Monday, 5 October 2009

A Miss is as Good as a Mile

Reading that title and it doesn't write as well as it sounds. However let me tell you after having a VERY near death experience on the weekend, the width of a coat of paint and the equivalent space of a mile bears little resemblence to the experience one has. Had been led astray by fellow neighbour and DP (mentioned in dispatches before) with the offer of a trip to Geraldton versus doing another assignment, hmmmmm no contest really. Feeling a smidgeon of guilt, (quickly sqashed I might add) off I went. I had no major purchases to get, but it was a nice fine day and I did want to peruse tents and swags once again. I have a peculiar yearning to own my own space for camping, possibly in lieu of my own residence at this point, lol. Had a good look at the two local camping/fishing shops and then a sortie to Jesters Pies (had the spinach, mushroom and feta - swoon), got a few groceries and back to here which is when the near death experience occurred.

I was espying new plants/shrubs etc to maybe photograph on the way back and taking some gyp at only just getting a medicare card (another story) when I noticed said neighbour was swerving off road to the left and then I moved my eyes from the side of the road to front and right to see a road train (50m long), double white lines and a car coming head on towards us as it was trying to pass the road train (should have explained, truck and at least three trailers sometimes four). As we went left, so the car coming towards us went right, making a head on almost imminent. Brakes were applied in our car, and the smell of rubber wafted about as the opposing car also applied brakes severely, fishtailed and went sideways between us and the truck in the space we had vacated only seconds before. It was a bizarre feeling to see this unfold before my eyes, with absolutely no ability to control the outcome, in the space of seconds rather than minutes, with inches to spare rather than feet. There was another car following behind the idiot who nearly took us out and I did notice that they were gobsmacked as they stopped to see if we were all right. We were. Said neighbour drove up the road a bit further and then stopped to hop out and had a cigarette to contemplate the near miss before we continued to drive back here. My life did not flash before my eyes, contrary to popular myth. I would not have got as far as teething and crawling, it happened so fast. And even more strange, felt no after shock although I did come back and curled up for an afternoon snooze once in the door.

Sunday I attempted to work on my assignment and a campfire dinner was a very welcome respite. The WM's boys and another neighbour had gone down to the dam and caught a pile of yabbies in a net which were cooked and eaten with other barbequed food. A pit was dug in front of neighbours house so children could be put to sleep while parents could be in hearing distance. Highlight of the night was have an electric lamp on a small table going at the campfire so we could see how everything was cooking. It was a very retro 60's sort of red lamp so created quite an ambience.
The boys were keen to get more yabbies and so were down at the dam early next morning and was able to sample more at morning tea. I took photos of one and everyone thought I was mad, but will add to my flora and fauna collection, and also to show what these tasty morsels look like.

Campfire and note lamp, lol

and yabbie - cooked and ready to eat on serviette to show size.

Tuesday was a celebration with the arrival of the WM's parents from Philip Island for a stay and the younger daughter's 14th birthday. There was a gathering of clan Tardun with everyone taking something to eat - and as usual, heaps of yummy food and a good time had by all.

Photo of birthday cake

The week was mostly spent in between the odd bit of procrastination, chipping away at the aforementioned assignment. The good news is that the university has accepted my belated cheque, I am re enrolled and I had overpaid them by $100. Have decided to leave it as credit for the next three papers.
Next post will tell you about the Camp draft I will have attended. Watch this space


Anonymous said...

Where was this gem sitting? Have looked just about every day, and only found this this morning, 10 days later. We do look forward to reading about your events, it is just like being there. LOL. love Mum.

Justine said...

Hi there Lynn - I am just starting to re-surface after returning from Europe a month ago!!! The shock or being back in the end of year school thing was a real downer and things just seemed to be in overdirve for a while. Still only a week and a half to go and then holidays (albeit I am losing 8 days' pay on the stregth of my 4 weeks leave without pay!) t\There is no justcie in the world. But there certainly is were so lucky...perhaps the universe is telling you something about your time being up in Oz????
Let's Skype after Dec 8th - ??
Lots of love from J&J