Monday, 30 June 2008
Thank you one and all.
It was a bit hairy getting down and back to Wandalgu in the bus, lots of mud and water. I believe there was something between 20 - 30mls of rain as of yesterday morning and it continued intermittently yesterday as well - all good. You can almost see the wheat grow.
We had CART yesterday for the first (and last) time this term. We now have six horses that can be ridden so everyone got several turns yesterday. I held myself back from riding as I did not want to do myself serious damage before the holidays. There was plenty of mud to traverse and a moment of excitement when we went over several bumps at once and the cart came away from the tractor. I initially thought the bit that holds it onto the tractor may have shared off (see us helpless with laughter as a)no one is hurt, and b) the tractor drives off up the track only stopping when some shrieking was heard over the sounds of the engine). I was very impressed with Br as he dug in the sand to lower and raise strategic bits of the cart as he jacked it up to couple with the tractor again. I dropped the bolt in to hold it altogether (the culprit which had sailed out as we shot over the bump)and we were on our way again without further incident. It was great to see the paddocks (the size of some third world countries) greening up and to see sheep with their lambs roaming paddocks with grass in.
After lunch I went with most of the girls and some of the boys and their staff to a place called the Coalseam which is somewhere between here and Mingenew. It is a reserve area with a rock face that has been cut away by the Irwin River - the rock being 550 million years old and part of the formation when Australia was joined to India and the Antartic known as Gondwanaland. Australia only being separate for 45 million years. Just yesterday really. The river had flooded earlier in the year and there were saplings about a foot in diameter and bigger, that had been torn out with lots of debris about them, as they lay on their sides on what is higher ground than the current level of the river. You can climb to the top of the coalseam (Surprise, surprise - I didn't LOL). There was a bush loo in the reserve - read long drop - but with loo paper yay! Spent a very nervous few moments on said throne as only thought about what insect life of any poisonous variety might be lurking once sat sitting so to speak.Fortunately, I was not there long enough to do more than scope the sides and ceilings before scarpering out without incident.
One of the biggest differences between NZ bush and the WA Australian bush I realised yesterday, is the lack of undergrowth. The wildflowers are starting to spring up everywhere - as yet only greenery/leaves - flowers are not due until August. I recognise strawflowers growing everywhere. One of the boy's staff showed me a mushroom growing under a scrubby tree and the old hunting and gathering instincts leapt in to play. I covered heaps of ground finding two excellent specimens and one that was past its best by, date. Not like at home where you can feed several families off the front paddock. Whilst I was in my hunting as opposed to gathering mode, I noticed two new birds - (Kay, take note)- a beautiful electric blue, small bird called a blue wren and a little chaffinch looking bird that is a redbreasted wren/robbin not sure which. I also became acquainted with snottygobbles. It is not an unpleasant child or feed (ycccch) but in fact a plant that grows on a host tree like mistletoe. (Apparently not so long ago the answer to this question was due to win some bloke $500,000 in a quiz, and he picked animal instead of plant!!!) I am told it has a red berry that is sticky when it is 'fruiting' and birds wipe their beaks on trees that leave the seed behind - ain't nature grand. I thought I was having my leg pulled by the name at first, but folks its all true.
Back to the camping hol - the sleeping bag has passed the acid test, having spent several nights now sleeping in it without any extra blankets and have been kept cosy and warm. I have found that I bought a left hand opening SB - who knew there were righthand/lefthand opening bags!!!! The thermal undergarment has proven a boon in the cold and inclement weather we have experienced over the weekend and I will be buying an extra set, plus leggings this week to be set for the entire winter. I know you are meant to be able to wear them wet but cannot bring myself to road test that theory. I even turned the SB upside down so the opening would be on the rhs the other night and it still worked, I just had the hood round my neck therefore VERY cosy and warm. Last night I may have snored my way into a cabin though LOL (heh, heh cunning plan and all that!!). The workmate and I both had a sleep over in theory to get the jump on our boarding reports today, however she awoke during the night and had to move out into the lounge as once she had awakened my sonorous tones would not let her get back to sleep.....
The bell has gone for dinner so had better fly. Will try and add some photos before anyone gets to read this later tonight when I get home.
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Blue, Blue Lady but now I am in the Pink LOL
I was rescued from my gloom by news of an impending birth in NZ (welcome to
Sophie Michelle) and being whisked off to Mullewa with the workmate's family and the Italians, to witness and attend the Reconcilliation service that follows Baptism. There were about 9 kids involved (inc WM's son) for their first confession. The service was lovely - involving each child as they read prayers and acted out the gospel reading. The children were all from the Catholic School attached to the Church and so it was very much a community service not unlike attending Otaua (Waiuku) church (except there were more people, LOL). There was a cup of tea and supper afterwards with a cake cut by all the children, each of them receiving a certificate to mark the occassion. We stayed a seemly amount of time and then raced back to catch the final of Australia you've got Talent and I think it could be anyone one of 4 who were outstanding - announcement on Friday as the public vote now!
