A quick scope of fares and times on line decided me on flying Qantas and this time went from Auckland to Brisbane, Brisbane to Perth and then Sky West from Perth to Geraldton. I have flown Qantas several times now and have had indifferent service more than once and good service is a pleasant surprise. On the Auckland to Brisbane leg, I asked for a blanket as I was cold and wanted to sleep - it never happened. However the Brisbane to Perth leg was very civilised, blankets and pillows all laid out and lovely staff in attendance. I arrived at Perth around 11.30pm, found myself an electric power point and set up the laptop and played games until 6.30am until I could check in for Geraldton. I arrived at 9am and was picked up by the WM and family followed by a quick trip to Maccas (McDonalds) to catch up with the WMH who is working part time there.
I am staying in Geraldton where the WM and family bought a 5 bedroom house with two lounges, large kitchen/dining room and swimming pool out the back. I am set up in the lounge that has the telly with the Wii machine and DVD but am only there to sleep, and I feel like I have been back for ever. The WM, WMH and DP from out at school are involved with setting up a flexible learning centre in town which will follow much the same path as where they were heading with curriculum when the school closed. In between and around this happening, the WM and WMH are both working part time as managers at Maccas as they used to manage an entire operation back in NSW some years ago.
I arrived back to an impromptu dinner thrown on my behalf to welcome me back with a barbeque dinner and salads that arrived with people as they turned up. We had a major catch up on all sides and have to say was well ready for bed that night. Last week was spent doing things like changing addresses on a screed of things that took ages as I searched through paperwork and address book to see who sends me mail. Banks etc being on the top of the list. Last Tues five of us made a 12 hour return trip to Perth for the day to visit with Br M who is now in end stages of his battle with cancer. We arrived not long after his meds had been increased and only spent 10 mins each with him as we split in to two groups so he did not feel overwhelmed. Despite the effects of his meds, his sense of humour was still very present and we were all pleased to have made the trip which in effect was to say goodbye. We made a quick stop at KMart and Coles shopping centre on the way back and woohoo, picked up another set of 1000 count cotton sheets. They were at half price at $75 so couldn' resist and Phil (DP) got some as well, as one of his had blown away off the line last week in the wind, lol. We were in a rush so zoomed through the checkout and had a few bits and pieces of other stuff and it wasn't until Phil called round the next day that I found out what a bargain indeed I had. He had checked his docket at home and in fact the sheets had been on further special again and were in fact only $51. We both could have spit chips, lol as did the WMH as we all would have bought another set at that price.
The rest of the week seemed to pass in a blur, with seven people in the house, there is continuous washing, folding and ironing to be done and meals to be cooked. There is usually at least one lot of folk drop in a day and in between all that I have been thrashing the WMH in samba, lol. On Friday, I went shopping with Phil as all the troops were putting on a birthday for me at his place on Sunday. It had been decided we were having a barbeque, so first thing was to buy meat. They are all carnivores of the first order over here so ended up with sausages, tbone steaks, rissoles (darl, lol) and a pork neck or some such thing that was cooked in a piece on the day. We went to Bunnings and got a trestle table as Phil wanted an extra table outside and got one that folds in half so can be taken to other soirees, lol. He has an excellent place for entertaining with an outside area in an L shape out the back door with a good amount of lawn that is flat, and another enclosed outside area of the lounge.
So, the birthday ...... The day started the day before with a skype chat with sister Kay who was going to be in Auckland the following day. Had phone calls first thing from Val in Sydney (wave) and Vivienne from NZ (nother wave), then Skype call from Mum ( more waving, lol). I received a card from the family here but was told I had to wait for my gift as it was a group thing and I would receive it later in the day. I opened facebook and emails and there were screeds of msgs from friends and family - one from the number 1 grandson who sent me pictures of drawings which was great. Phil came and got me as the others had gone to Church, and we got a few last minute things and then went back to get the pork on to cook while I created a salad etc.
First thing I noticed was Phil had gone and got another trestle from Bunnings and with the kitchen table as well, they were all set up with table clothes, glasses etc and it looked very festive. People started arriving not long after and while everyone relaxed with a wine or fizzy, and ate nibbles, the business end of the barbque got going.
Phil and barbeque
Tables under shade cloth area and back lawn.
