Had toyed with the idea of going to Perth for the weekend but as final details for our last girl were not completed until the day before the long weekend, that trip fell through. Ah well, another shopping day in Geraldton to compensate. Had a VERY leisurely cruise through several shops and spent money I had not entirely planned on by purchasing a thingie to go on any hardbacked chair, that does back massage. It was on special (my fav price) which was dollars cheaper than other shops and I managed to get an extra discount so saved $100 in total (by spending $200, LOL). Massage thingie, thy name is bliss. I got the one that does shoulders also with an intensity of an average sweedish masseuse. I have had several of the best nights sleeps in ages after using it and my shoulders feel very stress free, lol.
Saturday I was rung by the WM to see what I was up to - nearly caused myself a mischief by going from deep, dreaming sleep to bolt upright and grabbing for the phone (at the crack of 10am, heh heh). It transpired we were off on a wood gathering mission for the fire back at the dorm, and for the camp fire we were to have that night. Hmmmm housework waiting at home, day not at home - there was no contest! Set off in the school ute, past the now empty pig stys and out to the eastern side of the farm. We went as far as we could until we came to a creek bed that was still dampish from the rain earlier in the week. The WM was a bit nervous that we might get bogged down if we went too far along the bed so at that point we returned the way we had come. We had stopped several times on our venture to pick up wood. This was mainly thin branch type pieces of scrub that lie everywhere where they fall as the scrub type thing dies. The other wood we were looking for were pieces of mallee scrub root. This comes in various sizes and looks not unlike a lump of wormy driftwood though solid and clumpy at the same time. Must remember to take a photo next time which will save a 1000 words of description.
Once we loaded up the ute it was well after lunch so I shot home to hang out washing and then later that afternoon drifted back up to the WM's and then down to the campsite which is at the back of our new boarding house. The WM went and picked up several old car seats from the dump a few weekends back and set out a campfire site so it was ideal for our evening - plus we had a loo handy in the boarding house and running water if we needed it, lol. We got the fire going about 3.30pm, piling it with the larger bits of wood that would not fit into our house fireplace. First course of the evening was toasted marshmellows - big, fat, crunchie on the outside, squidgy on the inside, caramelised yum.
Toasted Marshmellow
Second course was barbqued sausaged, bacon and onion in bread with tomatoe sauce and coffee made from boiled water in the billy on the fire. The WM had wrapped potatoes in tinfoil (called alfoil here - for aluminium foil I think, lol) and rested them in the burning coals so our 3rd course was baked potatoes dribbling with butter, salt and pepper and the flavour that is immediately the taste of childhood fires at home or the next door neighbours during the autumn/winter months. But wait, there was more - for the piece de resistance - there was freshly made damper - wound round the end of my marshmellow stick like a sausage and rotated slowly over the coals until cooked then filled with more butter and golden syrup. What was different for this whole event was the fact that whilst trying to cook damper, I was on Skype on my laptop to Mum and sister Kay in NZ so they too could share an Aussi campfire, lol. Ah, the marvels of modern science!!!!!
Sunday I finally succumbed and did a modicum of housework in between reading my library book when news came that there had been a fire up at school, - the Italian's had unwittingly left a pot on the stove when they had gone off site to Mass and then for a cup of tea at one of the neighbours. Another staff member who was cleaning up one of the rooms next to their quarters noticed a funny smell, and when she went to investigate saw the smoke coming out of the door. Luckily, yet another staff member was nearby and she grapped two fire extinguishers and put the fire out. OMG, I have never seen such a mess as the pre-flame singeing and smoke had gone part way up the wall behind the stove and then went into the air con system in the ceiling and therefore into every room there was. Because the building is concrete it didn't catch fire completely but there was not one thing that was not smoke and soot damaged. It was all very dramatic as they were in the process of packing to return home, leaving for good. Luckily they were well insured. They have had to pack everything as it is and will get everything reassessed and professionally cleaned on their return home. Talk about going out with a bang and not a whimper! Luckily we had spare rooms down at girls boarding so we put them up there until the girls got back and they stayed off site last night before leaving today.
Monday was the WMH's birthday. Another early morning as I was to be there for the present opening and an early breakfast. The DP arrived and after bacon and eggs it was all go to be packed and ready for a days fishing at the beach at Dongara. Had an uneventful trip there and picked a glorious day to be at the wharf fishing - it was hot enough for the sunblock to be used, lol - this as it was 7o in Wellington when I had talked to No 1 son's family that morning. It was a slow start to the day fish wise - several which only deserved the title 'f' instead of fish - had to be thrown back though two were kept for the barbeque which we had for lunch. The WMH had bought the 'how to recognise what fish it is' brochure but had neglected to bring the one that told of the correct sizes of the fish to be caught. I have seen bigger herrings is McConnachies tomato sauce than the two offerings that made it to the table. All very hunting and gathering though, lol. After lunch we moved to the breakwater and there were a gazillion fish there but again barely bigger than the hook. My theory was, where there are schools of tiny fish, bigger fish should surely follow, and they did - just as the third bag of bait was finished and it was heading towards to dusk. Ah well, it was a healthy, fresh air sort of day and better luck next time. Note to self - do need to get myself a fishing rod so we do not have to take turns. I had forgotten how much fun surf casting is and though rusty, can still cast a line! We drove back in the pouring rain for a good amount of the way and it was also well dark by then, getting back here by about 6.30pm. Got back to find that the local satellite doohicky was possibly struck by lightening as there was no cell phone or internet coverage at all up at school - not properly fixed until Wednesday as it was only itermittent up until then.
It is a shame work has to get in the way of holidays, lol.
PS: Although there is no more mouse in my house - I spotted one zooming into the pantry in the boarding house today - have broken out the serious death to vermin bait yet again - gotta love the colder weather for driving them in.
It all sounds like hard work at the moment - NOT!! Glad to hear that you are keeping occupied! All good on this side of the ditch. Have an exam on Thursday which will keep me busy and off the street for the rest of this week anyway.
Good Luck with the exam - will be thinking of you.
Hi there - big news - David Bain is "not guilty" - now watch the vultures get into the compensation racket - or try to. Some here clearly do not believe that he is innocent even is he is :not guilty". Should be interesting.
we are at home this weekend! Last Queen's Birthday we spent at Katikati and the Mount. Mum decided to stay in the timeshare she has owned for over 35 years - having always used it outside the country till now. We had the weekend with her - and visits from the Giles and the ex and his partner, asd well as Jenny and the Scot. Two solid= frosts this week - -4 degrees it is winter. Perry was 6 on Friday! Where does the time go? It is now officially 106 days till we leave for Europe - so who's counting? Love from us
Very Enid Blyton in the 21st century....
Nice photos (specially the marshmallows).
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