Have had a big day today - Gton run again. Delivered a girl home this morning and had my same passenger as last week for another dentist appointment. As this lad is an outdoors type, I took him to "Rangers" first to help me pick out a sleeping bag for camping. I am pleased to report I am now the proud (or slightly insane) possessor of (and I kid you not) a 'Ranger Outdoors Murchison - 5o Jumbo Hooded Sleeping Bag!!! It is black with two glow in the dark, (nuclear explosion) reddy orange stripes (does it make me look like a Ferrari?) down each side on the front of said SB - with grey lining. I understand that the -5o means I will be warm with the temp dropping to that level without extra covering - watch this space!!!!
Because you can never go to a camping shop (with things on special!) and buy just one thing heh, heh I bought a thermal underwear, long sleeve top (with the words 'action sportswear' on the box (getting into it will be enough action for me LOL), and wait for it ....... an "anti-mosquito" shirt under the label "Wild Country"!!!! The label reads: This product has an exlusive non-toxic (how do they DIE then?) and hypo-allergenic insect repellent and anti-microbial finish* It has been shown to be effective against a wide variety of insects and dust mites, greatly reducing mosquito bites. It is not a total guarantee against bites, so if travelling to known risk areas you should ensure you follow your Drs advice and take full precautions against maleria and other tropical diseases. *this product is classed as a non-irritant. - Having just typed the whole label, I realise I only read the top half in the shop, so guess it may not work against dengue fever!!!! I shall give it a road test here first - it comes with a sticky transfer on the shirt with a mosquito in a red circle with a red slash through it. Should any mossies out there recognise international signage, I should be fine and they should be very afraid. Am going very explorer with the shirt being a 'Steve Irwin', intrepid shade of khaki!!!!!
Have had adventure already on the way home tonight no less. My passenger and I were trying to listen to 'Sweet Home Alabama' on my MP3 (one ear phone each in opposing ears LOL) when the MP3 went on the blink. Whilst trying to get it going again one handed in the dark, and my passenger trying to find music on his mobile phone, I somehow missed one of the turnoffs back to school. In one of those "shouldn't we be on dirt road by now" moments I ended up by driving for miles until yay, there was a CBAS 15K sign with arrow pointing left. I took the road less travelled by, and yay again, dirt road this time though wide and unrecognisable in the pitch black (did I mention that there was no moon, tractors seeding etc to light the way). After some time - 15ks worth @ 90kph, hellllo, I found out it was the Pindar Tardun road we were on as it joined back onto the main (dirt road) home - I had driven in a semi-circle on the way to Morewa and back!!! But wait, there's more.....
How fast can a kangaroo hop?? Well, if tonight's experience is anything to go by - a joey can hop at speeds between 40 - 45kph. I had not long turned off to Wandalgu (another 15k!!!) when two smallish, youngish looking kangaroos leapt onto the road and started running down the middle of it in front of me. Now, if I was a true Aussi, I probably should have run over them but I was having a Buddist moment (do not kill any living thing) and so merely made them run. I would say one peeled out after about 3k - thankfully to the right hand side of the road, the other running until the end of the T junction, then turning right as I went left - about 5 ks in all. Neither were to be seen on the way back, I should imagine they were both lying up somewhere exhausted and with barely any skin on their feet! There was only a bunny, a rat and a feral cat (not chasing the rat unfortunately) that ran in front of the ute on the way back. I am pleased to report I did not SWERVE to miss any of the above - as luck would have it the last of the vermin remain alive due to their speed and my own not being in conjunction.
I am about to don the thermal undergarment and think I may give my sleeping bag a road test tonight and try it out sans blankets. The temperture gauge outside says 14o so that gives me some 19o to spare. Will let you know how it all goes.
Monday, 23 June 2008
Open Day the sequel
Well, perhaps I had a smidgeon of down time as I called in to the workmates home to borrow the car to take home my crock pot and other assorted baking implements plus washing and arrived in time for toasted muffins for breakfast and a game of BUZZ (as you do). The kids were kicked off their play station game - and BUZZ was plugged in. Played the general knowledge type one (there is a music one as well) and came 2nd to the WMH with the two boys coming 3rd & 4th respectively. I was doing Ok except when it came to speed questions and rounds where points could be stolen from you. My fingers went dyslexic more than once and the whole family ganged up on me to take points off my score (small violin sound)!!!!! We then had a quick round of the music one and I think I got 3rd. More pressure with the buttons and got totally confused more than once which round I was in. I blamed the lack of sleep heh, heh. Time was slipping away, so then headed home to bake.....
I hate gas ovens!!!!! Give me good old fashioned electricity any day where the temperatures match my recipes. I started with a Margaret Moore choc/coconut slice (so named because when MM was an announcer on AKTV 2 and the radio back in the day - she read the recipe out on air while Dad was milking and somehow he copied it down - or so the legend goes). Hm, trays are not the same size here as home (to fit the sodding gas ovens) so after pressing the mixture in as I guessed the correct size it should be (tray bigger) bunged it in the oven. Cooked it a bit extra as you seem to need to do and by that time I had my 1st batch of banana choc chip muffins ready to go (Alison Holst Muffin book for those playing at home). I used frozen bananas defrosted in the microwave for about 1 min per banana and they thawed perfectly. I then whipped up the family recipe coffee cake (previously mentioned as the WMH's birthday cake). This time with the ingreds measured and mixed in the right order and not a double mix. Whilst that was cooking the 2nd batch of muffins were created. Why this frenzy of baking you ask? Well it was my bit for the Open Day cake stall!!!
