Well, here I am again, in hospital. I had been round to the Workmates place for dinner on Wednesday night and just as I was about to go to bed at 1am I got pain after a day clear of it. I went to get toothbrush and nickers together with laptop when I got another belt, so after my second lot of GTN spray, grabbed two books, my phone and packed laptop, and drove to hospital. Got in the door and was just attracting the attention of one of the nurses when I got another pain, which was good timing as I got whisked straight in, and on an ekg after another blast of my GTN spray. I was expecting a canula to be put in and bloods taken, however it was just my luck, instead of the experienced staff I have usually encountered, I got a beginner!! First of all he said my veins were not good and after much tapping inside both arms and tops of my hands, he settled on top of my right hand. After saying this will be a little prick (had to bite my tongue at that one as I felt I already had the little prick in front of me, lol) there was a considerable jab and ouch and more ouch. He stopped finally and told me the canuala had come out because I had moved (my eyes were shut tight so had no idea what was going on except the pain was at last beginning to stop. I told him that when it is done properly it should not hurt, and he kept saying that I had moved - I was too busy gritting my teeth stopping saying some very unladylike words and going feral on him to respond to that one. Then my next hand was swabbed with alcohol, more tap, tap, tapping and fortunately that one went in ok. I was moved into a four bed holding room off the emergency dept and next morning after more pain and an ekg with some changes, and a chest xray, I was moved up to HDU. Have had two of the same nurses as my Christmas admission which was good, - as soon as they saw my laptop come out, they also remembered me.
After another bout of pain, they put a GTN patch on me much like a nicotine patch which I had on for just over 12 hours and no more pain. During the day had Dr's tooing and froing asking histories etc so mostly read and slept inbetween obs being taken and answering questions. Because there were some seriously unwell people on the ward, I was mostly left to my own devices once the patch went on and I had no more pain. My patch came off at midnight as I was having more obs taken (I was still awake and just thinking I probably should get some sleep soon though). I was hungry having had a cardiac diet for the day, - no frills lol, so the nurse got me a cup of coffee and two sandwiches and then just as I had been to the loo, and was getting back into bed, bang, another pain. More GTN spray, and things settled, another ekg was run which showed some changes straight after the pain. Again this was good. When I saw the Dr's this morning they said that it was definitely my heart and not reflux or osophogeal spasm which the specialist still reckoned on (they had rung him yesterday). They are reinstituting my original tablet regieme and strongly advised that I might like to get a second opinion from a different specialist without actually saying the words.
After I had the pain at 1am, the nurse came asked if I had fasting bloods taken which I hadn't so a bit of an ooops having the coffee and sandwiches as the blood nurses needed minimum 10 hours without food. No probs slept not long after that, waking around 8am, not hungry and went till 10am no problem. The nurse was more concerned than me, I think she thought I may fade away, lol. Thankfully had a pro at taking bloods this time and though she had to try both arms, barely felt anything at all. I am becoming quite expert in my pin cushion role. Had toast followed by lunch not long after and then dozed and played on computer for the afternoon before a visit from the WMH. It was his birthday so I had a visit before he went home to roast pork dinner, red velvet mud cake, tobelerone mousse, home made vanilla ice cream. I remarked there was something about occassions and hospital admissions having been admitted last time on just before Christmas and the Tardun mob's Christmas dinner at my place. I settled back to my sausage meat meatballs, steamed silver beet, boiled small potoato and sliced steamed carrot with not the same joy as I would have approached the aftorementioned repast, lol. Time for more medical attentions so will pause here :). More soon.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
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