i am sitting with two small moths on the screen so excuse any mistakes. It was my sort of weekend off this weekend so ambled home on Friday night about 10ish. The year 10 camp was due back we thought about 5-6pm and were still not back by the time I left. I got a ring from my workmate to see who she should ring to find out the ETA and as I happened to notice the neighbours lights on (camp leader's husband still up) suggested a call there. Apparently they were not due back till after midnight so lucky for me. They ended up by getting back at 2am!!
Cadged a lift into Geraldton on Saturday with yet another neighbour, a teacher, so was up at the crack of 7.30am to do some chores. Started with a laundry marathon and washed all sheets, duvet cover,etc, clothes and towels. (Didn't get the towels on the line until after I got back at 6.30pm and they were dry by 7.30pm - I love the weather for drying here). Left about 10am and had a great day. Went a different way in (there are two ways with miles of dirt road to reach Mullewa LOL) which seemed six of one, 1/2 a dozen of the other to me. Went to Bluff Point post office first and small squeal - they had a Batman Post Bag (also Wiggles and Dora the Explorer) which naturally bought my Nana instincts to the fore, and had to have it. I am now ready to post the Buzz Light-year, Spiderman and Batman clothing I have found to one small grandson.
It seemed lunch was on the agenda next so I got taken to a cafe/restaurant called Toppalini's (I think I have the spelling right)which was very good. I had a basil pesto and tomato tart with salad (fetta and pine nuts) a very reasonable $16 and coffee. The joy of yummy vegetables and something that is not deep fried!! and my third great cappucino. It seemed we were then fortified to go shopping. This time at the mall with Woolworths as opposed to the one with Coles - spread the love I say. I have not got a favourite yet, they are both a bit bewildering with unfamiliar layouts etc. Which takes me to the first thing I am looking forward to - Vegetables!!!! Recognisable, reasonably priced, vegetables that do not look as though they should be having the last rites said over them (greens). Capscicums are $6+ a kilo, carrots are cheap but they go soft in the fridge within a week. I did find some (cherry) italian tomatoes which are as yummy as the cherry ones and a different look in a salad. Lettuce goes off very quickly here and have thrown out one and 1/2 bag of leaves (salad mix) so it is a challenge buying things that will last a fortnight. I have bought no frozen food as after and hour and a half trip, it is obviously not frozen any more. I have taken a chiller bag with me but not entirely sure that it is all that efficient with the temps we experience here. Tomatoes were $4+ kilo so bought some off the side of the road for $1 - much more reasonable. For all the time I took and the amount of bags I unpacked I still do not seem to have the plan of attack completely sorted. I did buy more mega death to ants stuff and am slowly moving bait around the house again.
Because I have visions of entertaining or even just cooking for the fun of it I decided to get myself a kitchen whizz and mixer so off to Mitchell Brown which is a sort of Bond and Bond type place we went. The place is gadget heaven - so stood debating price verses how many extras came with each object and as I was getting a price for things the sales girl indicated she could drop the price further for the two things I wanted. My kind of talk indeed. So, left the store with a Sunbeam mixer and a Breville kitchen whizz/blender with $50 off total price.
But wait, there is more LOL. I think I have mentioned before that they do not sell wine in supermarkets so it was off to the bottlestore on the way home. I had no need to purchase anything really, but since when has that stopped me LOL. Hmmmm I thought, if I decide to entertain, or to go visiting, I SHOULD have some wine to take with me to be hospitable (of course). Decided to try some South African wine (it was buy one and get one free), some Australian wine (recommended by my driver) and lo and behold, I spotted a bottle of Greenstones Ginger Wine for only $7!!!!!. I had four bottles all together and the bloke at the counter said, if I bought two more bottles I would get an extra 20% off...... So, came home with six bottles of alcohol, in a carrybag with six compartments in it to carry said wine for $29!!!! Now, have yet to taste the wine so the jury is out as to how much of a bagain I got. Watch this space!!!