The MM sliced turned out as did the muffins (both lots) - unfortunately the coffee cake came apart as it came out of the tin - I was not well impressed. I also now understand why the recipe says cook it in a ring tin. This cake in a normal round tin cooked well on the outside but took ages to cook completely in the middle!!!! All this was done, I might add, on about 2 foot of bench space and a bit of the table (not already covered with other stuff LOL). I had a very Toyota ute thought at the coffee cake outcome (BUGGAR), slapped some icing on it and took it back to the workmate's family for afternoon tea - it tasted fine. I was then challenged for a rematch with BUZZ again and this time with total concentration and fingers that worked a bit better, I won! It is now to be best of three LOL to be played at a future date.
Open Day dawned bright and clear with cool breezes. I let the girls sleep in (LOL) until 7.30am, then ensued a feverish clean up of the spaces not completed the night before. We were absolutely spick and span by 10.30am, when of course the first parents arrived for the 12 noon start. Open Day was like a country school calf club without the calves. There was a cake/vegetable stall, raffles, mocktails, crazy hair and fingernail stall, knitted scarves, wool etc stall, games, and rides, with exhibitions set up in the classrooms and library plus demonstrations of fencing, horse riding, trampoline, and stockwhip cracking. Lunch was provided for everyone as well as afternoon tea, families paying an entry fee to come in initially WITH rides etc being part of the fee. The rides consisted of a farm quad bike pulling a 'train' of what looked like 44 gallon drums cut into half with seats in as carriages, and a small, hairy, Thelwell type pony pulling a cart. The bakery was cranked up and something like 9 trays of pizza were cooked which vanished in a snap. There was a pen of piglets down by the laundry and the farm tractors were parked up alongside. The whipcracking was amazing and how talented are some of these kids. One of the boys whom I thought was brilliant, was taught by his Grandfather who is a Champion several times over I believe.
I was upstairs for a good part of the day talking with parents and waiting to show people through but did manage to buy some cornflake crackles (the honey sort), tried to guess how many lollies and jelly beans were in their respective jars (both wrong), had a mocktail, bought an embroidery set of two doilies (linen $2!) to embroider (have started already LOL)and a scarf which happened to match the lime green jumper/top I was wearing. The scarf is a furry type wool? in lime green and lovely winter cherry red. Got lots of compliments. The temp yesterday - between 20-30o. Saturday morning it was down to 14o!!!!!! Yesterday went till about 4pm and everyone was stuffed (food and tired LOL). A very early night for all last night with toasted sarnies for supper.
It would appear that my hols (11 sleeps to go)are shaping up. I was informed by the WMH on Saturday that it had been discussed the night before and I am to go CAMPING with the family and some friends who are coming from Bathurst - up the coast and north - not sure how far north yet as am to get an itinery this week. CAMPING in the middle of WINTER so hope you are all impressed. We will be in tents so have to get a swag and a sleeping bag - I predict a visit to Rangers (my favourite camping shop) is imminent. There will also be walking/hiking involved ...... so am going with the 'oh well, you wanted something different', attitude and hope I survive. I am dusting off my (walking) runners, LOL that I wore in EUROPE this time last year. Can you see extremes my life takes. Europe/camping in the Outback!!!!!! hmmmm

This is a photo of the sunset at Kilbarri where we went at half term. This was from the beach front looking out to sea. We are going back to Kilbarry as part of the great road trip north. Hope you are impressed with the photo.
Friday, 20 June 2008
The Week That Was.
Had a major Eureka moment earlier this morning - finally managed to transfer myself some money via net banking. A big thanks to Kerry at the Waiuku National Bank, whom I spoke to yesterday, just before I was about to throw a fit. I got the requisite code required and then waded through multiple box filling criteria, only to find I had missed the cut off time from Australia for the day..... However, a good nights sleep and there it was in my NZ account this morning AND I got lashings of extra NZ $$$$ in the transaction - 'O frabjous day'.
As I was walking backwards and forwards - school, home, school yesterday (laden down with bags), I happened to pass the DP and made the comment 'Goths marching to Rome' and ye gods and little fishes, he not only knows 'Fotherington Thomas' from the Ronald Searle books, he has them in hardcover!!!!! Quips such as 'hello birds, hello flowers, hello trees',(that became the catch cry in our family when Mum would wax lyrical about some panaramic view, or splendid scenery whilst on family outings)and 'Chizz, chizz', were bandied about whilst we both enjoyed the moment. (This will only mean something to a few selected folk at home, chizz,chizz). He is going to try and dig them out for me to look at.
Had Mass last night as Father has other places to be tonight. We had a Baptismal Mass as the workmate's youngest son decided he wanted to be baptised, then there is something called reconcilliation next Tuesday night - a service at the Mullewa Church. No doubt, I will be enlightened before then. It was a very nice service, and the Italians stood in as proxy Godparents for family unable to make it(lots of jokes to the parents about kangaroo heads instead of a horse head, should anything go wrong they are now in the family so to speak, LOL).