We ate around 1pm once everyone had arrived. It was like a Tardun reunion with a couple of extras. Janette (office lady) and family, plus her Mum Cecilia who I have done craft courses with, Henry (who used to do the laundry) and his wife Jean, Janet and Colin, Jude (cook), the Bronwyn, Gerard and family (WM et al), Claire and two boys (neighbour) and Rita plus Phil and I made up the crew. Rita is an old family friend of Phil's who just happens to be first cousin with Cecilia and the house Phil has rented belongs to Rita's grandson - talk about 6 degrees of separation. Rita will be 90 in June and was a total hoot. Cecilia had arrived with a jar of home made fig jam from her own fig tree and some aromatherapy tealight candles which was a lovely thought. Then OMG, I opened my parcel and there was a woven kit inside, and I thought ah bless, it is something with a NZ motif a la flax kit, but wait, there was more (had already got excited about the kit, laughing lots.
Those of you who know me well will be able to hear the soundtrack of me laughing and going OMG you have to be joking me!! LOL
There was some tissue paper inside the kit and wrapped up in that was a stirling silver bracelet with abrolous island pearls, a ruby/garnet and two sapphires set into it. I nearly passed out with shock, I can tell you!!!!!
The photo without my arm is taken to show off the earrings as well :)
When we had gone to get meat last week Gerard and I had looked in a shop across the road with all sorts of interesting things, some pantry goodies, nice plates, books,soaps, - an arty, trendy type place and as we had drifted to the door, I had spotted these bracelets as they were unusual and very Australian with the pearls. We had looked at them and I had thought no more about it. Meanwhile, he got everyone else organised and they all chipped in and got it for me. I am still flabbergasted, lol. And if that was not enough, Janet and Colin had already got me something, which she bought round yesterday and they are the earrings in the photo that are almost a match to the bracelet!!! The stones are Canelian and Moonstone and the earrings came with two little cards with info about the stones themselves. "Carnelian is in tune with the energies of the earth, thus helping with grounding and calming. Aids in concentration, good for people who are absent minded....Promotes optimism, lifts gloom, despondency and sooths irritations. Will help move stagnent situations" - may have to get a stack of these stones and bedeck myself with same, laughing lots. "Moonstone is emotionally calming - helps to cool, soothe and calm overreactions. Aids in opening the feminine energies, heightening our intuition, known to balance women's hormones ......." Hmmmmm, laughing again.
So as I was still recovering from the shock of the bracelet, Noah who is 5yrs was very concerned that I did not have a birthday cake. We said he could make one instead so out he came with a plate of twisties surrounded by toffee lollies and I pretended to blow out the pretend candle in the middle. I had just finished that with him when hello, out came a real birthday cake. OMG again, as you will see in the picture it had Happy Birthday written on it and it was huge. It was sponge with three layers and an almondy liquor tasting custard filling in the layers with choclate lamington type surrounds and chocolate ganache swirls with choc buttons.
Of course they had got candles that kept on relighting but I already had trouble blowing them out because I was laughing too much.
Phil had also opened some champagne by then which got served up in goblets (plastic for picnics) with a strawberry in each glass. Well, Rita and Cecilia had several of those as did a few others so the afternoon passed by with much hilarity, topped by Rita lighting up a cigarette after giving up 5 months ago (bearing in mind she is nearly 90 - she said what the hell, putting an extra 5 yrs on her life by giving up was not a biggie, lol) in celebration of the day and also hearing from England that her 30th great grandchild had just been born. (Also followed by another glass of champagne).
The day started to wind up about 5.30 and various people peeled off with a few of us left to sit back and have a coffee. I got back here at 7.30pm bypassed dinner completely, lol and found I had received more emails, ph messages, txts and posts of facebook, so a wonderful day in all. So, thank you to one and all who made the day such a wonderful one and this will certainly be a landmark one in the book of memories. I received several gifts before I left NZ from family and friends so feel very spoiled indeed and am still receiving cards and emails so woohoo. I had managed to ring No 2 son earlier in the week for his 35th birthday on the 11th and contact sister in law by email on the same day, and next off the rank is No 2 grandson who turns 1yr old on Saturday 20th. Hard to believe that year has gone so quick. So will now sort the photos that I am adding to this post, hence the delay Val, as I am not quick at this, lol. And once again, thanks to those who have been in touch since I have been back here.
Love the cake - and the jewellery.Good to see you back in print again.
What a great birthday! The blog is back and breakfast is interesting again - love it.
Kay: Ditto and it is good to be back.
Valderado: :):):) well done you for the comment. heh heh
The drought has broken!!!! Missed the posts so much, even though you were here. Keep them coming.
Good luck with job hunting.
So glad you had such a wonderful birthday. Coming to terms with the fact that you are 55 as that makes me 75!!!
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