Well, here we are at the start of another year and who knows what this one will bring. I have had a day off work today and have another tomorrow so feel that I am starting off on a good note so to speak. I worked last night until 11.45pm, got in my car and with one eye out for police cars heh heh, managed to shave a few mins off usual travelling time to get inside the house by 2 mins to midnight, to flick the telly on and to watch the next 12 mins of fireworks off the Sydney Harbour Bridge, which was spectacular. One of my best New Year's Eves was spent in Sydney and on that very harbour bridge. There was a more modest display of fireworks back then (20 + yrs ago) from around the Opera House and a band played on a barge just below the bridge. The friend I was with and I shared some of our tequila and orange with a random person who was standing beside us just before midnight, as we were part of a huge crowd of people on the bridge that night. They said there was over a million crowd in Sydney for the display last night which is amazing. I heard today that there was 2 million dollars worth of fireworks used.
Donna, a friend from work left a little after me and made it here for the tail end of the firework display and I introduced her to Brandy Alexanders (brandy, kahlua and milk over ice) to welcome the New Year in. The first one was so good, we had to have another, lol. She came prepared to stay the night so we did not have to worry about her drinking and driving. (ah, the responsibility of old age, lol remembering back to the days before that was an issue - something you can only remember if you are a good age, I might add, heh heh). To aid the consumption of our New Year's drinks I opened up some of my Christmas parcel from home covering the vital food groups - cashew nuts, feta and olive chips (crisps) and pineapple lumps (pineapple flavoured marshmellow insides covered with chocolate). Donna had experienced pineapple lumps before having had a NZ colleague at a previous job and was very happy to try them again. She had an early night around 2.30am and I got to bed around 4.30am.
Had a slightly slow start to the day. Breakfast in the sunroom overlooking Geraldton before Donna left, and then I got on with unpacking and putting things away from the Tardun stored items. In between that I got washing out on the line to dry. We have been experiencing brisk winds over the past week and as I have been washing all my stored linen, I have had to use numerous pegs to keep sheets and duvet covers on the line. Between the heat and wind I have been able to get things off the line as the next cycle has been completed in the washing machine. I have a washing line situation that would be the envy of my sister and various Bulte family members in NZ (I think Lorne might still win with her washing line of over 50+ years out in the front paddock)!
I had just put on my last load and uploaded some photos from Christmas Day when the phone went today and it was Gerard telling me to get round to their place for lunch as Janette, Geoff and family were in from Tardun. Let me see, lunch and good company versus cleaning and unpacking - yep, lunch won, lol. I got back here at 9.30pm after playing cards in the afternoon and watching a couple of DVD's of an Australian comedian called Carl Barron. I had tears rolling down my face more than once as did Janette and Bronwyn. J & G left late afternoon and I stayed on to finish off playing cards and for a pizza dinner. Got back here just in time for an episode of "Midsummer Murders" and I am now watching Strauss waltzes being played in Vienna which is a feast for the eyes and ears. A great way to end the day indeed.
What of Christmas - well, it passed somewhat in a blur. I didn't get to bed before 3am Christmas eve with last min preparations as that afternoon was it for my Christmas shopping. I was up at 6am Christmas day and flicked on skype - did not see anyone on so decided I was going to open my parcels from home with Bronwyn, Gerard and family before I went to work. I loaded up the car with my small parcels for the family and got there at 7am as they were opening all their gifts. After the exchange of parcels I opened up my packages from home and laughed immensely at the creative thought that had gone into it. I have mentioned the items consumed on NY's eve - other items included a small bottle of Lindauer Cuvee, a pkt of Ernest Adams brandy snaps, a pkt of Griffins round wine biscuits, a pkt of Griffins toffee pops (choc covered biscuits filled with toffee filling), a Nutri-metics moisturising body satin,3x Whittikers peanut slabs, a pukeko (swamp hen) sort of ornament, soap, pkt of very nice serviettes, a small bottle of Kiwiherb Herbal insect repellent, a pkt of wine gums, 2 x Christmas crackers (from "Kids Can - fundraiser - I won a months membership to Fatso.co.NZ in one of them - tears, lol, a copy of Metro magazine, a copy of North and South magazine, and a December copy of the Listener - the serious radio and tv mag from NZ. There was much laughter and small squeals (well almost small, heh heh) as each item was unwrapped and the family especially loved the Listener being put in. I received a copy of the latest "Outrageous Fortune" series and a calander with photos on every page of the No 2 grandchild from No 2 son and family, and from No 1 son and family, a DVD of No 1 grandson in his choir at school, dancing to Pink Floyd being played by his Dad and friends in their band, and a short movie segment created by the No 1 grandson called Train Rampage, where he creates a train wreck with his toys. I also received a calander from him made at school and some paua and silver earrings. So, how spoilt was I and what a wonderful start to the day.