Did the Gton vegie run on Wednesday by myself, all 12 hours of it. Drove out of here at 9am Wednesday and it was 9pm by the time I had finished unpacking the urgent stuff that night. The ute looked like the Clampett wagon out of the Beverly Hillbillies - only thing missing was granny in a rocker on the top of the ute! I had a new dryer, vacuum cleaner, a mini-putt thing that had to rest against the back of the tray and went a metre over the roof, 8 large broom handles sticking out one of the windows at least a foot,(sorry about the interchanging measurements, it's too late at night to convert either way), a piece of skirting 2.4mtr, resting along side the mini-putt, 2 smaller brooms, vegies, boxes of cans of drink for the tuck shop to say nothing of a host of other parcels in the back seat, and a boy!! I was fairly proud of myself as I managed to find my way round really well, only one problem looking for an address that was in the book with the name of the building and the number, neither of which was displayed anywhere on the outside of said building. Minor stress as I drove about for 3/4hr looking for it and only needed 8 calls to the school during the day LOL. Had to drop the boy down to Wandalgu when we got back here as all the troops had left by then so that was an extra 30k to the day at the wrong end. Had my nearest misses re kangaroos yet. I was going slower than normal with all the stuff on the back and just past Mullewa, I spotted two kangaroos hopping along my side of the road - I slowed nearly to a stop, flashed the lights and tooted the horn and yes they leapt out in front of me recrossing the road instead of heading onto the verge they were already on. A sigh of relief there, and then just before the school, out leapt another one! Again a near miss thanks to my lightening reactions....
In the, Gotta Love small towns vein, first stop on the vegie run as per usual was the Mullewa Library and an hello to Erica. Whilst I was changing my books, out popped another lady who said, I just caught you name, are you from Tardun .... and presented me with a Welcome to Mullewa goodie bag that I had missed out on when I did not make it to the Shire gathering during last school holidays!!! I was blown away, there was a business directory, a cap, a community directory, a copy of 'A Special Patch in the Dry - A Country Women's Association of Western Australia Gardening Book, a calandar - Ocean to Outback, and a folder on Mullewa - discover an everlasting culture - that has a map and postcards that go with it, all in a cotton bag with Mullewa - an everlasting culture, written on it. They really know how to make folks wellcome over here and I believe every new person to the district receives one.
It's Open Day here on Sunday so this week has been flat out with lots of cleaning and sprucing of the place going on. There are displays in the library and Girls Boarding will be open on the day for inspection. The students are involved in showing off activities such as horse riding, fencing, woodwork, static displays of classwork and demonstrating the trampoline. There will be horse and cart rides, food for sale, raffles etc. We are all on deck from about 11.30am until 2.30pm. Tomorrow we are going to support the boys at football in Gton and have to leave here at 7.30am so am going to get some shut eye as I will have to be up at 5.30am!!!!!. I have the heater on cremate back in the bedroom - there is no other heating in the building!!! (Yet, LOL).
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
Tuesday Feast Night

Photographic proof as per Kay's request! (Thank you for the recipe - I did give you and Zelda the credit)
To more mundane stuff, we have had MORE rain - all good except the temps are now in the 20's during the day (had the heater on today) and it has taken a day for the washing to dry!!!!!!! There was a heavy fog this morning which I missed (asleep LOL) and dark rain clouds over head a good part of the day. Dry clothes was the least of my worries today because "ta da" the corporates raised their ugly heads again just to spite me. I have been trying to transfer money from OZ to NZ and at this stage, it would be easier getting an audience with the Pope! I have checked my bank cards and statements, looked up the white pages and the only sodding number I can find is the 0800 number for the call center (National Bank I am talking about!). Of course, the 0800 number will not accept International calls. Why do I need to contact them - well, after getting passwords and secret handshakes (I am kidding about the last bit, but it feels as bad as that) from the Commonwealth Bank of Aust. - and getting cleared to transfer my own money!!! I have to have some IBN number from the NZ Bank to get the transaction started...... yes, well that took two hours on the computer and the phone up at school today. By then it was after 5pm NZ so gave up and will try emailing the bank instead tomorrow. Was at the brick throwing at the screen stage so decided to walk away.
Am on the Gton vegie run tomorrow. Will be on my own as Br M in Perth again though I do have to bring someone back from the bus late afternoon. Am picking up a new vacuum cleaner and dryer for the girls to use which will make life much easier for us all. I also have to pick up stuff for Open Day on Sunday so hope I do not get lost.
I understand petrol is now up to $2.09 per litre in NZ. It has gone up to $1.63 here and everyone is shocked by how dear it is. I think diesel is about $1.89 - and like everywhere else, it is said
to climb again yet. What shocks me at the moment is the price of lemons - $5.95 per kilo - it is very hard to buy them when I am used to picking them off the tree, or getting a bag from friends' trees. Other trivia on the news here tonight - some bloke has married a woman 50yrs older than himself - she is in her 90's! Both madly in love ......... and met on a bus. Hmmmm.
On that note, I will sign off and get some shut eye.
Monday, 16 June 2008
Always take the weather with you.
