Easter was a bit of a blur. Good Friday I had the morning to myself, so booked tickets from Auckland to Wellington (check) and woohoo, for the first time in my life managed to get one flight on airpoints. Also did some internet banking, putting money on the prepaid mobile etc, all in preparation for the big trip to NZ. Saturday I worked, and OMG, there seemed to be back to back people the entire shift. I did an extra hour so thankfully got a half hour break which was just enough pause to catch my breath. Gerard had bought series one of Glee (high school glee club musical type series) so after watching two discs the day before, finished the series once I got home. I had seen the bits of the last three programs in NZ at Christmas and enjoyed it. There is some great singing on it and some very interesting characters.
Easter Sunday Bronwyn and the girls all worked so Gerard, the boys and myself went out to what we thought was just a gathering for a barbeque at Janette's Mum's place only to find they were collectively celebrating four family birthdays and Janette (office lady from Tardun)and Geoff's 18th wedding anniversary. There was a massive spread, including an Easter egg hunt for all the kids. My personal favourite was skewers of garlic prawns that were barbequed. Got back home early afternoon and started organising my packing, checking I had all the electronic stuff with charged batteries and all the bits required. Also had to pack study as am in the midst of assignments.
Woke up early next morning, stripped bed and finished packing, showered, dressed and got a lift to the bus stop after dropping one of the girls at work by 8am. I travelled to Perth via Transwa and have to say, for a long bus trip (six hours), it was very comfortable. As we were going to go through Dongara, I started to txt Jude to say goodbye when my phone went and it was Jude to say she was going to meet me at the next bus stop (there are two stops in Dongara). Very nanoo, nanoo, lol. Lo and behold there she was, and as there were several people to get on, I shot out for a hug goodbye and received a block of chocolate for Easter, bless her heart. Back on the bus, it was time for a shut eye and next stop I remember was the road house half way down where we had half an hour to grab something to eat and for a comfort stop for those so inclined. The bus had seat belts, and I am not sure I have ever been on a bus that had them before - certainly not in NZ but that might just highlight how long it has been since I have travelled by bus there for any length of time. I had a book with me so dozed and read the rest of the way to Midland which is where there is a train station, bus drop off - a sort of junction before you get to Perth which is still about half an hour away.
There was no bus to the airport from there unlike Wellington where you can catch the flyer from numerous points about the city, so there was nothing for it but to catch a taxi to the airport. Now, most places I have been to in NZ there are taxis everywhere with shuttles as well at a main depot, but no, here was quite a different sort of set up. There was a pole with a sign on it with a phone number to ring a cab. Luckily I had a phone otherwise would have been stuck like a spare fairy in a pantomine, for the duration. I rang and had to press a button for a normal four seater taxi, press the number on the sign and was then given a number and lo and behold, a taxi responded some short time later to pick me up. Most ingenious I thought. At $22 for the ride to the domestic airport, the fare was just under half my bus fare. The driver never spoke a word on the way, which I was fine with, so just sat back and realised some of the trip had become quite familiar by now. In fact Perth airport is almost like home away from home. I arrived, walked straight to the seats with the electric sockets behind, pulled out my computer and woohoo was in business, lol.
I only had about a two hour wait before heading on the first leg of the trip to Melbourne. I was flying Qantas, not without a little trepidation after having two planes requiring emergency landings in the previous week. Better practiced at using them for domestic flights, I asked for a blanket as soon as the flight began, and receiving same, fell promptly asleep, nice and warm. Arrived in Melbourne and walked from domestic through the building to the International lounge, scoped out a McDonalds for a coffee and found another electrical socket to plug in the computer again. Had some hours at this airport but because I had slept so much on the bus and flight, I managed to stay wide awake, catching up on several games etc so managed to keep myself occupied until it was time to decamp and catch the next leg to NZ. Flew Qantas again but their international flights come automatically with blankets etc waiting on the seat for you so was cosy again in a short time. I read and dozed my way to NZ , declared the chocolate that I had and went through customs without a blip. Have been watching the NZ and Australian Customs shows on tv which are almost compulsive viewing, watching how people think they can get away with taking prohibited items through customs, which is enough to scare the average person into being very careful indeed. Had a moment in Perth when a dog came and sniffed my backpack and sat down. I was asked if I had fruit in the bag and said no, so the dog did not get a treat, then as the handler was walking away, I remembered I had fruit in the bag each day for lunch when I was at work, ooooops, laughing lots, so the dog was bang on the knocker with its sniffing. (Much relief on my part though that I had not forgotten and left a piece of fruit in there).
Landing in NZ was a breeze, zoomed through customs again and was the quickest I think I have ever been processed. Got outside waiting to be picked up and wow, it was not raining, lol. In fact the weather since arriving has been perfect autumn weather - nice fine days, cool mornings and evenings definitely much cooler. With the nearly 10 degrees change in temperature and all the plane flights, the day after I arrived, I had a streaming head and felt almost like I was coming down with a cold. Banking on it being more like a sinus situation, have been to the chemist, got pills and after feeling lousey last night and today, I am coming right, nose has dried up and feel good to go again.
Am staying at Mum's for the meantime which was just as well as I needed to ferret out some warm clothes that I had packed away at Christmas. My bag only wieghed 15k on the way back so have plenty of space to fill for my return, lol.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
So... what happened to the chocolates?
One rabbit and a bar of chocolate, shared with Mum and Clive, lol.
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