Hi to those who choose to read this. I have no idea if this will work but along with visiting ancient places, I am grappling with modern technology and have set this up to keep in touch as I ready myself for my trip to EUROPE. (as you can see I am getting just the teensiest excited). I have found myself dropping this into my conversation over the last two days, - no sorry, I will not be able to attend that meeting, I will be in EUROPE (heh heh.) I will try and post my itinerary out by email - again to the very interested and for those playing at home.
I am slowly packing - have spent tonight trying on thin summer clothes with the heater on full blast behind me and trying to sort out cables etc for my digital camera and video camera (hence the comment about modern technology earlier) For the classic buffs out there - I hope you appreciate the name of my blog and new gmail address. Going to Greece has been a dream of mine forever and to get Italy, France and England is a total bonus. Being a school ''Classics" trip most of the key historical places of interest are on our list to visit so will keep you posted with impressions on what I get to see. It is past the witching hour so will sign off and check if this has worked. Ciao
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago
Dear Lynn, great start, looking forward to "going"along on the trip with you, love and hugs, Mum
One small trip for man-kind....... one major leap for Lynn (whose name is not ususally mentioned in the same breath as such energetic words.)
Let's hope your odyssey has less drama than Odesseus's.
Well done. Have a great time and enjoy the Greek waiters !
Well then - what a ruinous way to go - all that history, so little time! Bon Voyage
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