The only teensie, minor problem was that when the precipitation began falling yesterday, we were in Gton attempting to watch soccer. Of course we had just lugged the chilly bin, water chilly bin thing, box of bread and container of fruit from the bus to the grounds and sat down on the blanket on the grass when the rain began!!!!!! So, back on the bus and after a quick stop to pick up stuff from two student's homes, we headed to Sunset IGA - a complex that also has a chemist shop, bakery, cafe, and gift shop open on a SUNDAY. Good carpark to park the bus and perfect for a quick stop up. I had decided to make my sister's, mother-in-law's Hot Fruit Stew for the Tuesday dinner and without the recipie - from memory (a dodgy thing these days) flew down the dried fruit aisle grabbing various packets of fruit, found the pearl barley, and gamboled on ginger ale being the secret ingredient (green stones ginger wine being the best secret ingredient, but they do not sell alcohol over here in the supermarkets!!!!!!), plus a packet of pork crackling and cafe tim-tams for good measure and I was on my way. I did hesitate at the gift shop which had the magic words SALE everywhere, with chooks abounding, with a $5 table of interesting things and a $1 table ... and I RESISTED!!!!. (almost needed 2 panadol and a lie down to cope with the shock LOL) Desperately needing the recipie for the fruit stew in case I had missed anything vital so I could beg, borrow, steal or travel for 3/4hr there and back to Morewa, I texted Mum (the only family ph number in the school mobile LOL) to contact Kay (my phone battery expired as I went to contacts!!) to email me asap with the recipie. Got an OK from Mum, and leap for joy, the email was there this morning (mid day/late afternoon your time in NZ). Gotta love the miracles of modern science.
It was still raining so sat about in the bus back at soccer taking it in turns with the workmate to supervise those who wanted to be wet through and cold, (and catching up with the boys) watching soccer. Managed to keep reasonably dry by sitting under a porch - all part of the rich tapestry of life at Tardun LOL.
Had a bit of excitement on the way in seeing 'our' eagle fly right in front of the bus - it has a wing span of roughly 1 1/2 m,and is black with tan markings on the body. This was followed not long after by having two young kangaroos leap across the road in front of us (the third was taken out by a staff member the other week) and then in a NZ moment LOL - two sheep in the middle of the road.
The seniors got a treat on Saturday night when the workmate took them to the movies to see the latest Narnia movie - reports back are that it was great. Juniors very septic about not going but goodness me, behaviour has improved markedly since - I am working on the 'Pavlov's dog theory - good behaviour gets treats - the seniors have been quicker to learn this trick - based on my own child rearing theory - If I was happy, everyone was happy, If I was unhappy - everyone else's life was a misery (my boys will vouch with this, nodding their heads and will be able to give many and varied examples of their misery LOL)
The bell has just gone for morning piece (am tea) and there is a birthday cake involved so will sign off and indulge before heading home. Catch you later.
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Feast Days
You will also note a new picture instead of my mug - a bird of a different feather LOL. It's only taken me 2 hours to get to this stage!!!!!!!
Am feeling somewhat like a pate de foie gras duck at the moment having just had the second round of the three course meal the "Tuesday Feast Club" had last night. Our Tuesday night turnabout cooking/Tv night with the workmate's family has increased to include mother and daughter of our resident Italian family (while father works). From our humble one course meal with ice cream desert, it exploded into a three course feast last night with choccy biscuits to go with the after dinner coffee (my feeble contribution even though they were superior choccy biscuits LOL). Pumpkin soup with cumin seeds (yum) followed by green thai curry chicken drums, rice and veg (5), and the piece de resistance, the real deal, home made, tiramisu contribution from the Italian branch of the family. I do not think I will ever eat another shop bought one again and am working on getting the recipie as we speak - watch out at the next family gatherings (it may take more than one gathering to try out all my new recipies on you LOL). So, the gloves are off and we are now going to do turn about with the courses - (it's my turn for desert next week) so its cookbooks and the niece's blog site at 40 paces as we each try to come up with something extra delicious. The second round mentioned at the top of this blog is because I have just finished the left overs with the family after delivering their vegetbles from the Gton run today. My own poor batch of soup is still in the crock pot and will now have to wait until tomorrow for me to begin working my way through it.
Watched the usual telly last night with lots of interactive comments. Managed to pick the winner of the semi - finals for the talent programe - a 15 yr old girl who sang an opera number that had the hairs standing up on the back of my neck. I will watch out for her name at the finals because she was brilliant. Managed to diagnose that it was a calcified baby that was the growth inside the female patient in "All Saints" and got 'who did it' in new CSI so a good nights effort whilst I stitched more around the teddy quilt.
As I drove the workmate's car home I nearly had a fit - a flaming fox trotted out from behind where the bus had been parked after netball and was strolling over to the rubbish bins outside the kitchen. (Cue, A fox went out one foggy night.....) Initially, I thought it was one of the dogs on the property but the pointy face and the somwhat bushy tail gave it away. As it turned to run away, I drove after it to see where it was going but it ran between the classrooms into the darkness. Hmmmm thought to self - I had walked home at a similar time the night before and had laughingly told the Italian part of the family, there was no worry about walking around at night - I have had it on good authority the snakes are all asleep and it is too cold for lizards.... Who would have thought it - two foxes in a matter of days. I am told (reliably....) that I do not need to worry about the aforementioned beast(s) because they do not attack people and they are most likely to run away at the sound of someone walking about. Let's hope.
