Tuesday, 29 April 2008

More rain expected!!!

Am writing another quick note in case the server goes down again over the next few days. Have been told its due to rain some more at 10pm tonight (30 mins ago) and even if it doesn't rain here, rain further away may still leave us marooned again tomorrow. I have a vested interest in knowing the upshot of all this as Br M has given me the keys to the double cab ute (white, LOL) and I am to do the vegetable pickup for the staff and other assorted jobs in Geraldton and Mullewa tomorrow as he has business in Perth so I will be on my own. First thing was unlocking it - no central locking - how soon we forget!!! It then has a gizmo on the key ring not unlike a very miniature cow prodder that you push into the receptacle that allows the key to work in the ignition. Br then decided I needed to fill it up with petrol!!!! Another frontier crossed as I have never done this before (You wouldn't think there would be that many firsts left for me to do LOL) and with trepidation I unlocked the bowser and filled the ute. I had no idea how the pump would know the ute was filled - Br said it makes some gurgling sound - I missed that and only stopped as petrol started to run out of the car albeit a very small amount as I immediately squeaked and stopped, thinking all I needed now was a spark with all the vapour about .... Drove to and from my place for practice so am all ready now for the great vege run - just need to find someone with a map of Geraldton as even though I have been numerous times, it all seems double dutch to me to find my way round with ease. I do know general directions from a very few places but I think the workmate has a map so she'll be right.

B........d, B.........d Telstra have 'suspended' my phone. A bill came just after I left and had till 24th to pay - of course was still in NZ at the time and had no idea I had received the bill in the first place. Have rung them from school and have an extn until Friday so all going well should be back in business by the weekend.

Am limping slightly today after having my foot bandaged for 24 hours with my right ankle distinctly more swollen than the left. I was going out the door onto the verandah yesterday when I sort of slid off the step or mat, rolled my ankle and saved myself from falling by some less than balletic moves and a wild clutch at the drain pipe running down the wall. The pain was brilliant - the sort that involves a dose a violent swearing under the breath and the feeling that I was going to be sick. After a few waves of pain, I managed to hobble downstairs to put ice on it and have it bandaged. The steps were a challenge and did not move much once upstairs again and a good night's sleep did wonders. I had been lugging furniture about the place the day before setting up for the beginning of term so count myself lucky that all the setting up was complete by the time I did my swan's dive.

Things I had forgotten about Australia - my password to the school internet!! (small retraining session), and flies!!!!!!!!! and how friendly they are. Immediately swapped the french duty free perfume for the insect repellent in quick time LOL. Am also loving the long straight roads again heh heh.

Apart from family and friends, I am already missing the vegetables. Thank you Mum for the roasts with the 9 vegetables at a time. Pure Bliss. We had a roast tonight with 3 veg!!! Not quite the same.

Responses to comments: Kay - it took 3 months, four goes, some moderate swearing and a few grey hairs to get the counter on - trying for anything else just now is up there with poking myself in the eye with a sharp pencil.

V: Glad you are reading and keeping up to date.

Mum: Have no problems with people clocking up multiple looks as I am three months behind with the counter LOL. (or more if you count the European trip)

Will let you know how the great vege run went all going well and server being up tomorrow.



Kay said...

Oooooooh - am in total sympathy over the sprained ankle. I'm still limping and ooching and ouching over my ungainly lurch and resulting sprained ankle two weeks ago. Rest it as much as you can. (How difficult could that be....?)

The deluge hasn't quite happened here yet although there's been a bit of heavy rain elsewhere.

Good luck with the driving.

Do you think Telstra have a black mark against your name yet?

Anonymous said...

Hi Lynn
Just thought you should know that it is 10 degrees outside at the moment - we are in single digit territory now and I know you will be missing that! J0hn has yet to come home from work ( aka drinkies as its 6.44 (and very dark) on Friday night and Jenny is coming around. So in honour of that I have stopped marking - nearly all done now - just the reports to write!

It was great to see you and and I hope you got to and from Geraldton OK..Minka says hi too!

Lol CJ and JC