Who would believe it, I am actually playing cricket (I use the term in its broadest sense, lol) and have the bruises to prove it. No1 grandson has chosen cricket as his sport, so for the last two days have spent a good amount of time on the front lawn - which is kind of flat- by Wellington standards, lol, either bowling or batting with Mojo (the dog) acting as fielder at times. So, the last time I had a go at cricket would be about twenty years ago and pre wearing glasses. I wasn't sure whether I would be able to guage the ball as I seem to be unable to play tennis since wearing glasses, but it has been all good :). In fact I am doing 4's and 5 1/4's (No1 Gs's scoring, lol) when batting and have been able to bowl numerous 'outs' which means I have bowled to the edge of the concrete path without the ball being hit. The bruise is spectacular, lol, and covers most of the left knee and is the result of some fielding when I dove sideways for the ball, sliding on the grass a la a rugby slide. Who knew it could result in such pain and damage? but there has been heat coming off the bruise and knee is tender to move and was excruciating when knocked against the table. Can only put it down to the aging process which impresses me not, lol. Last night was very exciting when No 1 Gs caught the ball on the full when I hit it. I don't know who was more surprised but I am sure the whole neighbourhood enjoyed the shrieks of excitement from myself heh, heh. (His Mum inside preparing dinner thought major damage had occurred). On Sunday afternoon after a bout of practice on the lawn, we went to 'real' cricket practice at a local park as No1 Gs is in a cricket team.
In true Wellington spirit, it was windy and cold, with cloud halfway down the hill behind the park! We got back home and put the gas heater on - in the middle of summer. I naturally had multi-layers on and resorted to sox as well. In keeping with the temperature, we had a very mid-winter type dinner - Lambshanks cooked gently in the oven in a wine and herb mix, with boiled potatoes, fresh beans and asparagus. The meat fell of the bone and was absolutely delicious.
We had started Sunday by going to Church where No1 Gs attends Sunday School. It is a very ordinary looking building from the outside but a beautiful old wooden building on the inside, with huge wooden beams and wooden ceiling, with old darkend wood pews stained and stained glass windows. We went to the family service where many of the children were in a nativity play with lots of audience participation, interspersed with some good old belting carols, followed by a sausage sizzle on the vicarage lawn next to the church.
We got back here and I had to charge the video camera up while No1 Gs found numerous leggo people and animals from his collection, and before dinner, I had to film his version of the nativity story. (Peter Jackson need not be too afraid yet, but watch this space, lol). We did the nativity story which then segued into Jesus as a teenager hanging with the shepards and wise men with a superhero overlay and heaven knows where that would have gone except we were called to come and have dinner. All good fodder for the 21st birthday, heh heh. I have a suspicion there will be more movies made yet.
Yesterday I walked No1 Gs to school with his Dad (he caught the bus to work along the way) and got introduced to his teacher before walking back here. (Walking and cricket, I hope you are all taking note, lol). I came back via the supermarket - managed to buy some strawberries - $1.99 for a large chip, mangos $1.59 each woohoo (they are Australian ones and cheaper here, go figure), and bananas $1.99 bunch. I am loving how cheap this fruit is. Also went to the Salvation Army shop as I needed something to read and managed to pick up four books for $10 so that should see me through the next 10 days.
It has rained during the night but I see the sun struggling to come through. The temp is meant to be around 14o Celsius today (put Celsius for the benefit of those who read this who are still using farenhieght and Centigrade). Not sure what today is going to bring, but am going to watch No1 Gs who is going swimming after school - they have a heated pool for children so is used all year round. We are in the midst of doing Christmas cards so if there is any energy left after dinner, I guess we will do a few more :).
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
Oh my goodness....he looks just like Daniel Vettori- without glasses and whiskers.
AND, for the record.... I don't think you were that good at tennis BEFORE you wore glasses.... and (refer note above) Daniel Vettori wears glasses and can catch a ball. (LOL)
Do you think you could have done more than bruise the knee? Is it swollen? (Could you tell? Lol)
Hope you enjoyed the weather today - remarkably nicer than usual!!
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