Wondered how today would go, as I started by having a shower leaving all the towels in the lounge from the wash I did yesterday - what to do????, managed to dry my not inconsiderable proportions with the only thing available - a hand towel - almost the definition of impossibility but after some contortionist movements to manage getting my back dry I then realised I had only got the top half of my clothes with me in the bathroom too!!!!! (had visions of cleaning the chevvy impala with a postage stamp as the somewhat equivalent of the challenge presented whilst using the hand towel to dry myself). Draping oneself strategically with wincy night attire - the only other thing in the bathroom after my feverish round of cleaning yesterday, I was able to dash to retrieve the nether wear part of my ensemble from the bedroom from whence I had left it.) However, the day went splendidly after that. Got to drive the Brs good car (140k on the tarseal all the way heh heh) and what a difference that made. Had to purchase a heater for my house and bought another duvet inner so can have two duvets on for extra warmth. I had a fleeting look for a hot water bottle but no joy as it was only a fleeting look - just had a thought to myself - I think I will try a chemist next time I go in. Also got two bags of potting mix so I can plant out my cherry tomatoes and spinach tomorrow.
Am really getting into watching DVD's at the moment so I can stitch at the same time. Have watched 'Road House' with Patrick Swayze (as good a body as in Dirty Dancing LOL) and Sam Eliot as the good guys who severely beat the s...t out of the bad guys. Also watched "Ice Age 2" (and was disappointed in that - not nearly as good as Ice Age 1 which I love) and a reasonably forgettable Catherine Zeta-Jones in 'No Reservations' with her being an extremely anal chef who ends up raising her niece after the mother dies in a car crash. All very yawn and predictable. Still have completed 3/4 of the quilting!!!
Strange sight number whatever, whatever - I saw this last week and forgot to mention it - the crossings outside schools in Gton are 'manned' by people wearing fleuro jackets holding a round sign in each hand and they just walk out into traffic, raising their arms with the signs, blowing a whistle to indicate that it is safe to cross. The person I espied first was a woman who reminded of the one who is not Kath and Kim (Maggie Subsomething in real life??? the short, round one LOL) as when she sat down on a bench at the side of the road her feet were at least 6" off the ground and she was swinging them to and fro like a child (she was also wearing one of those white canvas type hats). As soon as she spotted people on the side of the road wanting to cross, she leapt down onto her feet, drew herself up and dashed into the middle of the road, gracefully raising her arms and blowing a whistle at the same time. How no one runs her down, I do not know as there was little warning before she would leap into the middle of the road. Spotted her again today - and then two others all in similar get up - I think their signs said 'School Traffic Police'!!! Might see if I can get photographic evidence LOL.
Thanks for the emails and phone calls this week. I have found a new phone card provider that costs 2.5 cents per minute to ring NZ so will try that out over the next week as I get the chance. The choir performance in Auckland sounds as though it went really well, and yes I did get to see the photo - not enough hamsters in the wheel to tackle "you tube" though. I was aware of the storms in Perth the other weekend because some of the staff who were down there for the weekend were in the area where there were blackouts etc.
Am sitting right on top of the heater which I have sitting on a shoe box (lying in't middle of th road, LOL) because it was only warming me up to my ankles!!! May have to rethink the sort of heating I need for here. Am about to go and re-arrange the duvet inners and will curl up with my book for awhile. Ciao for now.
Monday, 9 June 2008
And now an Emu!!!
Woke up this morning warmish (had gone to bed in full winter regalia) to hear the sound of water running down the drain pipes. At some point in the night it had begun to rain (4mls this morning and a further 3 mls this afternoon) so it would seem several prayers had been answered. Although the temp has also dropped with a bit of wind, the rain has been just the right sort at just the right time and another day or two would be perfect I'm told. This is despite the fact that yesterday I was sitting in Gton watching soccer (sort of) for two hours in the sun.
Our seminar today was part of an 'Accreditation to Work' in a Catholic School. The focus of the day was the Bible - how to find your way around it, the history that surrounded the writing of it, common mis-conceptions (it does not mention THREE wise men - it says "some" and there are no apple trees mentioned re the Eve eating an apple story) and how it relates to everyday living. The bloke who took the seminar was excellent and was both knowledgable and almost Monty Pythonish in his delivery when explaining in modern day language some of the stories he used to illustrate the points he was trying to get across. First of all, I was genuinely surprised how much I knew - (scarily so) so I guess 14yrs at Anglican boarding schools as student and a staff member, plus Sunday School before that has paid off. The history was fascinating as he placed when the different books of the bible were written on a time line - BC and AD are no longer used to date time - it is BCE and CE (before common era and common era). It would seem Jesus was born 4 BCE as that is the time of Herod!!! I now have to write a 500 word essay to explore the purpose, general structure and signifcance of scripture with reference how it has influenced my own life. Lucikly we have been given 6 ideas to work from and have made notes so hope to have that done by Friday. It's been a long time since I have had to write a 500 word essay as that is usually what I would write for an introduction (last essays I wrote were all 3,000 words). Ah well, will just have to be succinct.