I had visions of cooking a proper tea once I got home, but after unpacking goods, getting in the washing and sitting down to read my book... I fell asleep. I think the heat got to me as the car I went to town in had no air conditioning (broken). Wanted to have a clear day today so once it all cooled down about 9.30pm, did my ironing and cleaned house from top to toe, showered and hopped into lovely clean sheets and went out like a light.
Today was Cart again (see blog from last week) so was up early as this time we were heading out at 8.30am before it got too hot. Walked up to school and organised water and cut up oranges for morning tea to take out with us, plus got sunblock organised. We had more girls than last week plus the workmate's husband and children so did not get to ride but did drive the tractor again. All the water that we had driven through last week has disappeared and there were some major bounces as we drove over flood beds and where water had washed away roading. We went a different way but still did about 15k all up which I think is pretty good going for the horses who trot and canter the whole way. Have yet to check for bruising from all the bouncing LOL. Had some beauties from last week.
Being on the back in the trailor is dusty business so decided to wash my hair when I got back and thing I am looking forward to number 2, is a shower and being able to wash my hair in fresh water instead of salty bore water. Washing clothes in fresh water will also be a treat (ah the simple things of life LOL). Today I got a bucket of water from the rainwater tap in the laundry (this water is NOT crystal clear but slightly brown!!!)and proceded to wash my hair in the kitchen sink, baling water out of the bucket over my head. It is the second time I have done it and both times have ended up fully wet through which has necessitated a shower once my hair hs been done. Its the only way to get hair that approximates that lovely soft, clean feeling instead of the baling twine feel it has when washing with bore water. Ended up putting a very small roast of pork on to cook at the same time - it was too hot to do veg etc so cooked it for cold meat for the next few days having hot roast pork sandwhiches for lunch. Very nice and did not have to share the crackling with anyone LOL.
The girls all went to Morewa Pool with the workmate for the afternoon, so curled up with my book and read and slept for the rest of my time off - bliss. Am starting to count the days now until the holidays. I may have scored a lift to Perth on the Tuesday as well, as the teacher who took me to town Sat is taking his class down to Perth on a bus trip that day, so am keeping fingers crossed. I cannot believe the time has gone so quick.
So it's goodnight from me, the place is all quiet so will do one more round and then to bed.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
It is amazing how we take things so much for granted, until they aren't available any more. I get the hint to have plenty of vegetables when you get back, (like we used to have 9 vegetables sometimes!) And nice clean water, even if it is chlorinated etc. Was great to read latest blog. Oh the joy of the Ginger wine. It is about $14+ here. You will get a shock at supermarket prices now, everything is rocketing up in price. Cheese is out of the question. One loaf of bread (the cheapest) went up by 30c in one week. I think our days are fast coming to a close when the washing gets dry so quickly. There is a touch of Autumn in the air. Beautiful day here, early fog but already burnt off.
love, Mum
3 walls done and one to go!! The shed of course. Went and horse traded at Gary Pye's this morning and got $130 off the price of a laundry tub!! I had seen one in Puke last week and so was able to mention that, and the price! Don't you just love getting a good deal.
Off to choir tonight, and Tim's music lesson, while Hannah is at work, and John is busy doing computer stuff at you mum's. Never a dull moment. Keith Whitehead's mum's funeral on Wednesday, and Greta's dad's funeral tomorrow. Sad times.
Counting down now - how many sleeps?
WOW what a great load of bargains you had! That tart sounds lovely...so does all the wine lol. Uni very full on, hosing down with rain here - made a beef casserole for dinner, feels far too early to be doing such things! X
Well, (not to be outdone), I made corned beef! I can see you are going to have kitchen gadgets spread across Australasia.....
Good to se the computer is still workings.....
To Viv: I think I counted 17 sleeps earlier today LOL. Am looking forward to the clad shed!! and a wine.
To Kay: I thought about a crock pot the other day LOL which could be good value to come back to something cooked. Hmmm, will think about that. Have no space to store anything I have bought as there is nil bench space - am going to have to get creative.
Laura: Glad uni has started and all is well. Am still trying to work out what a good stock cupboard would have in the middle of nowhere. Bought three packets of long life cream the other day - just in case LOL. Want to make lemonade scones at some stage which requires lemonade, cream and flour. Watch this space.
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