Have had rather a few action packed days this week. Wednesday was the town run. Got away at 9.30 and had several stops in Mullewa before we got to Geraldton. Got to have a bite to eat about 3pm and got back here as the phone was ringing with the WMH inviting me up to dinner. Bliss. There was steak cooked to perfection (have finally got him cooking medium rare from the boot leather, well done, he was used to, lol) roast pumpkin, carrots, potatoes and cauli with brocolli and cheese sauce. Had barely taken three mouthfuls when the phone rang. It was the WM telling us that the roof was leaking (there was no rain) and water was dripping on the enclosed verandah floor. Sure enough - there was the water, dripping through the (electrical) exit sign, with a large WET spot on the carpet and more forming. The hatch up to the roof was padlocked so I got on the ph to the fix it bloke, the Brs and the Principal. Found we had a key to the roof after all, so WMH and WM got on the roof, to see water flowing out of a tank. They switched something off but even more water was coming in. By then the Brs turned up (after more calls to fix it bloke) and between everyone, managed to find another switch and there was something about a ball cock - suffice it to say, the water ceased flowing on the roof and it was deemed safe to let the girls back in the house. (We had shoed them downstairs in case another ceiling decided to give way, lol). When I first rang the Principal, he was in the middle of cooking his dinner - good I said, mine was congealing on a plate next door!!! Once the water was stopped from the top of the roof, we returned to eat the by now extremely cooled dinner. I was so hungry, couldn't wait for the microwave, besides the steak tasted great cold and I didn't want to over cook it.
I stayed and watched Australia You've got Talent semi finals and Criminal Minds and then walked home with my NEW torch. I got a dinky LED light torch last weekend and it worked perfectly - not a snake or fox in sight, lol. I checked some emails when I got home as it was only 11ish and I had the day off next day. Well, the WM had sent me a challenge on Facebook with some word puzzel game so I had to have a go, then I beat my own score and then did better. At 2.30am brother Brett popped up on skype as he was just getting ready to go to work in NZ. Had a quick chat and after I had beaten the WM on one lot of puzzels (I had found another two and gave them a workout too, lol), I went to bed and read for a bit, probably turning the light off about 3.30pm. Yay, sleep in in the morning! Tuis (yeah right!!!!)
The phone went at 7am waking me up. Slithered across the bed to reach it before it cut out and lo and behold it was the WM - "I'm dying, didn't get a wink of sleep last night, have made a Dr's apt in Geraldton and I need you to drive me in" Good oh, I'll just wake up and be up.....
Got dressed and headed up to school just as the DP was leaving his house so caught a lift up with him and headed straight for the coffee machine. Had two double shot cappucinos and then a normal one in the space of 30 mins to go with the two crumpets I had snarfed down before I left
We set of to Gton and I was still not wide awake and the WM commented I had not changed gear once until nearly at Mullewa. OMG, I was driving a manual again after the luxury of the Brs new automatic car. Oh well, after some trouble with the gears, (I seemed to have trouble with the sequence) we had got through Mullewa on the open road and I was zooming along reasonably wired when this car came towards me with flashing lights. Were they flashing at me? Should I stop? Yes to both questions the WM said. I pulled over and the said car pulled up behind me and there was a cop at my window. Have you got a licence (open wallet so packed full of receipts etc I could not find my licence immediately and in fact had forgotten what it looked like). You were speeding madam, 123k. Heavens to Betsy was my reply (thank God they had not got me at the 14ok I had been doing). Had I had a ticket before (more laughter, as it was 36 yrs ago on the Southern motorway going to a wedding and I didn't get off that one either) I was then asked to blow a breathaliser and was laughing so much (already thinking how this was going to look in my blog,) I had to do it twice. Meanwhile, cop number two was walking round the car - and proceded to default ticket it for the windscreen that was broken. When asked who the car belonged to I said hers, oops, it came up in the WMH name (will have to have a word to him about women's lib and dual names for ownership etc), so by now I looked like a blithering idiot, possibly drunk (with tiredness) driving an unsafe car that I couldn't identify ownership of!!!!! I think they thought I wasn't taking them seriously enough. The upshot was $150 fine and two demerit points. The WMH had 10 days to get the windscreen repaired too - (fortunately they were covered by ins). It was a buggar of Toyota proportions but could have been so much worse. It was a bit of a shock afterwards when I realised that I must truely be getting old as for the first time, these guys were not so hot in uniform, quel disappointing realisation - arrrrhhh.
It was an expensive day in the end as I found two new shops whilst the WM was waiting for her apt - one a gift shop, and one a scrapbooking shop - they do say no good turn goes unpunished.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
1 comment:
After all that I hope Bronny is feeling better now. Are you sure you werent being filmed as they did the routine bit, for an episode on some Police/Criminal programme? If not, I bet they missed something. Hope you are all okay, love Mum
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