It is officially my day off tomorrow but have some paperwork to sort out at school so will be up at some stage. I am feeling that it is soup weather and has I have a pork ankle (the bacon kind) in my fridge at the moment, I will put it on tomorrow in the slow cooker.
Have just looked at the time and I have to walk home in the pitch black so will sign off for now and have another go tomorrow. Just wanted to let everyone know I am fit and well - still no computers working upstairs and have not been near one in the last few days.
Thursday, 5 June 2008
Hot and Cold
Had a great dinner on Tuesday. I had prepared my vegetable tangine the night before, leaving it on slow cooking overnight and arrrgghhh!!!! when I got home, to find it was a dark brown sludge. This slow cooker cooks faster than the one I had at home obviously!!! Alas poor kaffir lime leaves, gone to waste. I had taken the girls to Morawa earlier in the day mainly so I could get extra ingredients for dinner that night. I got all sorts -except the CHICKEN - which was meant to be the other main part of the meal. As two other staff were coming as well (no pressure) I improvised. Whipped up another tangine sans lime leaves (figuring they wouldn't know the difference) and found 6 drumsticks in the freezer which got a microwave defrost. Once the tangine was in the cooker on fast cook, I marinated the chicken legs with lemon juice, lots of garlic and cumin powder. I lugged everything from upstairs in the girls boarding house over to the workmate's house and collapsed until revived with a coffee. Dinner was superb - had rice as well as extra chicken from the workmate's husband, and everyone enjoyed their meal.
Yesterday was the weekly trip to Gton. We had a niece of one of the Brs with us so left her with Bro M once in town, and went on the off chance to the hairdressers to see if I could get an anti-hag treatment and trim. Bless-ed, Bless-ed owner of the place, who even though she was flat out without a junior, squeezed me in for both. Am no longer looking like a tabby cat with two colourings done by myself since the last professional job LOL. Also managed a quick peruse around Target and Coles. I found cake trays (have been using the fat splatter round thing on the frying pan to date, LOL), a cake tin (on sale - $3.45), and stocked up on tonic water. We got to leave early for a change and were back at school in time for dinner. Because we were travelling at the onset of dusk, I drove back a little slower than normal (usually going 120k) and my instincts were right. There was a fox in the middle of the road!!!! about 1/2 way home. The first fox I saw was a blur, dragging a dead kangaroo off the side of the verge, but this was smack bang in the middle of the road. It did not look bushy like an English Fox but more lean and brown as it trotted off into the scrub. Closer to home, there were three kangaroos that leapt the fence one after the other to cross the road - missed them too, so good all round as our office lady had hit her third one the day before!
Back into Mullewa today for the Dr's apt - I didn't have it yesterday as they had an emergency on and I couldn't wait, hence the rebooking. Yet another emergency occurred up at the hospital before I arrived but was able to wait today. I got made a cappucino coffee and given 4 snax cracker biscuits to go on with by the nurse - I love the way they do things out here LOL. Have passed the medical but quel horreur - my blood pressure is up. 180 over 90 for those playing at home. Apparently it is the 90 number that's the issue. I am to leave things for a couple of weeks and go back for another blood pressure taking and a cholestrol test. Not impressed, but as my bp was extremely normal when at home in April am not too concerned. Will wait till the school hols and I have had plenty of rest LOL.
Whilst in Morewa on Tuesday, I bought two planters for my herbs and got some cherry tomato plants and some SPINACH plants - yay. Apparently its time to plant these things out here so am going to give it a go. Oh, to have fresh spinach again. I planted the herbs out today and need more soil for the others so will get some more on the weekend.
Bought a couple of DVD's on special yesterday - "Mrs Henderson Presents", "The American Quilt", "Beaches" and "Ladder 49". I watched "Ladder 49" last night starring John Travolta and Joaquim Rivers and it was an interesting watch - more so when I watched how they made it - all the actors did a full two weeks fireman training course, and went through real fire to authenticate their reactions and to move like real fire men. I had the feeling it was a post 9/11 movie and they did have a mention of that in the out takes.
Am in the library and about to shut up shop for dinner. We have three new girls since Tuesday and some girls only arrived back today so will no doubt have a noisey night tonight. Catch you later.
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
Day off LOL
Great discovery was that there are some new people who have joined the Baucke Reunion website - someone who is linked to Mum's, Mother's Mother. How good is that LOL.(They live in Australia) I also managed to find contact details for cousin Royce and Harata who are living up in Katherine in the Northern Territories. I gave him a ring yesterday and had a great catch up. I am now working out how and when to catch up with him. He commented on spookily I sounded like Mum, especially when I laughed ......
I also touched base with sister Kay - I have finally found one of these phone cards that allows you to ring from any phone as long as you put in enough codes and passwords to reach the moon and back! I had missed catching Mum who was outside when I rang as I was checking up on Clive after his op. I cannot believe that they have sent him home under 10 days from a bypass op (Waikato was never like that !!!!)
Had a very relaxing evening - watched a movie with the girls called "Pay it Forward" with Kevin Spacey, Helen Hunt and cameos from Bon Jovi and Angie Dickenson (how many of you out there remember her???) A bit of a sad movie which provoked quite a bit of conversation with the girls. I did some more stitching on the quilt so felt I had achieved something for the night.
