Should be heading to bed but telethon is on the telly with all sorts of stars on from Rafters and All Saints, so have been hopping up and down checking things out. Have had an intersting week since getting back from Perth, got back Wed before last and spent a good amount of time trying to sort out paying my fees to uni here. What a mission!!! I was waiting for an invoice to arrive - as you do, and then had a suspicion that it was heading to be overdue . Tried for two days to find info on computer - was looking in wrong place, even with a phone call to try and work it out. The workmate got me sorted and then, power failure here for most of the day and night it needed to be paid. Went back into site after the weekend to pay, to find I could no longer pay direct into their account, so another phone call. Was told to get a cheque in the mail. Explained 280k round trip to bank and had no transport, was told to let them know when I would be in town again, could not pay by bank card over phone and still could not pay direct. OK. It transpired thatI was also was having extreme hassles with email connections that week and then Perth, no bank and unwell. Got back here to receive a letter on the 25th Sept that was sent on 8th Sept to say fees needed to be paid by 22nd Sept. You can see a theme happening here. Rang and emailed uni and they said if I could get cheque in by express post that day would be ok. Got off the phone, went back into email,as they were sending me a form I had to post with cheque, to find internet down. Internet down at school also so mild panic though went and had some lunch with neighbour for an hour in the hope connection would come on again. Got back and eureka, email back up, and then printer would not print. Went to re-install printer but taking too long and couldn't interrupt, so what next. Aha, flash stick - got it to down load on flash stick and hied my way up to school to print out (had organised and borrowed ute at morning tea time). I rang Mullewa Post office to see what the cut off time was for express post and was told 3.35pm. It was 2.45pm as I got up to print out form. Loading, loading, loading, VERY slow comp system, finally get printed form and nearly 2pm, so shot home, to pick up something vital, (prob wallet) and off I went. It is 40k roughly to Mullewa and have to say, went 140k all the way hoping like hell no kangaroo, emu etc would leap out and dodged lizard so all good. Made it with 3 mins to spare. Asked for cheque to be written, and then Mrs Post Office said that she would have to write three as max cheque could be written out for was $1000. I was busy addressing envelope when she said, before writing out second cheque, she should check how much money I could get out of my account. Had not thought of that. Drew first $1000 out all good, and then bang, would not let me draw any more. At that point felt like falling to the floor and howling like a banshee at sodding bank/post office/uncle tom cobbley and all. Could not use visa again for money withdrawl - how was I going to pay for already addressed envelope and then OMG petrol to get back. ARRRRRGGGGGG. Mrs Post Office could see things were a little stressed with me, hubby was hovering ready to seal off post bag, so took pity on me and let me use visa in shop to pay post office for envelope, (phew) and I scribbled quick note on form, sealed it and could do no more. Had realised by then, could also buy drink on visa and also go to next shop and get petrol, small amount of sanity returned and had slower trip back. What to do with the remaining amount to be paid - cos,wouldn't you know it, Monday was to be a public holiday in WA while uni in Victoria!!!! More email hassles but did get one off to say would go to Geraldton on Tuesday first thing to bank and another express post - could do no more......
It was the first night all of us left here were in the same place as first day of school holidays, so got back to find dinner invite for home made pizzas up at the workmates (there was a god after all, lol) and it was great to catch up with everyone. Saturday reaquainted myself with my house, washing, cleaning etc and Sunday much the same. Monday attempting to do assignment and more procrastination and a campfire that night which was nice way to end the weekend.
Tuesday the WM came with me and off to Gero we went for part umpteenth of the fee paying saga. Went to rip the liver out of the bank as to why I could not access money on Friday and they had no idea as my limit was max at $2000 already and prob down to branch rather than main bank. Great!!!!! Withdrew money plus some, and zoomed to Post Office in town who had no prob with writing cheque for whole amount left owing without having to do two cheques - smiling through gritted teeth by now, and so stressed by everything had a dyslexic moment transposing amount I needed to pay and sent $100 too much but so over it all couldn't have cared less at that point. Got home to find email that previous money had arrived but owed remainder needed to be there the next day when it wasnt going to arrive until the day after that. Tis now in the lap of the gods and am off the whole workings of banks and institutions over here.
To counteract all the above, had a bit of theraputic shopping with WM before heading back for roast chook and pavlova for dinner - bliss. While I was in the midst of shopping I finally applied for a Medicare number which took about 10 mins. Yippee so I now can get sick in Aust cheaper, lol. You get a rebate on Dr and specialist bills and prescriptions so how good is that. Said I would prob not cost them much as only been to Dr once for medical check for mini van license in 18 months. However have regarded it as form of insurance, lol. I did actually go to apply for a number when I first arrived but they were not keen to give me a number back then. Eighteen months seems to have shown commitment to being here, lol.
To balance all the drama with fees, got my first assignment back in the midst of the hassles with 92.5% for my Health, nutrition and fitness assignment - which is kind of ironic, lol. Hmmmm must say, have been eating with more healthy choices since beginning assignment and have actually lost some weight into the bargain, still out on the massive exercise kick though, lol. So, that was a buzz and cheered me up immensely.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
Ha ha .... sounds like a good theme for a Fawlty Towers-esque sitcom. Congrats on the good result for your assignment. Having a reunion-saturated weekend this weekend, but very soggy. At least there are no far.
Ciao baby - Well done on your sasignmnts - as Margaret says you don't get old without being artful!Roma is hot and full of Romans and things to be done. We are getting off to the Pantheon this morning and went to the Sistine Chapel yesterday. Good to check out your news and can't wait to skype when we are home. Hi to Kay Laura and Vivienne - check out my where'slambie blogspot if you'd like to.LOL J&J
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