I have been run over by a bungarra!!!!! I have photographic proof (mud on foot LOL)!!! I know, its not an everyday occurrance or something I have ever aspired to - to be run over by a lizard ...
Yesterday all the girls bar one went out on Cart with the workmate and her family while Cinderella had to stay with the one who did not go - and cleaning ensued LOL. Just after midday we set off to a dam just out of Yalgoo (note the proper spelling this time) with a name like Yuralga (I'm told spelling doesn't matter when you say the name - had to tell the aussi's here I am trying to write about these places LOL). We lurched off the main road in the bus and travelled into the scrub on little more than a dirt track and after about 15 mins we arrived at this dam. One of the girl's families was there to meet us with their camp fire going, relaxing back with billy tea under the shade of a scrubby looking tree. There was a camper van also on the site that had an outdoor convenience tent - that amused the locals no end. There was evidence of other campsites in the past with remains of camp fires, broken glass etc. One of the first things I saw was a duck head, moved on a bit and there was a heap of feathers - presumably from the same duck which must have provided tucker for someone.
I asked no questions LOL.
We proceeded to the dam, which is a large square pond type thing that had a concrete sided channel into it on one side and a concrete channel out of it on the other. The water drained into it from a swampy stream. We had taken some nets and meat (pulverised steak from our barbeque dinner that night) to try and catch some yabbies in the dam, so put the nets in and then went to the channel (in) end whereupon the girls leapt into the water. Kiwi me, having several heart attacks, dirt floor channel, outdoor swimming with no bronze life saving medal .... etc, etc. Just managed to cope because the water was only knee deep so it was more of a soak than a swim and threatened everyone with dire consequences should they dive into said channel. Got the same amount out and the end of the day that went in, so survived with kids all happy at getting wet.
Then there was the big tadpole hunt, as the stream and dam were filled with tadpoles and small brown frogs about 1" big (sorry to all those people who only know metrics LOL - ? 2cm?)
Unbeknownst to me, the girls bought some back and only discovered them this morning, in a container with a rock for the frogs to sit on and a glass upended for others to sit on!!
We were about to leave when the cry 'bungarra' went up. The girls had seen one run into a pipe and it was all on. They tried shaking it out of the pipe, belting the pipe with a rock but it did not come out. They then decided to put the pipe in the stream because these lizards do not swim, in the hope that they might drown it!! The pipe went in and bubbles came out, but the bungarra must have held some of its breath because it was still in the pipe LOL. One of the girls then got a rock nearly as big as the pipe and dropped it in which finally dislodged said beast when our bus driver grabbed it by the tail swinging it around amongst the girls. There were squeals galore and then as he was swinging it around again he let it loose - needless to say, said lizard then at a gallop (or similar speed) shot across the ground with the girls in full cry, and who should be standing in the beast's path but myself thinking it will dodge me surely. It happened so quick, I didn't have a chance to take a photo even with the camera in my hand LOL and the next thing, zoom, across my foot as it shot further across the ground to the nearest tree which it raced up. The girls were in fits of laughter at the fact the bungarra had run over me (I'm told today if it had been another sort of lizard, it would have run up me, onto my head as they seek the tallest spot to go - for which I am extremely thankful, I might add). The girls then tried to knock the bungarra out of the tree only managing to call them off by the bus starting to go without them. Took a photo of my foot when I got back to school as I said no one will believe I have been run over by a lizard otherwise LOL!!!!
Took roads out in the middle of nowhere on the way back and just missed hitting a kangaroo for which I was truely greatful again. These girls would have wanted to skin it and eat it if we had hit it - if it had still been alive, they would have killed it on the spot. In fact one of the girls said that is what she wants to have for her first meal at home, for her mum to have a stew on (kangaroo) which made my possible roast chicken (with stuffing) and veg seem a bit tame LOL. (But none the less tasty!!)
I did get to try some damper yesterday, not cooked in the camp oven but brought from home by our bus driver. Not unlike Rewena bread and quite yummy with lashings of butter (Laura, you would approve!!) We did not catch any yabbies which was a shame but all in all quite a day with enough hunting and gathering for this girl.
Am heading on down to my house now to pack, make a birthday cake for one of the girls, to turn my basil into pesto and to use up my parsley in scrambled eggs for lunch. My ride is set for 6am tomorrow and its off to Perth. I may get a chance to email from the airport as I am sure they will have internet there. Will check all emails before 10pm here tonight (2am your time NZ readers LOL)and see you all soon.
Love from Lynn
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
What next- snakes and crocodiles? Crikey!
Obviously your slim legs in no way resemble tree stumps so that is a good thing.
Happy travels!
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