Am off to Morewa to take the girls for the last outing of our "weekend off". Not a hugely exciting round of news today but the computer is up and running and so am I LOL. If you have sent me a personal email, it is likely you will here from me during the week with a bit of luck and computer willing. I am off to Mullewa tomorrow on the way to Gton for my medical for the bus licence. Girls all due back later today.
Sunday, 1 June 2008
Will 2lbs of butter make my butt look big LOL.
Seeing everyone was enjoying the fires and eating, we thought why not continue and have tea there as well. I went off foraging at the bosses place for a hot plate and then went to the kitchen and hand wrapped 20 bits of potatoe in foil, plus collected some meat packs, chopped three onions, collected some more butter, salt and pepper, sauce and bread and went back to the camp fire. By now the workmate's entire family were there with camp chairs (beats sitting on rocks that abound with ants), coffee in a thermos, more marshmellows and the 4WD cunningly parked with the tape deck going. We buried the potatoes under the hot coals and placed the hot plate in a nest of coals to one side and the girls went to work. Hot potatoes now with butter, to go with the bread with butter, sausage, sauce and onion.... I rolled home about 8pm. Whereupon I baked a cake.
It was the workmate's, husband's birthday today, so I resurrected my most ancient of cooking books and decided to bake a coffee cake Mum used to make on a regular basis. I doubled the mixture and baked it in a roasting dish. The usual recipie is baked in a ring tin so it was all a bit of a gamble. It took ages to bake - the recipie says 375o F and so thought if I halved it sort of and added a bit to make 180oC it might work. I also doubled the cooking time but had to give it about 1/2 hr extra on top of that. the cake turned out with a slight dip in the middle and quite a chewy sort of texture. This morning I iced it with butter coffee icing that disguised some of the dip and with candles and M&M's on top, it all went down rather well.
Did I mention I was up at 6.30am????? Up at school by 7am loading the car, having birthday cake and managing to leave the site by 8am for Kalbarri (note, I finally got the spelling right). This involved 2 hours of driving in the middle of nowhere (called the Chapman valley)before driving for 1/2 hour through the Kilbarri National Park. The Chapman valley was miles and miles of either red dirt acreage or wheat planted acreage. Great excitement when we saw two eagles (stopped for another photo op) and two trees full of black cocatoos. The National Park landscape was very scrubby, much like driving along the Desert road but with more vegetation. Kilbarri is where a river meets the sea - I think it is the Murchison river - we went straight to the township that runs along the shore which is smaller than Whitianga and to where the "carnival" was taking place. The green sward running along the beach frontage held stalls, a beer tent, a cooking tent and a truck with a stage and sound system on it. There were a few bouncy castles happening and active pursuits happening on the beach and in the tide. We strolled round the stalls - mainly hippy type jewellry, children's clothing and home preserves and met up with the other staff from school who were staying in Kilbarri for the weekend. Some of us decided to check out a few of the local shops - a touristy type shop - over priced and full of kitch and as we were about to go a bit further we noticed the weather had changed to black thunder clouds and within minutes it was pouring. Decided to go and get fish and chips for lunch and eat them with the other staff at their place. I nearly had a stroke at the cost- $130 for 10 bits of snapper and $10 chips!!!!! The fish was $12 per piece!!!!! We did have snapper and you could buy hake for $9 piece but OMG for that price Iwould have expected the whole fish. The workmate's husband assured me that it wasn't out of the ordinary for fresh snapper and could not believe I could get fish and chips for $5, with salt and lemon in NZ.
Unbeknownst to us, the other staff had cooked up a big pot of spaghetti and wiener schnitzel done Italian style so we were fair groaning with fullness at the end of the meal. Had a smidgeon of room for some blue vein castello and thought I was done for the day. At 4.30pm, however, we decamped to the beach once more as the crayfish were being served up at 5pm and for some, that was the imperitive of the day.(It had been mine too until after lunch) I decided I would pass it up but after having a mouthfull of fresh, cooked cray - I got the girls to get two halves and we all shared. OMG again! The crays were sliced in two in front of you and then put straight on the barbie, served with a dab of garlic butter and herbs and get this $10 for 1/2 a crayfish!!! (let them eat cray!! I say) Bliss. We stayed on for awhile and watched the sunset - beautiful pinks, shot with gold, and thought we might also stay for the fireworks but they were not going to happen until 8pm. As it was nearly 7pm and we had 2 1/2 hours driving back in the dark, we pulled up sticks and left.
The trip back seemed quicker, as it usually does. The workmate drove the ute back and I came back with her family. I have now been in a car that has hit a kangaroo - thankfully - just grazed its tail which left a mark above the lights on the bumper. Saw about 5 more on the way back but luckily none of them tried to leap out in front of us. It was only a small roo and I am just glad I wasn't driving.
I am not sure whether today's rain was anything to do with what Perth got last night. As we were leaving the campfire we could see lightening all around on the horizon. Apparrently over 20,000 people were without power in Perth last night after power was knocked out by the storm. Got back here tonight after coming through areas where there had been rain earlier in the day but no such luck here - maybe later tonight.
Am off home to crash I think. Another day tomorrow - at this stage a day on site but who knows LOL.