Yes, I am off the school property and my rather womb like existence of the past week, and once more into the breach, with travel . Our cook Jude, offered me the chance of a lift to Perth coming down yesterday (Saturday) going back to Tardun on Wednesday. I rang my friends in Rockingham to see if I could catch up with them - yes if I wanted to crash on their couch, and so here I am. Shall digress a bit to cover the last week before I lurch back to the present update.
I have been extremely frustrated once again with connection challenges - wind, rain, and the inner workings of my laptop all seem to have conspired against me. I did try to upload photos to facebook last week, but after carefully selecting a bunch, faffing about to and fro from choice to upload button, I then lost the lot when windows said it was off line!!!!!! Many pithy and old English words said to computer I can tell you. I am not sure whether I have said before, but in my abode, the computer sits on a slant on the kitchen table that is in front of the window, me positioned front and side to be able to type, with blow heater on another chair so warmth is blowing on the greatest mass (hmmmmmm) rather than ankles which are suitably swathed in NZ woolen sox, and thus I am both comfortablish and able to get a modicum of connection. During the squalls last week, I was reduced at one stage to actually opening the window and holding the aerial dohicky up to the window whilst cold air poured through, which did however, manage to give me two bars of reception while I held it. Had to put the heater onto cremate to counteract the cold blast of air from open (screened) window - the things I am reduced to, to keep in contact with folk, lol. I have also transferred most of my photos to an external hard drive as the memory thing is showing red instead of blue. Have ruthlessly deleted all that looks unimportant and keeping everything crossed I haven't wiped out any vital functions.
Paid another visit to the Coal seam last Sunday as it was the annual Parish Picnic. Until the school closed the Chapel was regarded as a Parish church as locals attended services along with the students each Friday night therefore we belonged to the wider parish in our own right. It was a beautiful sunny day with a barbeque put on by the parish and salads, cakes etc provided by those who attended. There was communion out in the open air before lunch, then folk either relaxed back and chatted, climbed the coalseam or went for walks about the place. The flowers were mainly yellow this year and the ground was covered with pompoms, everlastings and cape weed in various shades of yellow from pale lemon to rich butter yellow. We called into the gravel pit (where the shire takes gravel for the road past the school) which is just across the road from our little enclave, and found that the two wreath flowers of a couple of weeks ago, had multiplied into many more and they were in flower. Photos were taken and I also found two new flowers that I had not seen before - the spring keeps on unfolding as new species of shrub or bush keep flowering.
The next three days were spent up at the workmates place, the WMH being in Sydney for a family celebration and the WM taken down by some virus/flu of some sort. I took charge for organising meals and the rest was just being there - did get some reading done for the next assignment and did work on the computer at the same time. Of course, the sad news of the week was the death of Patrick Swayze ........ RIP. Watched a couple of his movies but not Ghost or Dirty Dancing as it happens, that would have been too sad.
Friday dawned and I woke up with nose streaming, not impressed. Had a very quiet day at home, finished library book - and slept. Managed to iron and put things in piles for trip to Perth and slept again. Somehow I set the alarm clock wrong, waking up 15 mins before EDT nearly having a heart attack as I woke out of a deep sleep. Hmmmm thoughts of leaving house in pristine state flew out the window as I dressed at speed, threw sleeping bag and clothes into smallest suitcase and laptop etc into back pack to be able to be ready by 7am. Made it just as my ride drove through the carport!
Had an excellent trip down arriving at Midland around noon. We went down via Three Springs where we stopped for water, chocolate and the loo (as you do), then another stop at Moora for a coffee and melting moment to go. Where the paddocks on the way down were covered in acres and acres of wheat this time last year, I noticed that there was more canola planted and the colour was predominently yellow all the way. At Midland, Jude took me to the railway station and then bless, came into Perth with me to make sure I transferred to the Mandurrah line without incident. It meant getting off on one side of the station, going up an escalator, getting a ticket (automated machine), walking some distance, by then on the opposite side of the station where we had disembarked, down another escalator and there was the right line. Jude then caught a train back to Midland and I to Rockingham. Once seated I kind of zoned out - head still streaming and a bit muzzy and then had a moment as I looked out the window of where was I?. Had an Auckland Harbour Bridge moment/Wellington motorway moment with the tide on the right hand side and views of the city in a semi circle sort of, lol. Thinking - is there a dial a city plan somewhere that has a basic imprint of how to lay roads, buildings etc out. Main difference was the vegetation - lots of wattle and gum trees, and no flax or hebes, so yes must be back in aust, lol. The train was fun - reasonably spacious, quiet and electric, with all the stops clearly marked in signs on the wall and lit up above the doorways of each carriage. I was impressed that this line was down the middle of the motorway for some time and thought how sensible, once space does all. Watched how people departed at each stop - you press a button at the door when the train stops and then exit promptly cos there isn't any time wasted on long leavings, lol. Got to the correct station without any mishap with only a small wait to be picked up.
Am staying with friends from Rotorua and Hamilton days who have moved here for good. In the year since I last saw them, they have moved into their own rental accommodation (very nice brick three bedroom, place) and have furnished it through a couple of garage sales where they bought whole job lots of furniture and whitewear for a song. Things about civilisation that I like - non- bore water and Foxtel, lol. They have HDD TV/DVD whatever so you can record two programs at once and watch a third, OMG!!!! After being fed like a pate de foie gras duck on roast pork, veg and salad, followed by apple pie and ice cream (am not eating again til Monday, lol) Shells and I laxed back at watched Miss Potter, the movie about Beatrix Potter that had some spectacular scenery throughout. Maurice had gone to the local establishment to watch the All Blacks v Wallabies game and then on to a mates for a few more bevvies. We got a call just as the movie ended as he needed to be driven home so off we went. He was at his bosses place - and lo and behold, another kiwi and his wife who just happened to come from Rotorua and knew people that I knew, back in the day. That's twice in two weeks now that this has happened, lol. Shells tells me there is a kiwi contingent nursing with her and that most have come from Waikato Hospital ....... Watch out WA!
Great to see the AB's convincingly whup the Aussies for the Bledisloe Cup last night, lol and then Geelong (the WM's team) thrash Carlton later at the footie. Next week is the grand final so it will be a command performance as Geelong go up against St Kilda. I guess its safe to say, if I back anyone, it will have to be Geelong, especially if I am watching the game with the WM and family, lol.
Am having a lazy day today, watching more TV, catching up on emails etc as Shells has gone to work and it is a miserable cold and wet day outside. Am about to go and curl up with book on the couch in front of the heater - bliss.
this town's a different town to what it was last night, you couldn't have
done that on a sunday
I swear I ate and cooked best in my second and third year of university,
weird though that seems - I mean, my first year was definitely full of
8 years ago