster was energetic enough to turn the wheel in your computer system for the photo attachment to download. We even have our names written in a glossy programme.
Between the Jenkins and Faure's Requiem (sang that first half of the programme) we've had enough Kyrie eleisons, dona nobis pacems, peccata mundis, deus and sanctuses to equal or better your Biblical reconnaissance.
It seems you can take the girl out of the boarding school but you can't take the boarding school out of the girl....
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