Thursday, 19 July 2012

Like a dying duck in a thunderstorm!

Not sure if that comes close to how I feel at the moment.  On Monday night, out of the blue, I started coughing.  It was like I had something stuck in my windpipe I thought so cough, cough, cough to try and get it up, but to no avail.  I went to bed slathered in Vicks just in case.  On Tuesday I went to work at 6.30am, continued to cough to the point of nearly being sick and after checking that I had a slight temperature, and being able to find cover, I lurched home at 11am with a stop at the chemist on the way.  I wanted some Codral night and day (reasonably kick a**e meds) and the girl at the counter tried to head me off with some other nancy, less than, medication because of the current meds I am on saying the codral may interfere with blood pressure (this as it was rising anyway from being thwarted, hem hem).  I replied I didn't give a tinkers about rising or lowering blood pressure as I was going to bed for the next few days, that is what I wanted.  She tried to get me to take some cough mixture - puke was my reply, not interested in liquids that taste like paint thinners - but it has a tropical mango flavour ........  She may have noticed my eyes go red, head swivel and steam pour out nostrils so finally handed over the codral and after a quick duck into Coles next door for mandarins and ginger beer, barley and lemon juice and some throat lozenges, I wended my way home.  I took the first codral and huddled in bed hoping everything would all go away soon. 

Not only have I a dose of the flu but also somehow my back has gone out and giving record levels of pain in my sacral/hip area so trying to find a comfortable spot was nigh impossible.  Along with the dry cough that goes until you have coughed your innards up for some small speck of gunk to appear, there is also the headache which feels as the the top of your head is lifting off/being squeezed in a vice.  The only good thing about it is the total lack of desire for food.  I have nibbled through 1/2 pack dry sao crackers and had two mandarins until last night when I had a small plate of potato and pumpkin pieces followed by an apricot tart and smidgen of ice cream.  Today I have had two crumpets and did not enjoy them at all but at least it is something I guess to line the stomach a bit.

Last night Gerard rang to see if I was going round to theirs for tea and to watch Australia you've got talent and I said I was too sick and could not spread bugs around.  He said not to worry, he and eldest daughter already had it so  I would not be spreading anything.  As they are only around the corner, I decided a change of scenery might help so in pyjamas, with jersey over the top, covered by scarf over my head and leather coat over that and my pink bling ugg boots, I ventured forth.  I could not get comfortable in a chair so they fetched a single mattress out for me and covered me with a duvet and then fed me nurofen while I dozed thinking I had made a bad mistake. It was deliciously cosy and warm in their sitting room as they had the heaters on full blast and once the nurofen kicked in, and it was time to take my night time cold and flu, wow, I got my second wind.  Hip pain almost vanished entirely, and head cleared - just a chest heaving cough every now and then to let me know I was not out of the woods.  After two hours I finally felt like something to eat, hence the potato and pumpkin veg - could not contemplate meat.  I was able to enjoy the talent show and fell asleep for several hours once I returned home.  I was sent home with a complete packet of nurofen and a sheet of strepsils to help with my recovery.  Apparently you can alternate nurofen with night and day - I said that sickness is all new to me and I thought I was chancing my arm defying the chemist being on the night and day.  They all laughed at me at that so duh I guess.  Nurofen is now my new best friend. 

Today, I am without the headache, and my hip only hurts as meds are wearing off.  I am writing this perched on my legs as I lie in bed,which currently resembles something like a rat's nest with tissues, medications, books, laptop et al all around me.  I managed a chiropractic appointment on Monday and have a follow up tomorrow so hopefully after that I should be on the mend properly, though going back to work and lifting babies is counter productive to a full mend.  We have not long to go with them staying with us so will grin and bear it for a little longer as what can you do when their little arms reach out to be lifted. 

Have not seen the news in over a week, however Gerard made mention last night that another bloke has been eaten by a shark south of Geraldton.  A bloke beside him on a jet ski saw the shark bite the lower half of said bloke and he tried to grab what was left of him but the shark turned round and took the rest.  Horrible way to go.  There is a white pointer that has been seen around Geraldton  and with all the other attacks, it amazes me that people still put themselves at risk by going into unprotected waters. 

I am meant to be doing night shift tomorrow and Saturday night, so keeping fingers crossed I am up to it.  Have taken the last two days off and totally unimpressed that I have caught this from other staff who have brought their bugs to work instead of taking time off.  The children have all  been unwell too so it is a vicious cycle. 

Time for another nap I think, a drink and another dose of tablets to try and beat this thing.  Catch you soon.


Kay said...

Poor you. I hope you get well soon.

Anonymous said...

Tucked up and watching the Olympics? Just remember we are coming fourth - based on population!

Take care and hopefully you are much better. Love and hugs J&J