Work was mayhem when I got there - 8 children all with new toys opened, paper everywhere and toys being named as fast as possible as things were already getting mixed up. There had been great excitement and I believe some of them were awake by 5.30am to see what Santa had bought. I started work at 8am and by 9.30am we had completed somewhat of an army manouver loading all the kids, food, more gifts, extra clothing and towels into two vehicles and then driving to the venue where we spent the day. Friend Donna had booked herself and family into a place called 'The Mantra' which is a fairly upmarket motel type accommodations right on the waterfront. She had a three bedroom unit type setup but the best part was the spa pool and two swimming pools outside. The kids spent most of the day in the pools with a break for lunch and afternoon tea. They had all received blow up items for the pool as gifts so that added a lot of fun to their experience. As it was 45 Celcius it couldn't have been a better venue. The spa pool and small pool were semi enclosed and roofed, so no worry about sunburn or heat stroke, and about half the big pool was also under the enclosed part which was great. I stayed poolside and kept a watchful eye mainly on the little ones, thankful other staff were in the pools and that I did not have to rescue anyone - I took heaps of photos so the kids will have something to remember the day by. Lunch was probably the most un-Christmassy lunch I have ever had - cold corn beef sliced, turkey roll sliced, and several pasta salads and a tuna salad. The kids enjoyed the lot with ice cream, jelly and trifle for dessert. We had left overs for dinner and we got back to the home around 6.30pm with some very tired individuals. I finished work at 9pm, called round to B & G's to have a fizzy drink and dessert with them and was back here by about 10.30pm dead on my feet. I worked the same hours the following day, got called in for extra hours on Monday and then worked each day for the rest of the week. I am not sure I can remember anything specific as I felt like a zombie by the Monday. Luckily I did not have to work that day until late afternoon so slept until just before I had to get ready.
I have jokingly said, 2010 will be remembered by me as the year of exhaustionn most of the time, with an affinity for those hamsters who run interminably in those wheels, not appearing to get anywhere fast. With the aching feet from working at Maccas to serious forgetfulness over Christmas, I am hoping the worst is behind me. I knew I was tired Thurs a week before Christmas when I was meant to go to lunch. Firstly I was so engrossed in unpacking, I forgot the time. When I was rung by friends already at the restaurant, I gave them my order, showered, dressed and was out of the house in 15 mins. I went to get my car keys and couldn't find them. Not wanting to hold the friends up any more than necessary, I grabbed my spare car key, grabbed Jude's house key she had left behind, went and had lunch and came back to finish more unpacking. It was not until later that evening when I went to water the back lawn, I found my house and car keys (all the keys to the kingdom, lol) in the side garage door which was also wide open - duh. The following day, I got home from work to get the washing off the line to see washing still in the basket. I had obviously zoned off halfway through hanging it all out - how does anyone do that, lol.
All the shows on TV last week talking about NY resolutions said that most were unfulfilled and usually fallen by the way side by mid Jan. So as not to set myself up for failure this year, I have therefore resisted making any. I am resolved to continue to make the best of what I have and to keep following up opportunities as they present themselves. Having my own abode has been a step in the right direction. I am still loving it and though I never thought I would see the day, am thinking I kind of liked the minimal look of the place before I got all my extra and mostly unmissed things from Tardun. Mind you, have not touched my craft stuff yet, or my photos pre digital age, lol.
Hope you all have a safe, prosperous and Happy New Years. xoxoxoxo
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
Great to hear all your news, perfect weather here at the moment, have had the awning up, just wonderful. Joy Joy Joy. love and hugs, Mum
Glad you liked the presents - they were bought with kiwiana, postage (lightness of items), nostalgia and a bit of laughter in mind... also thought you might like to share a taste of Kiwi with your buddies. Sorry I missed you on Skype on Xmas day and yesterday. Timing is everything.
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